Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2701   723  RFP 3proxy  718219  tiny free proxy server  23  nobody
 2702   723  RFP adagios  744818  Adagios is an alternative web configuration (and status) in…  1  nobody
 2703   718  RFP git-machete  1016869  manage sets of related git branches  0  nobody
 2704   717  RFP choose  1016389  human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) …  1  nobody
 2705   716  RFP siji  894413  iconic bitmap font to use on status bars  0  nobody
 2706   714  RFP nitropy  1017045  A command line interface for the Nitrokey FIDO2, Nitrokey S…  0  nobody
 2707   713  RFP pdf4qt  1017089  An all in one PDF reader and editor tool.  11  nobody
 2708   713  RFP freenom-dns-updater  1013164  Tool written in Python to update Freenom DNS records  0  nobody
 2709   710  RFP scorep  789050  Scalable Performance Measurement Infrastructure for Paralle…  0  nobody
 2710   709  RFP jless  1017575  command-line JSON viewer  17  nobody
 2711   708  RFP snappymail  1017641  Simple, modern, lightweight & fast web-based email client  14  nobody
 2712   708  RFP openutau  1017685  Open singing synthesis platform / Open source UTAU successo…  0  nobody
 2713   708  RFP xsv  1017687  fast CSV command line toolkit  2  nobody
 2714   708  RFP pure-maps  982986  full-featured map and navigation application  0  nobody
 2715   707  RFP vapoursynth  833942  A video processing framework with simplicity in mind  1,656  nobody
 2716   707  RFP mailpile  745399  a modern fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption…  5  nobody
 2717   707  RFP solanum  1017744  IRCv3 server designed to be highly scalable  3  nobody
 2718   707  RFP ruby-activerecord-jdbc-adapter  1017759  JRuby's ActiveRecord adapter using JDBC  0  nobody
 2719   706  RFP viddy  1017805  modern watch command. Time machine and pager  0  nobody
 2720   702  RFP libjgrapht0.9-java  1018032  mathematical graph theory library for Java, versions 0.9.x  0  nobody
 2721   699  RFP procs  1018258  modern replacement for ps  2  nobody
 2722   698  RFP iiu  735505  iiu (is it up?) is a command line tool that checks if a web…  0  nobody
 2723   697  RFP htmlq  1018733  uses CSS selectors to extract bits of content from HTML file  0  nobody
 2724   696  RFP cri-dockerd  1010943  a shim for Docker Engine that lets you control Docker via t…  58  nobody
 2725   696  RFP bubblemail  955188  An extensible mail notification service  16  nobody
 2726   696  RFP fx  1018794  terminal JSON viewer  0  nobody
 2727   695  RFP wayback-machine-webextension  1018866  Wayback Machine Web Browser Extension  0  nobody
 2728   692  RFP inform7  440253  Inform 7 interactive fiction design system  0  nobody
 2729   692  RFP lossless-cut  1019105  Swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing  0  nobody
 2730   685  RFP procmon  965242  utility to trace the syscall activity on the system  1  nobody
 2731   685  RFP libpdl-fftw3-perl  763199  PDL interface to the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West …  1  nobody
 2732   685  RFP shellspec  979642  Unit testing framework based on BDD for bash, ksh, zsh, das…  0  nobody
 2733   685  RFP ssfn  964424  Scalable Screen Font, a bitmap and vector font renderer  0  nobody
 2734   684  RFP backlightctl  1019537  Lightweight monitor backlight control utility  0  nobody
 2735   683  RFP dagr  872683  deviantArt gallery ripper  0  nobody
 2736   682  RFP boot-repair  636977  Simple tool to repair boot problems  106  nobody
 2737   681  RFP elixir-gettext  1019756  Internationalization and localization support for Elixir  0  nobody
 2738   681  RFP node-gulp-match  884960  Gulp extension for checking file conditions  0  nobody
 2739   681  RFP jshint  673724  static analysis tool for JavaScript code  0  nobody
 2740   680  RFP simple-netaid  1019653  a minimal connection manager with curses and gtk interfaces  0  nobody
 2741   679  RFP briar  1019932  Briar Instant Messenger  0  nobody
 2742   677  RFP qrcp  1015802  transfer files by qrcode  32  nobody
 2743   676  RFP gawkextlib  837336  Dynamically loaded extension libraries for GNU Awk  0  nobody
 2744   675  RFP jpilot  1020381  GUI app to view & edit your old Palm device's data  140  nobody
 2745   674  RFP golang-github-go-ethereum  890541  Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol  0  nobody
 2746   674  RFP golang-freecumextremist-themusicgod1-…  1020454  computes the size of your object graph  0  nobody
 2747   673  RFP dotdee  719691  convert a flat file to a file  0  nobody
 2748   672  RFP kde-service-menu-reimage  1020562  None  23  nobody
 2749   672  RFP warewulf4  1020577  operating system provisioning platform for Linux  0  nobody
 2750   671  RFP backdrop  914257  A full-featured content management system  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!