Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2701   652  RFP recordclass  927198  Python library for creating record-like classes  0  nobody
 2702   652  RFP sphinx-rst-linker  1010784  Sphinx extension for custom URL replacement  0  nobody
 2703   652  RFP sphinx-better-theme  891271  A nice-looking, customizable Sphinx theme  0  nobody
 2704   652  RFP setuptools-markdown  882704  Use Markdown for your project description  0  nobody
 2705   652  RFP uniseg-python  901796  A Python package to determine Unicode text segmentations  0  nobody
 2706   652  RFP srht  920873  core shared code  0  nobody
 2707   652  RFP python-epub  886900  open and read epub version 2 files  0  nobody
 2708   652  RFP qmplay2  739417  a video player  5  nobody
 2709   652  RFP qsmtp  929339  drop-in replacement for qmail SMTP programs  0  nobody
 2710   651  RFP echarts  1014408  powerful, interactive charting and data visualization libra…  0  nobody
 2711   649  RFP pycharm  742394  IDE for python development  5  nobody
 2712   648  RFP librust-glium-dev  1014579  Easy-to-use, high-level, OpenGL3+ wrapper.  0  nobody
 2713   648  RFP bash-it  1014363  collection of community Bash commands and scripts for Bash  0  nobody
 2714   646  RFP telegram-bot-api  1014660  Telegram Bot API server  0  nobody
 2715   645  RFP gcc-riscv32-none  896063  GCC cross compiler for 32-bit RISC-V processors  0  nobody
 2716   642  RFP tvision  1014886  modern port of Turbo Vision, a framework for text-based use…  0  nobody
 2717   641  RFP carml  890004  command-line tool to query and control a running Tor  0  nobody
 2718   639  RFP pingtop  983890  Ping multiple servers in top like UI  0  nobody
 2719   639  RFP visitor  1013428  A tiny library to facilitate visitor implementation in Pyth…  0  nobody
 2720   638  RFP xmrig-cuda  1014367  NVIDIA CUDA plugin for XMRig  0  nobody
 2721   638  RFP mppp  1007766  C++11/14/17/20 library for multiprecision arithmetic  0  nobody
 2722   637  RFP nuxhash  1014350  NiceHash cryptocurrency mining client for Linux  0  nobody
 2723   637  RFP nltk-book  887650  Natural Language Processing with Python (book)  0  nobody
 2724   635  RFP battop  1015798  interactive batteries viewer  0  nobody
 2725   634  RFP osmin  1012460  GPS navigator On-Road/Off-Road  0  nobody
 2726   633  RFP libamf  966570  Advanced Media Framework (AMF) SDK  0  nobody
 2727   632  RFP tut  1015960  A TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys  13  nobody
 2728   632  RFP miraclecast  1015961  The MiracleCast project provides software to connect extern…  11  nobody
 2729   631  RFP stklos  970231  object-oriented Scheme interpreter with GTK+ integration  0  nobody
 2730   630  RFP fff  1016078  micro-framework for creating fake C functions for tests  0  nobody
 2731   629  RFP minuimus  1016108  file optimiser utility script  0  nobody
 2732   628  RFP wayland-info  1016158  A tool to present the information for wayland  0  nobody
 2733   628  RFP snapdrop  1016172  local file sharing webapp  0  nobody
 2734   626  RFP dog  1016361  command-line DNS client with colorful output and support fo…  20  nobody
 2735   622  RFP osmscoutserver  1016559  Maps server providing tiles, geocoder, and router  0  nobody
 2736   621  RFP 3proxy  718219  tiny free proxy server  22  nobody
 2737   621  RFP adagios  744818  Adagios is an alternative web configuration (and status) in…  1  nobody
 2738   617  RFP git-machete  1016869  manage sets of related git branches  0  nobody
 2739   615  RFP choose  1016389  human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) …  1  nobody
 2740   614  RFP siji  894413  iconic bitmap font to use on status bars  0  nobody
 2741   613  RFP nitropy  1017045  A command line interface for the Nitrokey FIDO2, Nitrokey S…  0  nobody
 2742   612  RFP pdf4qt  1017089  An all in one PDF reader and editor tool.  11  nobody
 2743   612  RFP freenom-dns-updater  1013164  Tool written in Python to update Freenom DNS records  0  nobody
 2744   608  RFP scorep  789050  Scalable Performance Measurement Infrastructure for Paralle…  0  nobody
 2745   607  RFP jless  1017575  command-line JSON viewer  16  nobody
 2746   606  RFP snappymail  1017641  Simple, modern, lightweight & fast web-based email client  13  nobody
 2747   606  RFP openutau  1017685  Open singing synthesis platform / Open source UTAU successo…  0  nobody
 2748   606  RFP xsv  1017687  fast CSV command line toolkit  2  nobody
 2749   606  RFP pure-maps  982986  full-featured map and navigation application  0  nobody
 2750   606  RFP vapoursynth  833942  A video processing framework with simplicity in mind  1,656  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!