Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2851   734  RFP flashrom-stable  1031251  Identify, read, write, erase, and verify BIOS/ROM/flash chi…  0  nobody
 2852   734  RFP python-ncrypt  614051  python wrapper for OpenSSL  0  nobody
 2853   733  RFP clifm  1031287  shell-like, command line file manager  9  nobody
 2854   733  RFP audiveris  547671  Optical Music Recognition module  2  nobody
 2855   733  RFP bitcoinj  629008  A Java implementation of a Bitcoin client-only node  0  nobody
 2856   733  RFP opendcp  655338  Open Digital Cinema Package software  1  nobody
 2857   733  RFP multimarkdown  659343  converter for Multimarkdown markup documents  0  nobody
 2858   733  RFP fidocadj  708312  a multi-platform editor for electronics  0  nobody
 2859   733  RFP implicitcad  742704  Powerful, Open-Source, Programmatic CAD  0  nobody
 2860   733  RFP wiringx  781491  Modular GPIO interface  0  nobody
 2861   733  RFP meteor-dapp-wallet  908151  The Ethereum wallet  0  nobody
 2862   733  RFP fonts-ambrosia  918821  An old Art Nouveau font  0  nobody
 2863   733  RFP node-evacuated-ethereum-client-binari…  928697  verifies/downloads ethereum client binaries  0  nobody
 2864   733  RFP humanized-opening-hours  973944  A parser for the opening_hours fields from OpenStreetMap  0  nobody
 2865   733  RFP enemy-territory  606931  GPL version of the id software game Enemy Territory  1  nobody
 2866   733  RFP boot-repair-common  637074  libraries for OS-uninstaller and Boot-repair  0  nobody
 2867   733  RFP clean-ubiquity-common  637075  common libraries for Boot-repair, OS-Uninstaller and Clean-…  0  nobody
 2868   733  RFP vscp  726445  framework for automation of IoT/m2m tasks  0  nobody
 2869   733  RFP ajaxometer  737352  web-based download and upload speed test utility  0  nobody
 2870   733  RFP sauvegarde  791878  saves files live while being created or modified in a dedup…  0  nobody
 2871   733  RFP petardfs  909072  FUSE filesystem for injecting intentional errors (e.g. for …  0  nobody
 2872   733  RFP zenoss  361253  infrastructure monitoring and management system  0  nobody
 2873   733  RFP garrymander  748324  command-line client and python modules for interacting with…  0  nobody
 2874   733  RFP sblim-cmpi-devel  754479  CMPI C++ Wrapper and development headers  0  nobody
 2875   733  RFP raet  781993  secure reliable scalable asynchronous message/event transpo…  0  nobody
 2876   733  RFP razercommander  952855  GTK control center for managing Razer peripherals  6  nobody
 2877   733  RFP acpilight  978937  backward-compatible replacement for xbacklight that uses th…  1  nobody
 2878   733  RFP pnpm  985669  efficient NPM replacement  2  nobody
 2879   733  RFP siftgpu  743188  processes pixels parallelly to build Gaussian pyramids and …  0  nobody
 2880   733  RFP napalm-nxos  826681  Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer wi…  0  nobody
 2881   733  RFP minepeon  767545  web interface for managing cryptocoin mining with CGminer o…  0  nobody
 2882   733  RFP elpa-ws-trim  659533  various sorts of whitespace trimming for emacs  0  nobody
 2883   733  RFP beaver  728999  lightweight log shipper to logstash  1  nobody
 2884   733  RFP cloudflare  813520  CloudFlare command line tool and Go client  0  nobody
 2885   733  RFP chromium-embedded-framework  915400  embeddable web browser library  0  nobody
 2886   732  RFP flac123  759198  command-line program for playing FLAC audio files  2  nobody
 2887   731  RFP ttm  1031507  Tiny task manager for Linux, MacOS and Unix-like systems  59  nobody
 2888   730  RFP phockup  1031562  Media sorting tool to organize photos and videos from your …  0  nobody
 2889   728  RFP ventoy  1031595  Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive …  12  nobody
 2890   727  RFP inform6-contrib  826902  community contributed tools for Inform 6  0  nobody
 2891   725  RFP thunar-plugins  1031789  easy Python plugins for Thunar  0  nobody
 2892   725  RFP stacked-off  1031819  offline search engine for stackexchange-format question-and…  0  nobody
 2893   717  RFP btdu  1008321  stochastic disk use analyzer for btrfs  1  nobody
 2894   715  RFP brave-browser  864795  web browser with privacy and micropayment features  5,180  nobody
 2895   714  RFP fonts-overpass  1028019  Font family inspired by Highway Gothic  0  nobody
 2896   713  RFP rumember  725320  "Remember The Milk Ruby API and command line client"  0  nobody
 2897   713  RFP xmlcalabash  742119  an XProc processor  0  nobody
 2898   713  RFP libclassindex-java  810764  a run-time annotation scanning library for Java  0  nobody
 2899   713  RFP rpi-imager  1019701  Raspberry Pi Imaging Utility  2,909  nobody
 2900   703  RFP obs-backgroundremoval  1022161  OBS Studio Plugin: Background Removal  41  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!