Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2901   577  RFP cloudflare  813520  CloudFlare command line tool and Go client  0  nobody
 2902   577  RFP chromium-embedded-framework  915400  embeddable web browser library  0  nobody
 2903   576  RFP flac123  759198  command-line program for playing FLAC audio files  2  nobody
 2904   575  RFP ttm  1031507  Tiny task manager for Linux, MacOS and Unix-like systems  59  nobody
 2905   574  RFP phockup  1031562  Media sorting tool to organize photos and videos from your …  0  nobody
 2906   573  RFP ventoy  1031595  Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive …  12  nobody
 2907   571  RFP inform6-contrib  826902  community contributed tools for Inform 6  0  nobody
 2908   570  RFP thunar-plugins  1031789  easy Python plugins for Thunar  0  nobody
 2909   569  RFP stacked-off  1031819  offline search engine for stackexchange-format question-and…  0  nobody
 2910   564  RFP yii  597899  Yii is a high-performance PHP framework best for developing…  0  nobody
 2911   561  RFP btdu  1008321  stochastic disk use analyzer for btrfs  1  nobody
 2912   559  RFP brave-browser  864795  web browser with privacy and micropayment features  5,069  nobody
 2913   559  RFP fonts-overpass  1028019  Font family inspired by Highway Gothic  0  nobody
 2914   557  RFP rumember  725320  "Remember The Milk Ruby API and command line client"  0  nobody
 2915   557  RFP xmlcalabash  742119  an XProc processor  0  nobody
 2916   557  RFP libclassindex-java  810764  a run-time annotation scanning library for Java  0  nobody
 2917   557  RFP rpi-imager  1019701  Raspberry Pi Imaging Utility  2,800  nobody
 2918   547  RFP obs-backgroundremoval  1022161  OBS Studio Plugin: Background Removal  32  nobody
 2919   541  RFP ocrthypdf  1033372  Make your PDF files text-searchable (A GUI for OCRmyPDF)  0  nobody
 2920   538  RFP jitsi-videobridge  757769  a WebRTC compatible Selective  11  nobody
 2921   538  RFP edit-tf  1033539  teletext frame editor for use within web browsers  0  nobody
 2922   537  RFP crqt-ng  1033576  cross-platform open source e-book reader using crengine-ng  0  nobody
 2923   537  RFP nelson  1033601  Let's Nelson! matrix language for engineering and scientifi…  0  nobody
 2924   536  RFP onedal  956264  oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL)  0  nobody
 2925   536  RFP onemkl  956263  oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) Interfaces  0  nobody
 2926   529  RFP rust-chic  1033950  Pretty parser error reporting  4  nobody
 2927   529  RFP btrfs-diff-go  1033960  analyze differences between two BTRFS snapshots (like GNU d…  0  nobody
 2928   529  RFP amazon-ec2-hibinit-agent  1033867  Amazon EC2 instance hibernation support  0  nobody
 2929   528  RFP ubbd  1033982  Userspace backend block device  0  nobody
 2930   526  RFP rtlsdr-scanner  1034074  radio frequency scanning GUI using the OsmoSDR rtl-sdr libr…  15  nobody
 2931   525  RFP wire-desktop  977849  open source secure messenger / collaboration tool  92  nobody
 2932   524  RFP tinytaskmanager  1034114  Tiny task manager for Linux, MacOS and Unix-like systems  0  nobody
 2933   523  RFP xmpppy  1034107  XMPP implementation in Python  0  nobody
 2934   523  RFP wlclock  1034204  A digital analog clock for Wayland desktops  0  nobody
 2935   523  RFP rebol  1034057  Relative Expression Based Object Language  0  nobody
 2936   521  RFP simplex-chat  1034300  messaging platform operating without user identifiers of an…  0  nobody
 2937   520  RFP slimevr  1034126  VR software for using full body tracking  3  nobody
 2938   515  RFP pdfsizeopt  1034596  PDF file size optimizer  0  nobody
 2939   514  RFP roxterm  899031  None  67  nobody
 2940   514  RFP rmilter  813711  None  13  nobody
 2941   514  RFP fonts-source-code-pro  736681  set of fonts designed to work well in GUI  4  nobody
 2942   511  RFP thanos  1032842  highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage ca…  4  nobody
 2943   511  RFP ffmpeg-python  1034286  Python bindings for FFmpeg with complex filtering support  0  nobody
 2944   510  RFP cafe-desktop  1034657  This desktop environment is MATE desktop fork, and works wi…  0  nobody
 2945   508  RFP vt-cli  1034826  A cli interface for Virus Total  0  nobody
 2946   507  RFP palace  1034902  3D Finite Element Solver for Computational Electromagnetics  0  nobody
 2947   506  RFP company-irony  892377  C, C++ and Objective-C completion tooltips for emacs.  0  nobody
 2948   506  RFP resiprocate  934023  None  0  nobody
 2949   505  RFP livecaptions  1035080  Linux Desktop application that provides live captioning of …  0  nobody
 2950   503  RFP otter-browser  948674  Fast and configurable web browser inspired by Opera 12  14  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!