Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 2651   717  RFP soapui  1008232  API and web service testing tool  1  nobody
 2652   716  RFP mlb-statsapi  1010902  python module wrapping the MLB Statistics API  0  nobody
 2653   712  RFP pyramid-mako  1011059  Mako template bindings for the Pyramid web framework  0  nobody
 2654   711  RFP raylib  1011133  simple videogame library  1  nobody
 2655   708  RFP noisetorch  965156  PulseAudio noise suppressor  1  nobody
 2656   708  RFP python-vxi11  1011351  VXI-11 driver for controlling instruments over Ethernet  0  nobody
 2657   708  RFP lean  866334  theorem prover from Microsoft Research  0  nobody
 2658   705  RFP pika-backup  999493  simple backups based on borg  0  nobody
 2659   704  RFP gwt-maven-plugin  683642  maven plugin to compile Google Web Toolkit applications  0  nobody
 2660   703  RFP subsurface  824520  scuba diving logbook  36  nobody
 2661   700  RFP pwnat  930966  allows clients behind NATs to communicate  33  nobody
 2662   699  RFP openoctave  578787  MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor  0  nobody
 2663   698  RFP webext-redirector  1012114  browser extension to redirect URLs based on patterns  0  nobody
 2664   697  RFP octave-scicosim  898967  exchanges variables between Octave and Scilab workspaces  0  nobody
 2665   697  RFP python-clamd  725170  Python module to use the ClamAV anti-virus engine. Requires…  0  nobody
 2666   697  RFP sam2p  935534  convert raster images to EPS, PDF, and other formats  53  nobody
 2667   697  RFP douane  981425  personal firewall with application whitelisting  0  nobody
 2668   697  RFP measurement-kit  918150  implements open network measurements for performance or cen…  0  nobody
 2669   697  RFP hera-vm  890538  Hera VM: eWASM virtual machine conforming to the Ethereum V…  0  nobody
 2670   691  RFP distkeys  745478  Distkeys - upload SSH keys to servers and more  0  nobody
 2671   691  RFP glpi  1012423  GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software  36  nobody
 2672   690  RFP timescaledb  1012456  time-series SQL database optimized for fast ingest and comp…  0  nobody
 2673   684  RFP irssi-plugin-matrix  1012765  Matrix plugin for Irssi  0  nobody
 2674   683  RFP kweather  987749  weather app for Plasma Mobile and Desktop  42  nobody
 2675   679  RFP selfspy  873955  log everything you do on the computer, for statistics/fun e…  0  nobody
 2676   679  RFP pymc3  964543  Bayesian statistical modeling and Probabilistic Machine Lea…  0  nobody
 2677   675  RFP peertube-desktop  948374  a native GTK adaptive client for Peertube  0  nobody
 2678   675  RFP smilodon  931468  ActivityPub server with an opt-in workflow  0  nobody
 2679   674  RFP qml-module-quick3d  1013287  QtQuick3D 5.15.3  0  nobody
 2680   668  RFP slack-desktop  1001208  Slack GUI client  2,580  nobody
 2681   664  RFP anytree  935395  Tree data library  0  nobody
 2682   664  RFP brother-ql  910441  Python package for the protocol of Brother QL label printers  0  nobody
 2683   664  RFP adafruit-blinka  988122  CircuitPython API for devices running CPython  0  nobody
 2684   664  RFP drawsvg  973693  Programmatically generates SVG images and renders or displa…  0  nobody
 2685   664  RFP catboost  964491  Gradient boosting machine learning library  0  nobody
 2686   664  RFP durations  986639  Python durations parsing library  0  nobody
 2687   664  RFP eth-bloom  887341  An implementation of the Ethereum bloom filter  0  nobody
 2688   664  RFP eth-utils  882695  Utility functions for working with ethereum related codebas…  0  nobody
 2689   664  RFP gspread  903227  Google Spreadsheets Python API  0  nobody
 2690   664  RFP gplearn  903226  Genetic Programming in Python with a scikit-learn inspired …  0  nobody
 2691   664  RFP hawkmoth  996357  minimalistic Sphinx C Domain autodoc directive extension  0  nobody
 2692   664  RFP  1010783  Functions for handling streaming data  0  nobody
 2693   664  RFP jaraco.logging  1010782  Functions to integrate argparse with logging  0  nobody
 2694   664  RFP ipyleaflet  947382  A Jupyter-Leaflet.js bridge  0  nobody
 2695   664  RFP py-evm  884796  A Python implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine  0  nobody
 2696   664  RFP python-lirc  718980  LIRC support for Python 3  0  nobody
 2697   664  RFP pytest-pythonpath  882713  A py.test plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH from pytest.i…  0  nobody
 2698   664  RFP seesaw  916391  An asynchronous toolkit for distributed web processing  0  nobody
 2699   664  RFP recordclass  927198  Python library for creating record-like classes  0  nobody
 2700   664  RFP sphinx-better-theme  891271  A nice-looking, customizable Sphinx theme  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!