Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 401   3,036  RFP python-geventhttpclient  745497  High performance, concurrent http client library for python…  0  nobody
 402   3,036  RFP arrowhead  748677  micro-framework for flowchart-like computing  0  nobody
 403   3,036  RFP tinycthread  749338  minimalist, portable, threading library for C  0  nobody
 404   3,036  RFP force-bind  748952  forcer-bind is a shared object that is loaded with LD_PRELO…  0  nobody
 405   3,036  RFP jackson-parent  760834  Jackson parent pom  0  nobody
 406   3,036  RFP kvmcs  761158  kvm in client/server environment  0  nobody
 407   3,036  RFP c-script  765396  c++ script language  0  nobody
 408   3,036  RFP og-rek  764565  Go library for encoding and decoding pickles  0  nobody
 409   3,036  RFP pymunk  676923  Python wrapper to the Chipmunk 2D physics library  0  nobody
 410   3,036  RFP strap-base  675202  Code-base for Strap - A GUI for aligning proteins by sequen…  0  nobody
 411   3,036  RFP keysigningpartytools  737072  create a better formatted list in PDF format by reading a F…  0  nobody
 412   3,036  RFP yaafe  741854  audio features extraction library  0  nobody
 413   3,036  RFP msnake  685539  A snake game in the terminal  0  nobody
 414   3,036  RFP hogan.js  704448  compiler for the Mustache templating language  0  nobody
 415   3,036  RFP re6stnet  755034  Resilient, scalable, IPv6 network application  0  nobody
 416   3,036  RFP fonts-sahl-naskh  739504  a fork of Droid Arabic Naskh font  0  nobody
 417   3,036  RFP openpgpkey-milter  736497  automatically PGP encrypt emails for milter-capable MTAs  0  nobody
 418   3,036  RFP qyledl  746649  GUI for yle-dl to download videos from Yle Areena  0  nobody
 419   3,036  RFP fail2rest  764309  REST server for fail2ban  0  nobody
 420   3,036  RFP ats2-mode  746026  Emacs major mode to edit ATS2 source code  0  nobody
 421   3,036  RFP cherokee  648256  Very fast, flexible and easy to  14  nobody
 422   3,036  RFP datanommer  742952  a storage consumer for the fedmsg bus  0  nobody
 423   3,036  RFP gedraa-dsh  743669  Data mine Internet catalogs to find double starts candidate…  0  nobody
 424   3,036  RFP patchclamp  752737  basic tool for patch clamping physiology recordings  0  nobody
 425   3,036  RFP google-cloud-sdk  759578  easily create and manage resources on Google Cloud  475  nobody
 426   3,036  RFP libapache2-controller-perl  747556  fast MVC-style Apache2 handler apps  0  nobody
 427   3,036  RFP libpdl-graphics-plplot-perl  763203  PDL::Graphics::PLplot - Object-oriented interface from perl…  0  nobody
 428   3,036  RFP libbackpan-index-perl  734201  Perl interface to the BackPAN index  1  nobody
 429   3,036  RFP vsfm  743183  GUI application for 3D reconstruction using structure from …  0  nobody
 430   3,036  RFP puppet-module-erwbgy-limits  771817  Puppet module for managing /etc/security/limits.conf  0  nobody
 431   3,036  RFP github-backup-utils  766586  Backup and recovery utilities for GitHub Enterprise  0  nobody
 432   3,036  RFP neurosynth  710302  Large-scale synthesis of functional neuroimaging data  0  nobody
 433   3,036  RFP booktype  750674  Web application for collaborative book production  0  nobody
 434   3,036  RFP libjavaee7-api-java  759131  JavaEE 7.0 Full API  0  nobody
 435   3,036  RFP spot-on  736968  research project using a variety of unique communication pr…  2  nobody
 436   3,036  RFP sblim-sfc-common  754422  sfc Common libraries for sfcb and sfcc  0  nobody
 437   3,036  RFP cursynth  735859  a curses musical synthesizer  2  nobody
 438   3,036  RFP anox  650785  anoX permits to run an application in  0  nobody
 439   3,036  RFP mcba  743185  parallel-accelerated bundle adjustment for multicore CPU an…  0  nobody
 440   3,036  RFP mathopd  742721  Very small, yet very fast HTTP server  2  nobody
 441   3,036  RFP libgit-cpan-patch-perl  733922  Git commands for CPAN distributions  1  nobody
 442   3,036  RFP ruby-scrypt  743556  Ruby gem with native C extension for the scrypt password ha…  0  nobody
 443   3,036  RFP ip2location  773331  Get IP address information from IP2Location BIN data file  2  nobody
 444   3,036  RFP fonts-raleway  754784  elegant sans-serif typeface designed in a single thin weight  0  nobody
 445   3,036  RFP online-python-tutor  737732  Online Python Tutor helps learn how to program in Python by…  0  nobody
 446   3,036  RFP node-base64-url  759310  Base64 encode, decode, escape and unescape for URL applicat…  0  nobody
 447   3,036  RFP rohc  756654  RObust Header Compression (ROHC) library  0  nobody
 448   3,036  RFP puppetlabs-vcsrepo  769062  Puppet module to deploy content from a version control syst…  0  nobody
 449   3,036  RFP jscover  750442  Javascript code coverage  0  nobody
 450   3,036  RFP rdfalchemy  748871  RDFAlchemy is an Object RDF Mapper for Python  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!