Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2901   663  RFP ocrthypdf  1033372  Make your PDF files text-searchable (A GUI for OCRmyPDF)  0  nobody
 2902   660  RFP jitsi-videobridge  757769  a WebRTC compatible Selective  11  nobody
 2903   659  RFP edit-tf  1033539  teletext frame editor for use within web browsers  0  nobody
 2904   659  RFP crqt-ng  1033576  cross-platform open source e-book reader using crengine-ng  0  nobody
 2905   658  RFP nelson  1033601  Let's Nelson! matrix language for engineering and scientifi…  0  nobody
 2906   658  RFP onedal  956264  oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL)  0  nobody
 2907   658  RFP onemkl  956263  oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) Interfaces  0  nobody
 2908   651  RFP rust-chic  1033950  Pretty parser error reporting  4  nobody
 2909   651  RFP btrfs-diff-go  1033960  analyze differences between two BTRFS snapshots (like GNU d…  0  nobody
 2910   651  RFP amazon-ec2-hibinit-agent  1033867  Amazon EC2 instance hibernation support  0  nobody
 2911   650  RFP ubbd  1033982  Userspace backend block device  0  nobody
 2912   648  RFP rtlsdr-scanner  1034074  radio frequency scanning GUI using the OsmoSDR rtl-sdr libr…  15  nobody
 2913   647  RFP wire-desktop  977849  open source secure messenger / collaboration tool  92  nobody
 2914   646  RFP tinytaskmanager  1034114  Tiny task manager for Linux, MacOS and Unix-like systems  0  nobody
 2915   645  RFP xmpppy  1034107  XMPP implementation in Python  0  nobody
 2916   645  RFP wlclock  1034204  A digital analog clock for Wayland desktops  0  nobody
 2917   645  RFP rebol  1034057  Relative Expression Based Object Language  0  nobody
 2918   643  RFP simplex-chat  1034300  messaging platform operating without user identifiers of an…  0  nobody
 2919   642  RFP slimevr  1034126  VR software for using full body tracking  3  nobody
 2920   637  RFP pdfsizeopt  1034596  PDF file size optimizer  0  nobody
 2921   636  RFP roxterm  899031  None  67  nobody
 2922   636  RFP rmilter  813711  None  13  nobody
 2923   636  RFP fonts-source-code-pro  736681  set of fonts designed to work well in GUI  4  nobody
 2924   633  RFP thanos  1032842  highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage ca…  4  nobody
 2925   633  RFP ffmpeg-python  1034286  Python bindings for FFmpeg with complex filtering support  0  nobody
 2926   631  RFP cafe-desktop  1034657  This desktop environment is MATE desktop fork, and works wi…  0  nobody
 2927   630  RFP vt-cli  1034826  A cli interface for Virus Total  0  nobody
 2928   628  RFP palace  1034902  3D Finite Element Solver for Computational Electromagnetics  0  nobody
 2929   628  RFP company-irony  892377  C, C++ and Objective-C completion tooltips for emacs.  0  nobody
 2930   627  RFP resiprocate  934023  None  0  nobody
 2931   626  RFP livecaptions  1035080  Linux Desktop application that provides live captioning of …  0  nobody
 2932   625  RFP otter-browser  948674  Fast and configurable web browser inspired by Opera 12  14  nobody
 2933   624  RFP trivy  929458  A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Contai…  113  nobody
 2934   620  RFP hpx  930923  C++ Standard library for parallelism and concurrency  0  nobody
 2935   612  RFP wezterm  993625  A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator in rust  233  nobody
 2936   612  RFP diff-so-fancy  931427  make your diffs human readable  8  nobody
 2937   611  RFP markdownlint  989710  A tool to check markdown files and flag style issues.  61  nobody
 2938   611  RFP corefx  779970  .NET Core Libraries  0  nobody
 2939   611  RFP pp3  698886  Celestial chart generator  1  nobody
 2940   611  RFP vexcl  920150  VexCL is a C++ vector expression template library for OpenC…  0  nobody
 2941   611  RFP python-affinity  717384  control process CPU affinity  0  nobody
 2942   610  RFP lychee  993913  finds broken hyperlinks and mail addresses inside Markdown,…  0  nobody
 2943   610  RFP kdis  722953  The KDIS Distributed Interactive Simulation library (IEEE 1…  0  nobody
 2944   610  RFP sheenbidi  996269  a sophisticated implementation of unicode bidirectional alg…  0  nobody
 2945   610  RFP apache-mesos  760315  Cluster manager for sharing distributed application framewo…  0  nobody
 2946   610  RFP coreclr  779969  .NET Core Runtime  0  nobody
 2947   610  RFP dns-over-https  896807  Client and server software to query DNS over HTTPS  0  nobody
 2948   610  RFP pelias  948386  Pelias is a modular open-source geocoder using Elasticsearc…  0  nobody
 2949   608  RFP openrgb  1002856  Control RGB devices  457  nobody
 2950   608  RFP authentication-milter  1036235  A Perl implementation of email authentication standards rol…  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!