Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3101   272  RFP scip  1039923  linear and nonlinear mixed integer optimization suite  0  nobody
 3102   272  RFP oci-python-sdk  1003372  Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Python SDK  0  nobody
 3103   272  RFP oci-cli  1003714  Command Line Interface for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure  0  nobody
 3104   269  RFP isce2  923140  Interferometric SAR Scientific Computing Environment  0  nobody
 3105   265  RFP cargo-strip  1008813  subcommand that reduces the size of Rust binaries  0  nobody
 3106   265  RFP camotics  1042515  simulate and visualize GCode programs for CNCs in 3D  70  nobody
 3107   264  RFP p2pool-in  657712  Peer-to-peer Bitcoin mining pool  0  nobody
 3108   263  RFP megazeux  1042718  cross-platform game creation system  4  nobody
 3109   259  RFP node-socket-cli  1043003  CLI tool for  0  nobody
 3110   256  RFP lesspipe  1043249  a preprocessor for less  1  nobody
 3111   256  RFP depix  1029078  recovers passwords from pixelized screenshots  0  nobody
 3112   253  RFP carbonate  734377  some primitive tools to help you manage your graphite clust…  0  nobody
 3113   252  RFP open-vmdk  1042360  tool for creating Open Virtual Appliances (OVAs)  0  nobody
 3114   251  RFP emailrelay  1010873  SMTP email proxy and relay server  3  nobody
 3115   250  RFP hotdoc  840777  documentation tool using CommonMark  0  nobody
 3116   250  RFP bitwarden  956836  fully open-source, cross-platform  369  nobody
 3117   250  RFP php-v8js  723786  V8 Javascript Engine for PHP  0  nobody
 3118   250  RFP php-alek13-slack  1004918  PHP package for Slack  0  nobody
 3119   250  RFP php-maximebf-debugbar  1005283  debug bar in the browser with information from php  0  nobody
 3120   250  RFP php-svg-sanitize  1005330  SVG sanitizer for PHP  0  nobody
 3121   250  RFP php-amphp-dns  1011332  provides asynchronous DNS resolution for PHP based on Amp  0  nobody
 3122   250  RFP firetable  686790  An iptables firewall management script, written in PHP  0  nobody
 3123   249  RFP openfwwf  513974  Open Firmware for Broadcom b43 wlan devices  3  nobody
 3124   249  RFP sanmill  1049337  A mill/morris game  0  nobody
 3125   243  RFP python-certbot-dns-freenom  1013165  Freenom DNS01 plugin for certbot  0  nobody
 3126   241  RFP honk  1050222  Honk is an ActivityPub server with minimal setup requiremen…  0  nobody
 3127   240  RFP lablgtk3-extras  966595  modules for OCaml/LablGtk3 apps  0  nobody
 3128   239  RFP picosnitch  1050463  monitor network traffic per executable  2  nobody
 3129   237  RFP gstreamer-sharp-1.0  742729  new revamped GStreamer CLI bindings that target gstreamer-1…  0  nobody
 3130   237  RFP bindinator  1050576  generates C# binding projects from gir files  0  nobody
 3131   237  RFP amphp-serialization  1012249  Serialization tools for IPC and data storage  0  nobody
 3132   237  RFP amphp-socket  1012253  Async socket connection / server tools for Amp  0  nobody
 3133   237  RFP amphp-sync  1012259  Mutex, Semaphore, and other synchronization tools for Amp  0  nobody
 3134   234  RFP golang-github-jawher-mow.cli  832084  CLI arguments parsing and validation  0  nobody
 3135   234  RFP freight  843120  easy-to-understand shell script to handle APT repositories  5  nobody
 3136   234  RFP wemux  897190  multi-user Tmux made easy  0  nobody
 3137   234  RFP node-capnp  893165  Cap'n Proto bindings for Node.js  0  nobody
 3138   234  RFP herbie  886481  Synthesis for floating-point expressions  0  nobody
 3139   234  RFP  893103  Self-hostable web productivity suite & webapp package manag…  0  nobody
 3140   234  RFP pytest-logging  887319  Configures logging and allows tweaking the log level with a…  0  nobody
 3141   234  RFP ekam  893164  ekam build system  0  nobody
 3142   234  RFP sudo-pair  900348  Plugin for sudo that requires another human to approve and …  0  nobody
 3143   234  RFP foundationdb  898071  distributed, transactional, key-value store  0  nobody
 3144   234  RFP pijul  896641  Distributed version control system based on a sound theory …  0  nobody
 3145   234  RFP sozu  921989  a fast, reliable, hot reconfigurable HTTP reverse proxy  0  nobody
 3146   234  RFP bonzomatic  950178  Live shader coding tool  1  nobody
 3147   234  RFP libjsonpp  950179  A set of C++ classes to support JSON  0  nobody
 3148   234  RFP ponysay  971600  Pony variant of cowsay.  6  nobody
 3149   234  RFP whawty-auth  934266  simple file based authentication suite  0  nobody
 3150   234  RFP pytest-cases  982792  Separate test code from test cases in pytest.  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!