Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 601   2,400  RFP lua-stdlib  727169  Standard Lua libraries  0  nobody
 602   3,432  RFP golang-urlconnection  728657  Go library to connect to targets given as URLs  0  nobody
 603   2,604  RFP alienfeed  728940  Reddit command-line client  0  nobody
 604   3,432  RFP golang-doozer-exportedservice  728662  Doozer exported HTTP/TCP/whatever service ports  0  nobody
 605   3,471  RFP adbfuse  729259  fuse layer for ADB  0  nobody
 606   3,041  RFP pstar  734793  The P* Web Programming Language  0  nobody
 607   3,041  RFP pysshmenu  734380  Menu for quick connections to your remote hosts  0  nobody
 608   3,041  RFP keysigningpartytools  737072  create a better formatted list in PDF format by reading a F…  0  nobody
 609   3,042  RFP travatar  732718  tree based machine translation toolkit  0  nobody
 610   3,432  RFP web100-userland  728808  The userland library and utilities for accessing and manipu…  0  nobody
 611   3,432  RFP postgresql-madlib  729883  MADlib is an open-source library for scalable in-database a…  0  nobody
 612   3,041  RFP light-table  734653  IDE with real time feedback  0  nobody
 613   2,475  RFP zathura-mupdf  731447  mupdf backend for zathura  0  nobody
 614   3,041  RFP prpltwtr  732562  libpurple plugin to add microblogging as an IM protocol  0  nobody
 615   3,042  RFP readseq2  732990  readseq2 is a rewrite of readseq converter  0  nobody
 616   2,221  RFP rssdrop  727727  deliver rss feeds to Maildirs  0  nobody
 617   3,042  RFP libdesktop-agnostic  730677  Desktop-agnostic library for GLib-based projects  0  nobody
 618   3,032  RFP joyent-mdata-client  728749  Metadata tools for interacting with SmartOS datasources  0  nobody
 619   2,582  RFP ibus-sayura  729937  Sinhala Transe IME engine for ibus  0  nobody
 620   2,627  RFP pyhusl  734394  conversions for HUSL (human-friendly HSL) color space  0  nobody
 621   2,592  RFP previous  686278  previous: NeXTcube/NeXTstation emulator  0  nobody
 622   3,432  RFP django-oauth2-provider  728162  Provide OAuth2 access to django application  0  nobody
 623   2,593  RFP gitignorer  727676  A simple utility that aids in the creation of .gitignore fi…  0  nobody
 624   3,432  RFP libpoly2tri  729491  Lightweight triangulation library for simple polygons.  0  nobody
 625   3,432  RFP python-iris  730668  Python library for analysing and visualising, meteorologica…  0  nobody
 626   907  RFP plasmate  734369  tool specifically tailored to creating Plasma Workspace add…  0  nobody
 627   2,341  RFP surl  729755  URL shortening command line application  0  nobody
 628   3,042  RFP gadgetron  732361  an open source framework for medical image reconstruction  0  nobody
 629   1,998  RFP pybitmessage  731975  peer-to-peer trustless communication  0  nobody
 630   701  RFP gwt-maven-plugin  683642  maven plugin to compile Google Web Toolkit applications  0  nobody
 631   605  RFP iiu  735505  iiu (is it up?) is a command line tool that checks if a web…  0  nobody
 632   3,343  RFP libjs-viewer  727530  display ODF and PDF into web applications  0  nobody
 633   2,724  RFP gitprep  733089  Git repository management application  0  nobody
 634   3,041  RFP openstack-guest-agents-unix  735520  Agent to install in VMs running under a Xen-based OpenStack…  0  nobody
 635   3,432  RFP libwebsitesnapshot-qt  730128  A library for taking website snapshots.  0  nobody
 636   2,758  RFP lubuntu-software-center  733509  Utility for browsing, installing, removing applications.  0  nobody
 637   3,432  RFP crfpp  729128  A Simple Implementation of Conditional Random Fields  0  nobody
 638   3,041  RFP napi-bash  729471  Light and fast Polish subtitle downloader from the napi-pro…  0  nobody
 639   3,042  RFP radosgw-agent  731526  Synchronize data and users between radosgw clusters  0  nobody
 640   1,954  RFP lua-alien  727170  Pure Lua extensions  0  nobody
 641   3,432  RFP fonts-autonym  729859  A font that can render all language autonyms  0  nobody
 642   3,432  RFP expect-lite  729595  easy to use version of expect  0  nobody
 643   2,554  RFP libvmod-throttle  732041  Throttling module for Varnish  0  nobody
 644   3,041  RFP wallabag  734753  self hostable application for saving web pages  0  nobody
 645   3,041  RFP kenlm  736419  faster and smaller language model queries  0  nobody
 646   3,107  RFP weave-minimal  732716  lightweight firefox weave/sync server  0  nobody
 647   3,042  RFP python-eveapi  727688  EVE Online API access  0  nobody
 648   3,445  RFP libdata-spreadpagination-perl  728513  page numbering and spread pagination  0  nobody
 649   3,432  RFP inkscape-plugin-qrcode  728729  Inkscape plugin for generating QR codes  0  nobody
 650   3,041  RFP profileswitcher  749245  make easier to use more profiles in Iceweasel and Icedove  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!