Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3301   3,442  RFP dive  726779  A tool to start processes employing some advanced Linux fea…  201  nobody
 3302   3,442  RFP apt-wishlist  720123  Utility that allows users to request their sysadmin to inst…  0  nobody
 3303   3,442  RFP mark2  721686  minecraft server wrapper  0  nobody
 3304   3,442  RFP python-blit  724892  Simple pixel-composition library  0  nobody
 3305   3,442  RFP eiffelstudio  724715  The EiffelStudio IDE and tools for the Eiffel language.  0  nobody
 3306   3,442  RFP file-uploader  719793  file upload library for webpages  0  nobody
 3307   3,442  RFP taglist-maven-plugin  721129  Maven Plugin generates a report on various tags in code  0  nobody
 3308   3,442  RFP maven-archetype  721982  Maven project templating toolkit  0  nobody
 3309   3,442  RFP rateit  721807  Tool for performing MUSHRA tests  0  nobody
 3310   3,442  RFP pykolab  725108  Kolab Groupware Server  14  nobody
 3311   3,442  RFP libjs-jquery-layout  719783  jquery page layout manager  0  nobody
 3312   3,442  RFP jspecview  721525  viewer for spectral data in the JCAMP-DX format  0  nobody
 3313   3,442  RFP python-nfc  771593  Python module to read/write NFC tags or communicate with an…  0  nobody
 3314   3,447  RFP android-studio  747614  An integrated development environment for Android  9  nobody
 3315   3,455  RFP libdata-spreadpagination-perl  728513  page numbering and spread pagination  0  nobody
 3316   3,456  RFP libtranslit  729856  Transliteration library with  0  nobody
 3317   3,458  RFP nancy  738674  lightweight framework for building HTTP based services in C#  0  nobody
 3318   3,458  RFP omnisharp-server  738649  HTTP server allowing C# editor plugins to be written in any…  0  nobody
 3319   3,458  RFP ruby-albacore  738676  suite of Rake tasks for building C# projects  0  nobody
 3320   3,464  RFP relaunch-notifier  767716  Notification system for running applications that need to b…  0  nobody
 3321   3,476  RFP gccgo-go  765841  Go tool for use with gccgo  59  nobody
 3322   3,478  RFP clj-postal  766906  internet email library for Clojure  0  nobody
 3323   3,478  RFP http-kit  766894  minimalist, efficient, Ring-compatible HTTP client/server f…  0  nobody
 3324   3,481  RFP adbfuse  729259  fuse layer for ADB  0  nobody
 3325   3,488  RFP bitcointrader  759014  Bitcoin trading application  0  nobody
 3326   3,492  RFP debsources  764940  index and publish Debian source code on the Web  0  nobody
 3327   3,510  RFP libonion  744119  lightweight and easy to use HTTP server library  0  nobody
 3328   3,517  RFP logsurfer  670875  Monitoring system logs in real-time  0  nobody
 3329   3,530  RFP libas-tlf  691919  Text Layout Framework  0  nobody
 3330   3,530  RFP flex-sdk  592007  Framework for building and maintaining expressive web appli…  0  nobody
 3331   3,539  RFP wallch  751914  A powerful cross-desktop wallpaper changer  1  nobody
 3332   3,558  RFP ruby-dbi-dbrc  718648  A database resource control interface for Ruby that lets yo…  0  nobody
 3333   3,558  RFP clojurehelper  718775  Helper scripts for packaging Clojure programs  0  nobody
 3334   3,558  RFP ruby-sys-admin  718607  Unified, cross platform replacement for the Ruby "etc" libr…  0  nobody
 3335   3,558  RFP feincms-elephantblog  672581  simplistic blog engine for FeinCMS  0  nobody
 3336   3,558  RFP async-extra  718240  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (extra)  0  nobody
 3337   3,558  RFP ruby-rkerberos  718034  A Ruby interface for Kerberos  31  nobody
 3338   3,558  RFP async  718237  a library for OCaml asynchronous programming  0  nobody
 3339   3,558  RFP async-unix  718239  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (unix)  0  nobody
 3340   3,558  RFP async-core  718238  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (core)  0  nobody
 3341   3,567  RFP scim-bridge-el  705978  SCIM client for GNU Emacs  0  nobody
 3342   3,568  RFP require-kernel.js  710057  Reference implementation of a CommonJS module loader for a …  0  nobody
 3343   3,568  RFP ruby-cloudfiles  691387  Rackspace Cloud Files API - Ruby interface  0  nobody
 3344   3,568  RFP maple-package  710349  utility for creating Maple Debian packages  0  nobody
 3345   3,568  RFP moocng  707135  open source MOOC platform  0  nobody
 3346   3,568  RFP gerbil  706628  novel interactive visualization and analysis framework for …  0  nobody
 3347   3,568  RFP hakuneko  707051  Manga Downloader based on GTK  0  nobody
 3348   3,568  RFP taginfo  707015  convenience wrapper for taglib  0  nobody
 3349   3,568  RFP deefuzzer  717960  an easy and instant media streaming tool  0  nobody
 3350   3,568  RFP rbdl  717589  Rigid Body Dynamics Library  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!