Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 451   2,664  RFP v3c-qt-examples  652435  v3c/automake wrapper for Qt4 - examples  0  nobody
 452   3,651  RFP node-helenus  709825  Apache Cassandra client implementation for Node.js  0  nobody
 453   3,660  RFP kfilebox  715527  Unofficial KDE Dropbox client developed in QT. KFilebox (pr…  0  nobody
 454   2,314  RFP libjs-jsxml  712220  XML/XSLT to DOM parser in JavaScript  0  nobody
 455   613  RFP brickutils  714956  Utility for organizing your collection of LEGO(R) bricks  0  nobody
 456   2,666  RFP plasma-widget-bitcoin-chart  718885  bitcoin exchange rate plasmoid  0  nobody
 457   3,135  RFP braingl  711956  exploring and visualizing anatomical and functional connect…  0  nobody
 458   3,134  RFP simplenat  714017  script for autoconfigure simple NAT server  0  nobody
 459   2,630  RFP mayan-edms  718580  Django-based Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)  0  nobody
 460   2,307  RFP  707166  Makes WebSockets and realtime possible in all browsers  0  nobody
 461   3,651  RFP trac-testmanager  708271  full test management life-cycle for Trac  0  nobody
 462   3,047  RFP ldglite  715053  Display, edit and render 3D LEGO(R) LDraw models  0  nobody
 463   527  RFP fidocadj  708312  a multi-platform editor for electronics  0  nobody
 464   3,194  RFP python-scrapelib  657278  library for scraping websites  0  nobody
 465   3,525  RFP eatmonkey  719214  Stupid download manager for monkeys and Capuchins!  0  nobody
 466   3,651  RFP rbdl  717589  Rigid Body Dynamics Library  0  nobody
 467   2,714  RFP meta-suckless-tools  709237  meta-package installs simple commands for minimalistic wind…  0  nobody
 468   1,513  RFP octoprint  718591  Responsive web interface for 3D printers  0  nobody
 469   3,135  RFP sqlite3dbm  719345  A sqlite-backed dict conforming to the dbm interface  0  nobody
 470   3,134  RFP libtiger  712821  Kate rendering library  0  nobody
 471   2,737  RFP libsamsung-ipc  713937  library to communicate with modems present in Samsung smart…  0  nobody
 472   3,651  RFP telemeta  717961  open web audio CMS  0  nobody
 473   3,641  RFP async-unix  718239  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (unix)  0  nobody
 474   3,641  RFP async-extra  718240  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (extra)  0  nobody
 475   3,651  RFP moocng  707135  open source MOOC platform  0  nobody
 476   3,641  RFP async  718237  a library for OCaml asynchronous programming  0  nobody
 477   1,245  RFP gnome-theme-clearlooks-flat-compact  710526  Compact GTK+ 2, GTK+ 3 and Metacity theme  0  nobody
 478   3,135  RFP timelib  719343  A short wrapper around PHP's internal DateTime ext  0  nobody
 479   2,819  RFP ruby-spinach  713890  BDD framework on top of Gherkin  0  nobody
 480   3,651  RFP python-pingdom  717591  3rd-party Python library for Pingdom's new REST API.  0  nobody
 481   3,405  RFP kpassgen  610911  password generator written in Qt  0  nobody
 482   3,135  RFP qserve  719341  A job queue server  0  nobody
 483   3,651  RFP mediawiki-mwxml2sql  710584  Tools to help import MediaWiki XML dumps into database  0  nobody
 484   1,571  RFP mpir  708391  Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals library  0  nobody
 485   3,641  RFP ruby-dbi-dbrc  718648  A database resource control interface for Ruby that lets yo…  0  nobody
 486   3,525  RFP minetruco  719169  Bluffing trick-taking card game played in Brazil  0  nobody
 487   2,889  RFP tt-rss-attic-plugins  713065  Extra plugins for tt-rss  0  nobody
 488   754  RFP python-lirc  718980  LIRC support for Python 3  0  nobody
 489   3,651  RFP derelict3  710506  A collection of dynamic D bindings to C libraries, useful f…  0  nobody
 490   2,409  RFP sampleicc  707334  ICC profiles i/o and manipulating library and CMM  0  nobody
 491   3,134  RFP testdrive  718365  run the daily Ubuntu ISO in a virtual machine  0  nobody
 492   3,213  RFP fuse-google-drive  714973  A fuse filesystem wrapper for Google Drive.  0  nobody
 493   3,525  RFP sabre  719352  fighter plane simulator  0  nobody
 494   666  RFP novoht  710740  lightweight persistent in memory hash table  0  nobody
 495   3,651  RFP deefuzzer  717960  an easy and instant media streaming tool  0  nobody
 496   2,683  RFP multi2sim  711476  CPU-GPU Simulator for Heterogeneous Computing  0  nobody
 497   3,134  RFP vanitygen  718860  bitcoin vanity address generator  0  nobody
 498   3,651  RFP su2  715509  Software for PDE based analysis and optimization  0  nobody
 499   3,651  RFP metaphoneptbr  679013  metaphone implementation for brazilian portuguese  0  nobody
 500   2,738  RFP wxcam  725708  A webcam application  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!