Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1   0  RFP vdo  895405  set of userspace tools for managing pools of deduplicated a…  0  nobody
 2   1  RFP fonts-iosevka  973995  Slender typeface for code, from code  22  nobody
 3   1  RFP freshrss  1032767  self-hosted RSS feed aggregator  0  nobody
 4   1  RFP powershell  834756  scripting language interpreter built on .NET  881  nobody
 5   3  RFP diffsitter  1076805  AST-aware difftool  0  nobody
 6   4  RFP icecat  637348  GNU version of the Firefox browser  33  nobody
 7   7  RFP matrix-conduit  1007940  lightweight homeserver for the Matrix protocol  13  nobody
 8   7  RFP minio  859207  Cloud storage server compatible with Amazon S3  137  nobody
 9   8  RFP codium  959941  Code editing. Redefined.  2,006  nobody
 10   9  RFP jellyfin-server  994189  The Free Software Media System  1,394  nobody
 11   10  RFP cis-tools  1072579  CIS file tools from pcmcia-cs  0  nobody
 12   12  RFP alephone  119911  marathon engine for related data games  0  nobody
 13   12  RFP cinecred  1076341  Cinecred produces credit sequences for film, TV and animati…  2  nobody
 14   12  RFP python3-pywayland  1076337  Python bindings for the libwayland library  1  nobody
 15   12  RFP pingpath  1076330  ping wrapper to display path, stats, graphs, and 3d plots  0  nobody
 16   13  RFP libciteproc-java  841020  A Citation Style Language (CSL) processor for Java  0  nobody
 17   13  RFP libpgjdbcng-java  841011  A new JDBC driver for PostgreSQL aimed at supporting the ad…  0  nobody
 18   13  RFP liblatex2unicode-java  858809  translate latex markup to human readable unicode  0  nobody
 19   14  RFP zed  1076165  High-performance multiplayer code editor  81  nobody
 20   15  RFP waveterm  1076167  AI-native terminal built for seamless workflows  21  nobody
 21   15  RFP liba2i  1076091  String-to-numeric library  0  nobody
 22   19  RFP rlogout  1075899  rust/gtk4 based wlogout  0  nobody
 23   19  RFP neovim-gtk  1055427  Rust-based GTK frontend for Neovim  0  nobody
 24   19  RFP skim  956078  fuzzy finder in Rust  1  nobody
 25   22  RFP helm-kubernetes  910799  Kubernetes Package Manager  0  nobody
 26   27  RFP canokey-qemu  1074069  virtual canokey to the guest OS  0  nobody
 27   28  RFP nvidia-mofed  1074466  MVidia MLNX OFED software for Infiniband  0  nobody
 28   29  RFP visit  395573  interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis t…  0  nobody
 29   29  RFP uwsm  1074367  Universal Wayland Session Manager  0  nobody
 30   30  RFP kaleido  1074333  Static image export for web-based visualization libraries w…  0  nobody
 31   30  RFP pyarrow  1074317  Apache Arrow Python bindings  0  nobody
 32   30  RFP mathwar  815428  flash card game designed to teach simple maths  13  nobody
 33   30  RFP labwc-menu-generator  1074295  None  0  nobody
 34   31  RFP hatch  1072818  Modern, extensible Python project management  0  nobody
 35   32  RFP kweather  987749  weather app for Plasma Mobile and Desktop  42  nobody
 36   36  RFP onceover  1073935  Testing tools for Puppet controlrepos  0  nobody
 37   37  RFP docker-compose-v2  1073850  tool for running multi-container applications on Docker  2  nobody
 38   38  RFP shikane  1073813  dynamic Wayland output configuration tool focusing on accur…  0  nobody
 39   38  RFP valent  1073792  connect, control and sync devices  0  nobody
 40   39  RFP verapdf  961603  first complete open source PDF/A validator  0  nobody
 41   41  RFP deltachat-desktop  1073037  chat client, uses any email server as a backend  86  nobody
 42   41  RFP amber-lang  1073278  A programming language that compiles to Bash  0  nobody
 43   43  RFP yabsm  1033296  a btrfs snapshot manager and backup system  0  nobody
 44   43  RFP minetest-texturepack-soothing-32  1073150  soothing texture pack for minetest  0  nobody
 45   43  RFP minetest-mod-animalworld  1073149  wild animals in minetest  0  nobody
 46   43  RFP minetest-mod-stamina  1073147  Stamina mod for minetest  0  nobody
 47   44  RFP gpsmaster  832161  application to create, view, edit and analyse GPX files  0  nobody
 48   48  RFP betterbird  1072827  Betterbird is a fine-tuned version of Mozilla Thunderbird w…  0  nobody
 49   53  RFP python-smbprotocol  1072561  SMBv2 and SMBv3 protocol implementation  0  nobody
 50   53  RFP axosyslog  1072543  cloud-native, syslog-ng compatible logging agent  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!