Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 301   3,340  RFP gnucheese  771853  Modern chess engine based on GNU Chess 5.07.  0  nobody
 302   3,340  RFP light-table  734653  IDE with real time feedback  0  nobody
 303   3,340  RFP hacs  759571  Pedagogic Compiler Generator  0  nobody
 304   3,340  RFP fasterxml-oss-parent  760829 parent pom  0  nobody
 305   3,340  RFP pstar  734793  The P* Web Programming Language  0  nobody
 306   3,340  RFP mpria  737696  multi-precision rational interval arithmetic library  0  nobody
 307   3,340  RFP fonts-orbitron  766211  geometric sans-serif typeface intended for display purposes  0  nobody
 308   3,340  RFP python-pycoin  762878  Utilities for Bitcoin and altcoin addresses and transaction  0  nobody
 309   3,340  RFP finalterm  714028  Modern terminal emulator  0  nobody
 310   3,340  RFP cbootimage-configs  760505  cbootimage configuration files for various NVIDIA Tegra bo…  0  nobody
 311   3,340  RFP hawk  634344  HA Web Konsole  0  nobody
 312   3,340  RFP jain-sip  754447  A low level Java API speicification for SIP Signaling (used…  0  nobody
 313   3,340  RFP python-aosd  735604  Python bindings for libaosd  0  nobody
 314   3,340  RFP ruby-timeline-setter  758152  TimelineSetter is a tool to create HTML timelines from spre…  0  nobody
 315   3,340  RFP mirovideoconverter3  755363  A super simple way to convert almost any video to MP4, WebM…  0  nobody
 316   3,340  RFP libjs-slidy  673634  slide shows in HTML and XHTML  0  nobody
 317   3,340  RFP qtxlsx  761071  Qt5 library to read and write xlsx files  0  nobody
 318   3,340  RFP  733743  portable libnih implementation  0  nobody
 319   3,340  RFP crsx-java  759570  Higher Order Rewriting Engine with Extensions for Compiler …  0  nobody
 320   3,340  RFP timeside  740783  open web audio processing framework  0  nobody
 321   3,340  RFP audela  744236  Astro-imaging software  0  nobody
 322   3,340  RFP kenlm  736419  faster and smaller language model queries  0  nobody
 323   3,340  RFP stats  703614  simple filter to gather numbers in repeated text  0  nobody
 324   3,340  RFP pantheon-files  750823  The file manager of the Pantheon desktop  13  nobody
 325   3,340  RFP bleufear-gtk-theme  752011  A dark theme with a wild streak of electric blue  0  nobody
 326   3,340  RFP pmwiki  330117  easy of use wiki-based system  0  nobody
 327   3,340  RFP puppet-module-domcleal-augeasproviders  771816  Alternative Augeas-based providers for Puppet  0  nobody
 328   3,340  RFP sentimental-skk  743024  Japanese Input Method SKK on your terminal  0  nobody
 329   3,340  RFP libguasi  760968  Asynchronous syscall library  0  nobody
 330   3,340  RFP python-blockr  771021  A wrapper for the API  0  nobody
 331   3,340  RFP dune-alugrid  762801  toolbox for solving PDEs -- unstructured simplicial and cub…  0  nobody
 332   3,340  RFP napi-bash  729471  Light and fast Polish subtitle downloader from the napi-pro…  0  nobody
 333   3,340  RFP python-yep  767510  Python module for profiling native extensions  0  nobody
 334   3,340  RFP python-shinkenplugins  764870  Shinken plugins wrapper  0  nobody
 335   3,340  RFP zetacoin  773295  P2P network based digital currency with fast confirmations  0  nobody
 336   3,340  RFP libvarnam  746947  “Varnam” is an open source, cross platform transliterator f…  0  nobody
 337   3,340  RFP libslax  766210  The SLAX language (XSLT alternative)  0  nobody
 338   3,340  RFP libtiger  712821  Kate rendering library  0  nobody
 339   3,340  RFP profileswitcher  749245  make easier to use more profiles in Iceweasel and Icedove  0  nobody
 340   3,340  RFP simplenat  714017  script for autoconfigure simple NAT server  0  nobody
 341   3,340  RFP libthreads-lite-perl  741383  threads::lite provides actor model threading for Perl  0  nobody
 342   3,340  RFP gedraa-duplex  743723  double star observers a tool to make easier a basic astroph…  0  nobody
 343   3,340  RFP hsenv  769000  Haskell virtual environment tool  0  nobody
 344   3,340  RFP puppet-module-jakeb-system  771819  Manage Linux system resources and services from hiera confi…  0  nobody
 345   3,340  RFP pyskein  682044  Python extension implementing the Skein  0  nobody
 346   3,340  RFP naemon  753928  Host, service and network monitoring and management system  4  nobody
 347   3,340  RFP txjsonrpc  764560  Library for creating Twisted JSON-RPC servers and clients  0  nobody
 348   3,340  RFP python-ooxml  769431  Python library for parsing .docx files  0  nobody
 349   3,340  RFP sblim-sfcb  754493  Small Footprint CIM Broker  0  nobody
 350   3,340  RFP rucksack  756985  texture packer and resource bundler for video games  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!