Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2951   636  RFP aerofoil  1036618  Multiplatform port of 1994 Macintosh game 'Glider PRO'  0  nobody
 2952   635  RFP freeswitch  389591  Modular Media Switching Software Library and Soft-Switch Ap…  290  nobody
 2953   630  RFP vscode  898259  Microsoft Visual Studio Code  0  nobody
 2954   630  RFP supersonic  1034360  A lightweight cross-platform desktop client for Subsonic mu…  0  nobody
 2955   630  RFP pw  1017804  interactively filtered pipe watcher  0  nobody
 2956   630  RFP golang-github-cjbassi-drawille-go  921285  Pixel graphics in terminal with unicode braille characters …  0  nobody
 2957   630  RFP golang-github-distatus-battery-dev  921287  cross-platform, normalized battery information library  0  nobody
 2958   630  RFP golang-github-protonmail-go-appdir  921288  Minimalistic Go package to get application directories such…  0  nobody
 2959   630  RFP golang-github-ammario-ipisp  922629  Golang IP to ISP library utilizing team cymru's IP to ASN s…  0  nobody
 2960   630  RFP archivebox  924040  open source self-hosted web archive  8  nobody
 2961   630  RFP dt  922628  DNS tool - display information about your domain  0  nobody
 2962   626  RFP publictransport-de  986730  real time information for public transportation (currently …  0  nobody
 2963   626  RFP eu-dss  1037037  EU Digital Signature Service implementation  0  nobody
 2964   625  RFP libx1000  1037070  provides a dynamically-linked workaround for the LOCK prefi…  0  nobody
 2965   624  RFP strawberry-graphql  1037085  GraphQL library for Python that leverages type annotations  0  nobody
 2966   622  RFP bashdb  1036974  bash debugger  15  nobody
 2967   622  RFP emacs-theme-gruvbox  905755  retro groove colour scheme for Emacs  0  nobody
 2968   621  RFP rtl8821ce-dkms  1037177  DKMS source for the Realtek 8821C PCIe Wi-Fi driver  24  nobody
 2969   619  RFP ticker-stock-prices  1035111  Terminal stock ticker with live updates and position tracki…  0  nobody
 2970   616  RFP fonts-recursive  944202  Recursive Mono & Sans variable font family  0  nobody
 2971   612  RFP openjdk-nashorn  1038142  Standalone ECMAScript Nashorn Engine  0  nobody
 2972   612  RFP container-selinux  1038164  SELinux policy module for containers  0  nobody
 2973   610  RFP lunarg-vulkan-layers  890009  Extra vulkan development layers  21  nobody
 2974   607  RFP portmidi2  1038763  PortMidi - Cross-Platform MIDI IO  0  nobody
 2975   605  RFP meme  1038967  motif-based sequence analysis tools  3  nobody
 2976   604  RFP django-model2puml  1029672  Generator of project models structure in PlantUML class not…  0  nobody
 2977   604  RFP unrealircd  1039021  Open Source IRC Server  0  nobody
 2978   603  RFP cmake-d  1039091  integration of D language for CMake  0  nobody
 2979   603  RFP findjava  1039109  java application startup script helper  0  nobody
 2980   601  RFP smpeg2  1039593  SDL2 MPEG Player Library  0  nobody
 2981   599  RFP veracrypt  1029456  Cross-platform on-the-fly encryption  928  nobody
 2982   595  RFP airsonic-advance  458829  a web based media stream server  0  nobody
 2983   594  RFP cavif  1040308  Encoder/converter for AVIF images  3  nobody
 2984   591  RFP libnbt++2  1040309  library for Minecraft's file format NBT  0  nobody
 2985   591  RFP ls-qpack  1040552  QPACK compression library for use with HTTP/3  0  nobody
 2986   591  RFP hyphanet  481163  peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant and privacy-…  0  nobody
 2987   589  RFP bottles  1040671  Bottles gaming environment comes preconfigured to play a la…  1  nobody
 2988   588  RFP wl-screenrec  1040786  High performance wlroots screen recording, featuring hardwa…  0  nobody
 2989   587  RFP duppy  1040856  implements both a subset of RFC2136 and offers a simple HTT…  0  nobody
 2990   584  RFP libetebase  1041008  C library for Etebase, an end-to-end encrypted open source …  0  nobody
 2991   584  RFP clash-meta  1041011  A rule-based tunnel / proxy in Go  1  nobody
 2992   580  RFP zap  1041390  ZAP is Zigbee Cluster Library configuration tool and genera…  10  nobody
 2993   579  RFP gnome-crosswords  1041470  crossword player and editor  0  nobody
 2994   578  RFP jsontestsuite  1041528  comprehensive test suite for RFC 8259 compliant JSON parsers  0  nobody
 2995   576  RFP scip  1039923  linear and nonlinear mixed integer optimization suite  0  nobody
 2996   575  RFP oci-python-sdk  1003372  Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Python SDK  0  nobody
 2997   575  RFP oci-cli  1003714  Command Line Interface for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure  0  nobody
 2998   573  RFP isce2  923140  Interferometric SAR Scientific Computing Environment  0  nobody
 2999   569  RFP cargo-strip  1008813  subcommand that reduces the size of Rust binaries  0  nobody
 3000   569  RFP camotics  1042515  simulate and visualize GCode programs for CNCs in 3D  72  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!