Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 751   3,063  RFP confiture  747823  Python library to parse configuration files  0  nobody
 752   3,063  RFP sblim-sfcb  754493  Small Footprint CIM Broker  0  nobody
 753   3,594  RFP node-jscoverage  747751  JavaScript coverage tool  0  nobody
 754   3,063  RFP bleufear-gtk-theme  752011  A dark theme with a wild streak of electric blue  0  nobody
 755   2,306  RFP geany-themes  745391  collection of color schemes for the Geany IDE/editor  0  nobody
 756   2,829  RFP pkg-create-dbgsym  749094  automatically build debug symbol ddeb packages  0  nobody
 757   3,063  RFP jain-sip  754447  A low level Java API speicification for SIP Signaling (used…  0  nobody
 758   1,626  RFP gnukhata  751674  Free Accounting Software  0  nobody
 759   3,084  RFP rox-xdg-menu  749565  generates menus for window managers from .desktop files  0  nobody
 760   3,063  RFP nft-sync  747932  nftables ruleset synchronization software  0  nobody
 761   2,834  RFP libcmime  704909  libcmime is a lightweight mime library, written in C  0  nobody
 762   3,063  RFP ats2-mode  746026  Emacs major mode to edit ATS2 source code  0  nobody
 763   1,773  RFP apr-json  699496  JSON serializer / deserializer for use with Apache Portable…  0  nobody
 764   3,389  RFP pyneod  534160  pyneo mobile stack: daemon suite  0  nobody
 765   1,462  RFP zesarux  749573  ZX Spectrum emulator  0  nobody
 766   3,063  RFP audela  744236  Astro-imaging software  0  nobody
 767   2,625  RFP gshhg-gshhs-bindata  753614  GSHHS binary datafiles and the C header file  0  nobody
 768   3,594  RFP node-reduce-component  750204  array reduce component - Node.js module  0  nobody
 769   2,603  RFP wolfssl-jni  744082  Java interface for wolfSSL  0  nobody
 770   3,063  RFP python-geventhttpclient  745497  High performance, concurrent http client library for python…  0  nobody
 771   847  RFP weblate  745661  web-based translation tool with tight Git integration  0  nobody
 772   3,580  RFP python-shove  701126  python module for object storage to be accessed in a dictio…  0  nobody
 773   3,063  RFP snmp4nagios  744126  SNMP Nagios plugins  0  nobody
 774   3,522  RFP libonion  744119  lightweight and easy to use HTTP server library  0  nobody
 775   224  RFP  754357  GNUstep clone of Mastermind (TM)  0  nobody
 776   710  RFP distkeys  745478  Distkeys - upload SSH keys to servers and more  0  nobody
 777   3,063  RFP booktype  750674  Web application for collaborative book production  0  nobody
 778   2,268  RFP bccontrib  754198  Skein hash, Threefish encryption and  0  nobody
 779   3,582  RFP bgs  745451  back ground setter  0  nobody
 780   3,063  RFP patchclamp  752737  basic tool for patch clamping physiology recordings  0  nobody
 781   2,830  RFP coffeelint  746619  static code analyser for CoffeeScript  0  nobody
 782   3,063  RFP libvarnam  746947  “Varnam” is an open source, cross platform transliterator f…  0  nobody
 783   3,594  RFP yasr-js  753349  Javascript library for visualization of SPARQL results  0  nobody
 784   3,063  RFP tinycthread  749338  minimalist, portable, threading library for C  0  nobody
 785   3,063  RFP rdfalchemy  748871  RDFAlchemy is an Object RDF Mapper for Python  0  nobody
 786   456  RFP sblim-cmpi-devel  754479  CMPI C++ Wrapper and development headers  0  nobody
 787   2,848  RFP manokwari  747612  desktop shell for GNOME 3  0  nobody
 788   3,580  RFP libcatalyst-controller-soap-perl  702584  Catalyst SOAP Controller  0  nobody
 789   2,225  RFP patchwork  703226  a console or web based patch tracking system  0  nobody
 790   1,452  RFP intellij-idea  747616  An integrated development environment for Java and other Ja…  0  nobody
 791   3,063  RFP execpermfix  748562  Fixes executable permissions  0  nobody
 792   3,580  RFP richbool  703981  An advanced portable C++ library of over 80 boolean-like ma…  0  nobody
 793   3,062  RFP psymon  706481  A cross-platform, task and performance monitor.  0  nobody
 794   1,681  RFP apg-gui  753891  GUI for Automated Password Generator (APG)  0  nobody
 795   3,580  RFP fabtools  702298  tools for writing awesome Fabric files  0  nobody
 796   3,063  RFP casadi  745758  symbolic framework for algorithmic differentiation and nume…  0  nobody
 797   774  RFP libhdt-cpp  749416  Library for RDF HDT file manipulation  0  nobody
 798   3,063  RFP jscover  750442  Javascript code coverage  0  nobody
 799   2,613  RFP gdb-heap  699175  gdb extension to debug dynamic memory allocation problems  0  nobody
 800   3,063  RFP unqlite  766730  Self-contained transactional NoSQL database engine.  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!