Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3201   3,140  RFP python-cylp  795619  Python interface to COIN-OR linear and mixed-integer progra…  0  nobody
 3202   3,142  RFP bomi  799381  GUI multimedia player based on mpv  0  nobody
 3203   3,149  RFP hackpad  796505  Web-based realtime wiki  0  nobody
 3204   3,162  RFP libuncommons-maths-java  796643  Random number generators, probability distributions, combin…  3  nobody
 3205   3,164  RFP dropwizard  768103  A Java library for building production-ready RESTful web se…  0  nobody
 3206   3,170  RFP gnome-pdf-tool  796085  GUI tool to edit PDF metadata  0  nobody
 3207   3,172  RFP openphoto  667539  A photo application that lets you store your photos on Drop…  0  nobody
 3208   3,173  RFP vim-easymotion  769061  simple and efficient motions in vim  0  nobody
 3209   3,175  RFP tuxemon  795174  Open source turn-based RPG  0  nobody
 3210   3,176  RFP projectlibre  548399  Project management solution  206  nobody
 3211   3,179  RFP elf-statifier  579661  compiles C programs into a single static executable  0  nobody
 3212   3,179  RFP varnisnncsa-vhost  608395  Wrapper around 'varnishncsa' tool to save varnish logs with…  0  nobody
 3213   3,193  RFP logstash  664841  tool for managing events and logs  359  nobody
 3214   3,201  RFP riemann  765398  event stream processor  2  nobody
 3215   3,202  RFP pagemap  717075  analyze and print the physical memory layout of a Linux pro…  1  nobody
 3216   3,215  RFP libiconv-dev  791716  library to convert character encoding  0  nobody
 3217   3,228  RFP vim-automaticlatexplugin  739066  editing, building and viewing LaTeX files in vim  0  nobody
 3218   3,235  RFP krokus  782911  program for printing photos  0  nobody
 3219   3,235  RFP qfs  648288  Quantcast Distributed Filesystem  0  nobody
 3220   3,238  RFP aspell-lang  536075  dictionary creation tools for aspell  0  nobody
 3221   3,238  RFP caldavzap  698769  CalDAV web client with a powerful event/todo editor  0  nobody
 3222   3,240  RFP ksig  714207  KSig is a graphical tool for keeping track of many differen…  27  nobody
 3223   3,242  RFP oh-my-zsh  695990  framework for managing your zsh configuration  2  nobody
 3224   3,254  RFP virtualgl  673426  Toolkit for displaying OpenGL applications to thin clients  203  nobody
 3225   3,255  RFP spark-hilite  713928  SPARK programming language toolset (Ada 2012-style)  0  nobody
 3226   3,256  RFP vim-go  786932  Golang support for Vim  0  nobody
 3227   3,266  RFP djbfft  477806  extremely fast library for floating-point convolution  0  nobody
 3228   3,266  RFP drwright  651504  monitors your typing and forces you to periodically take ty…  0  nobody
 3229   3,276  RFP guitarexerciser  660469  A program to help guitarists develop their skills  0  nobody
 3230   3,280  RFP xmlvalidate  704253  Quick and flexible XML validator  0  nobody
 3231   3,285  RFP honeytrap  440226  low-interaction network honeypot  0  nobody
 3232   3,312  RFP jdownloader  562217  download manager for one-click hosting sites  1  nobody
 3233   3,313  RFP kpassgen  610911  password generator written in Qt  0  nobody
 3234   3,314  RFP solid3d  500616  Software library for collision detection of geometric objec…  0  nobody
 3235   3,315  RFP python-wiringx  781492  Python binding for wiringX  0  nobody
 3236   3,327  RFP zotero-dataserver  709925  dataserver for the zotero client  0  nobody
 3237   3,333  RFP envoy  758651  A ssh/gpg-agent wrapper leveraging cgroups and systemd/sock…  1  nobody
 3238   3,340  RFP fudgit  516627  A double-precision multi-purpose fitting program  0  nobody
 3239   3,344  RFP fullcalendar  606901  jQuery plugin providing a full-sized, drag & drop calendar  0  nobody
 3240   3,344  RFP libjs-viewer  727530  display ODF and PDF into web applications  0  nobody
 3241   3,348  RFP streql  764443  Constant-time string comparison  0  nobody
 3242   3,348  RFP bitcoin-explorer  779071  Bitcoin Command Line Tool  0  nobody
 3243   3,349  RFP yacreader  755731  Yet another comic reader  43  nobody
 3244   3,361  RFP dzip  749946  Quake demo compression program  0  nobody
 3245   3,361  RFP indicator-multiload  709804  A port of the gnome multiload panel applet to appindicators…  3  nobody
 3246   3,367  RFP snf-image-creator  777213  OS image creation tool  2  nobody
 3247   3,369  RFP pyneod  534160  pyneo mobile stack: daemon suite  0  nobody
 3248   3,369  RFP python-pyneo  534162  pyneo mobile stack: basis libraries  0  nobody
 3249   3,383  RFP pageres  775859  Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions on t…  0  nobody
 3250   3,385  RFP mitk  773857  The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!