Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1   0  RFP memray  1009970  Python memory profiler  1  nobody
 2   1  RFP uv  1069776  an extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, wr…  1  nobody
 3   2  RFP cars-sports-racing  1069699  Cars Sports Racing Speed Dreams fork  0  nobody
 4   3  RFP qft  1069670  Resilient P2P UDP file transfer  0  nobody
 5   4  RFP automx2  963872  Email client configuration made easy (replaces automx)  0  nobody
 6   4  RFP rapidgzip  1069602  Parallelized decompression of gzip (Python)  0  nobody
 7   6  RFP bbcp  1069342  Parallel SSH transfer  0  nobody
 8   7  RFP shellprof  1069241  Shell script profiler in Python  0  nobody
 9   8  RFP gtk4-layer-shell  1054539  library to create panels and widgets for wayland  0  nobody
 10   8  RFP swtchr  1069231  Gnome-style window switcher for sway  0  nobody
 11   9  RFP tenacity  1069124  easy-to-use, privacy-friendly, multi-track audio editor and…  0  nobody
 12   11  RFP meqtrees-timba  834425  core MeqTrees package for implementing and solving arbitrar…  0  nobody
 13   11  RFP rnnoise  980839  noise suppression library based on a recurrent neural netwo…  1  nobody
 14   11  RFP fail2ban-prometheus-exporter  1064925  collect and export Prometheus metrics on Fail2Ban  0  nobody
 15   11  RFP python-aiologger  1032475  Asynchronous non-blocking logging for python and asyncio  0  nobody
 16   11  RFP python-gensafeprime  1022836  generate primes with openssl  0  nobody
 17   11  RFP python-meliae  1021937  a library meant to help people understand how their memory …  15  nobody
 18   11  RFP python-pdoc  1023927  pdoc auto-generates API documentation that follows your pro…  0  nobody
 19   11  RFP python-playwright  1023837  Playwright is a Python library to automate Chromium, Firefo…  0  nobody
 20   11  RFP python-sphinxcontrib.django  1061436  Sphinx extension which improves the documentation of Django…  0  nobody
 21   11  RFP python-surt  1022923  transform Universal Resource Identifiers into an easily-sor…  0  nobody
 22   11  RFP python-pytest-fail-slow  1010168  pytest plugin for making tests fail that take too long to r…  0  nobody
 23   11  RFP python-pytest-subprocess  1053360  Pytest plugin to fake subprocess  0  nobody
 24   13  RFP xserver-xorg-video-psb  533450  Xorg Graphics driver for Intel Poulsbo chipset (GMA 500)  0  nobody
 25   13  RFP rust-topgrade  1068886  all-in-one upgrade tool which doesn't try reinventing the w…  0  nobody
 26   15  RFP nginx-module-vts  1068764  Nginx virtual host traffic status module  1  nobody
 27   16  RFP apache-arrow  970021  cross-language development platform for in-memory analytics  0  nobody
 28   17  RFP python-pycddl  1068692  Deserialize CBOR and/or do CDDL schema validation  0  nobody
 29   17  RFP feenox  1068648  finite-element PDE solver  0  nobody
 30   18  RFP psstop  996902  accurately measure memory consumption using proportional se…  0  nobody
 31   18  RFP kcm-grub2  1013125  KDE Control Module for configuring the GRUB2 bootloader  1  nobody
 32   18  RFP golang-freecumextremist-themusicgod1-…  1019524  bridge between net/context and http.Handler  0  nobody
 33   18  RFP fawkes  1023309  privacy-preserving tool against facial recognition systems  0  nobody
 34   18  RFP plio  1036637  "Pleasant Image Order", image viewer with many sort options  0  nobody
 35   18  RFP eww  1056072  A widget system written in Rust  0  nobody
 36   18  RFP alexvsbus  1063934  a platform runner game  0  nobody
 37   18  RFP htmx  1063374  high power tools for HTML  0  nobody
 38   18  RFP apparmor.d  1065545  Full set of AppArmor profiles (~ 1500 profiles)  1  nobody
 39   18  RFP fluttersdk  931793  Cross-platform UI toolkit for natively-compiled applications  0  nobody
 40   20  RFP valkey  1068342  Persistent key-value database with network interface (Redis…  0  nobody
 41   20  RFP iterable-io  1068488  Adapt generators and other iterables to a file-like interfa…  0  nobody
 42   20  RFP aerospike-database  1068456  Distributed, scalable NoSQL database that supports both str…  0  nobody
 43   21  RFP libjs-ace  771534  standalone code editor for the web  0  nobody
 44   21  RFP deepin-wm  872062  Default window manager for DDE (deepin desktop environment)  0  nobody
 45   21  RFP deepin-metacity  872064  Default 2D window manager for DDE (deepin desktop environme…  0  nobody
 46   21  RFP ai-sdc  1068386  A collection of tools and resources for managing the statis…  0  nobody
 47   22  RFP python-chainstream  1068376  a subclass of io.RawIOBase, to chain I/O streams together i…  0  nobody
 48   22  RFP keydb  1067413  persistent key-value database with network interface  38  nobody
 49   30  RFP anew  1063591  Tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates (pr…  0  nobody
 50   30  RFP libgourou  1067719  free implementation of Adobe's ADEPT protocol used to add D…  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!