Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3001   835  RFP freebasic  412060  32-bit BASIC compiler with MS QuickBasic compatibility  3  nobody
 3002   2,754  RFP kafka  786460  Distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service  3  nobody
 3003   3,525  RFP jsbsim  724061  the JSBSim flight dynamics model  3  nobody
 3004   337  RFP picosnitch  1050463  monitor network traffic per executable  3  nobody
 3005   2,746  RFP steamos-compositor  851363  SteamOS Compositor  3  nobody
 3006   348  RFP openfwwf  513974  Open Firmware for Broadcom b43 wlan devices  3  nobody
 3007   3,254  RFP libuncommons-maths-java  796643  Random number generators, probability distributions, combin…  3  nobody
 3008   2,100  RFP crosstool-ng  695545  tool to build toolchains  3  nobody
 3009   388  RFP cavif  1040308  Encoder/converter for AVIF images  3  nobody
 3010   295  RFP raceintospace  748321  free software version of the Liftoff! board game  3  nobody
 3011   470  RFP slimevr  1034126  VR software for using full body tracking  3  nobody
 3012   1,494  RFP multibootusb  915458  A cross platform utility to create multi boot live Linux on…  3  nobody
 3013   1,292  RFP rolisteam  979835  tabletop role playing game over the network  3  nobody
 3014   3,133  RFP indicator-keylock  709149  indicator that displays the status of the keyboard lock keys  3  nobody
 3015   2,556  RFP redo  741029  a top-down software build system  3  nobody
 3016   3,134  RFP openscribe  766941  app for transcribing audio files using a USB footpedal  3  nobody
 3017   3,525  RFP cabocha  729126  A Japenese dependency/case structure analysis system  3  nobody
 3018   1,568  RFP openbazaar  817915  server daemon for OpenBazaar network  3  nobody
 3019   3,651  RFP open-numismat  702351  application for coin lovers, numismatists or amateurs looki…  3  nobody
 3020   276  RFP qalculate-qt  993587  Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - Qt version  3  nobody
 3021   1,963  RFP krew  924412  krew is the package manager for kubectl plugins.  3  nobody
 3022   3,135  RFP python-debiancontributors  732991  Manage submissions to  3  nobody
 3023   1,464  RFP lunarg-vktrace  890475  LunarG vulkan API capture and replay  3  nobody
 3024   1,450  RFP mage  808428  a C/C++ software toolkit for reactive implementation of HMM…  3  nobody
 3025   2,349  RFP hdhomerun-config-gui  697415  GUI Configuration utility for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun  3  nobody
 3026   2,352  RFP hazelcast  745640  distributed cache  3  nobody
 3027   3,453  RFP indicator-multiload  709804  A port of the gnome multiload panel applet to appindicators…  3  nobody
 3028   2,869  RFP sc-controller  825217  steam controller open source driver + GUI  3  nobody
 3029   1,432  RFP electronic-wechat  966584  A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. Built with Electron.  3  nobody
 3030   1,409  RFP bandwhich  949575  Terminal bandwidth utilization tool  3  nobody
 3031   2,632  RFP ceti-2-theme  862402  theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell  3  nobody
 3032   1,080  RFP emulationstation-de  992096  Emulator Front-end  3  nobody
 3033   707  RFP solanum  1017744  IRCv3 server designed to be highly scalable  3  nobody
 3034   1,603  RFP non-daw  950923  Non is a modular DAW which includes four components: non-se…  3  nobody
 3035   2,613  RFP syncterm  739035  SyncTerm is the Synchronet Terminal  3  nobody
 3036   928  RFP fontedit  962120  edit fonts as byte arrays for use in embedded systems  4  nobody
 3037   2,424  RFP turtl  883701  Note-taking application with secure online syncing  4  nobody
 3038   2,224  RFP editorconfig-geany  890252  editorconfig plugin for geany  4  nobody
 3039   2,905  RFP libalien-base-perl  778548  Perl base classes for Alien modules  4  nobody
 3040   2,820  RFP ruby-chefspec  794545  unit testing framework for testing Chef cookbooks  4  nobody
 3041   464  RFP fonts-source-code-pro  736681  set of fonts designed to work well in GUI  4  nobody
 3042   2,715  RFP qmc2  598846  MAME/MESS Catalog & Launcher Frontend  4  nobody
 3043   2,558  RFP kplex  869677  NMEA-0183 (GPS data) multiplexer  4  nobody
 3044   1,127  RFP translatelocally  990310  desktop application for text translation  4  nobody
 3045   541  RFP geckodriver  989456  proxy for using W3C WebDriver compatible clients to interac…  4  nobody
 3046   1,015  RFP helmfile  924413  Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts  4  nobody
 3047   3,134  RFP naemon  753928  Host, service and network monitoring and management system  4  nobody
 3048   405  RFP shadowsocks-rust  1036804  a rust port of shadowsocks  4  nobody
 3049   1,185  RFP tsc  832287  The Secret Chronicles of Dr. M.  4  nobody
 3050   1,690  RFP watchexec  946546  Executes commands in response to file modifications  4  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!