Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 3051   370  RFP oci-cli  1003714  Command Line Interface for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure  0  nobody
 3052   367  RFP isce2  923140  Interferometric SAR Scientific Computing Environment  0  nobody
 3053   364  RFP cargo-strip  1008813  subcommand that reduces the size of Rust binaries  0  nobody
 3054   363  RFP camotics  1042515  simulate and visualize GCode programs for CNCs in 3D  72  nobody
 3055   362  RFP p2pool-in  657712  Peer-to-peer Bitcoin mining pool  0  nobody
 3056   362  RFP megazeux  1042718  cross-platform game creation system  4  nobody
 3057   358  RFP node-socket-cli  1043003  CLI tool for  0  nobody
 3058   354  RFP depix  1029078  recovers passwords from pixelized screenshots  0  nobody
 3059   351  RFP carbonate  734377  some primitive tools to help you manage your graphite clust…  0  nobody
 3060   350  RFP open-vmdk  1042360  tool for creating Open Virtual Appliances (OVAs)  0  nobody
 3061   349  RFP emailrelay  1010873  SMTP email proxy and relay server  3  nobody
 3062   348  RFP hotdoc  840777  documentation tool using CommonMark  0  nobody
 3063   348  RFP bitwarden  956836  fully open-source, cross-platform  376  nobody
 3064   348  RFP php-v8js  723786  V8 Javascript Engine for PHP  0  nobody
 3065   348  RFP php-alek13-slack  1004918  PHP package for Slack  0  nobody
 3066   348  RFP php-amphp-dns  1011332  provides asynchronous DNS resolution for PHP based on Amp  0  nobody
 3067   348  RFP php-svg-sanitize  1005330  SVG sanitizer for PHP  0  nobody
 3068   348  RFP php-maximebf-debugbar  1005283  debug bar in the browser with information from php  0  nobody
 3069   348  RFP firetable  686790  An iptables firewall management script, written in PHP  0  nobody
 3070   348  RFP openfwwf  513974  Open Firmware for Broadcom b43 wlan devices  3  nobody
 3071   347  RFP sanmill  1049337  A mill/morris game  0  nobody
 3072   341  RFP python-certbot-dns-freenom  1013165  Freenom DNS01 plugin for certbot  0  nobody
 3073   339  RFP honk  1050222  Honk is an ActivityPub server with minimal setup requiremen…  0  nobody
 3074   338  RFP lablgtk3-extras  966595  modules for OCaml/LablGtk3 apps  0  nobody
 3075   337  RFP picosnitch  1050463  monitor network traffic per executable  3  nobody
 3076   335  RFP gstreamer-sharp-1.0  742729  new revamped GStreamer CLI bindings that target gstreamer-1…  0  nobody
 3077   335  RFP bindinator  1050576  generates C# binding projects from gir files  0  nobody
 3078   335  RFP amphp-serialization  1012249  Serialization tools for IPC and data storage  0  nobody
 3079   335  RFP amphp-sync  1012259  Mutex, Semaphore, and other synchronization tools for Amp  0  nobody
 3080   335  RFP amphp-socket  1012253  Async socket connection / server tools for Amp  0  nobody
 3081   332  RFP golang-github-jawher-mow.cli  832084  CLI arguments parsing and validation  0  nobody
 3082   332  RFP freight  843120  easy-to-understand shell script to handle APT repositories  5  nobody
 3083   332  RFP wemux  897190  multi-user Tmux made easy  0  nobody
 3084   332  RFP node-capnp  893165  Cap'n Proto bindings for Node.js  0  nobody
 3085   332  RFP herbie  886481  Synthesis for floating-point expressions  0  nobody
 3086   332  RFP  893103  Self-hostable web productivity suite & webapp package manag…  0  nobody
 3087   332  RFP pytest-logging  887319  Configures logging and allows tweaking the log level with a…  0  nobody
 3088   332  RFP ekam  893164  ekam build system  0  nobody
 3089   332  RFP sudo-pair  900348  Plugin for sudo that requires another human to approve and …  0  nobody
 3090   332  RFP foundationdb  898071  distributed, transactional, key-value store  0  nobody
 3091   332  RFP pijul  896641  Distributed version control system based on a sound theory …  0  nobody
 3092   332  RFP sozu  921989  a fast, reliable, hot reconfigurable HTTP reverse proxy  0  nobody
 3093   332  RFP bonzomatic  950178  Live shader coding tool  1  nobody
 3094   332  RFP libjsonpp  950179  A set of C++ classes to support JSON  0  nobody
 3095   332  RFP ponysay  971600  Pony variant of cowsay.  7  nobody
 3096   332  RFP whawty-auth  934266  simple file based authentication suite  0  nobody
 3097   332  RFP pytest-cases  982792  Separate test code from test cases in pytest.  0  nobody
 3098   332  RFP radiosonde  945089  Automatically Track Radiosonde Launches using RTL-SDR  0  nobody
 3099   332  RFP libperseus-sdr  939125  Perseus Software Defined Radio Control Library  0  nobody
 3100   332  RFP sftpgo  1050829  SFTP/FTP/FTPS/WebDAV file server with virtual user support  29  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!