Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 601   2,833  RFP orocos-log4cpp  782745  C++ library for flexible logging  0  nobody
 602   2,833  RFP libjs-validation  622257  jQuery plugin for clientside form validation  0  nobody
 603   2,833  RFP libnet-plesk-perl  590195  Perl extension for the Plesk XML Remote API  0  nobody
 604   2,833  RFP capnet-assist  784177  captive login detector  11  nobody
 605   2,832  RFP morelia  633411  client-facing scripting language for Behaviour-Driven Devel…  0  nobody
 606   2,832  RFP playitagainsam  726006  presenter that records and replays interactive terminal ses…  0  nobody
 607   2,832  RFP shocco  743272  documentation generator for Posix shell programs  0  nobody
 608   2,832  RFP python-rauth  745424  library for OAuth consumers  1  nobody
 609   2,832  RFP coffeelint  746619  static code analyser for CoffeeScript  0  nobody
 610   2,832  RFP python-primes  774901  library for working with prime numbers  0  nobody
 611   2,832  RFP python-pysal  791560  library of spatial analysis functions  31  nobody
 612   2,832  RFP python-compago  800926  framework for simple command-line parsing  0  nobody
 613   2,832  RFP caravel  825796  data exploration platform  0  nobody
 614   2,832  RFP feature-mode  825051  major mode for editing Gherkin user stories in Emacs  0  nobody
 615   2,832  RFP druid  825797  fast column-oriented distributed data store  0  nobody
 616   2,832  RFP libjs-jquery-freezeheader  834518  freeze header row in html table  0  nobody
 617   2,832  RFP pkg-create-dbgsym  749094  automatically build debug symbol ddeb packages  0  nobody
 618   2,832  RFP autosubmit  784438  Manage weather and climate experiments on supercomputers  0  nobody
 619   2,832  RFP diaspora-gems-compat  784422  provide gems for diaspora when corresponding deb package is…  0  nobody
 620   2,832  RFP php-horde-managesieve  784412  Client library for ManageSieve  0  nobody
 621   2,832  RFP vmdktool  783189  Converts raw filesystems to VMDK files and vice versa.  0  nobody
 622   2,832  RFP lsleases  776825  list assigned ip from any device in your network  2  nobody
 623   2,832  RFP jsqsh  784370  Console based database query tool, featuring command line e…  1  nobody
 624   2,832  RFP mraa  780540  userspace I/O library  0  nobody
 625   2,830  RFP crosswalk  775876  Crosswalk is an app runtime based on Chromium/Blink  0  nobody
 626   2,830  RFP libui  834760  Simple multi-platform GUI library written in C  0  nobody
 627   2,830  RFP liquidwar6  644239  Multiplayer wargame  0  nobody
 628   2,830  RFP msamr  785499  Mediastreamer plugin for AMR audio codec  0  nobody
 629   2,828  RFP ruby-knife-solo  785628  knife-solo adds a handful of commands that aim to make work…  0  nobody
 630   2,828  RFP ruby-knife-windows  785629  Plugin that adds functionality to Chef's Knife CLI for conf…  0  nobody
 631   2,827  RFP python-oath  785703  implementation of the three main OATH specifications  0  nobody
 632   2,827  RFP openassets  785744  Reference implementation of the Open Assets Protocol  0  nobody
 633   2,827  RFP golang-github-gengo-grpc-gateway  829461  gRPC to JSON proxy generator  0  nobody
 634   2,825  RFP modrana  835256  Modrana is a flexible GPS navigation system for mobile Linu…  0  nobody
 635   2,824  RFP trytls  835333  TLS client quality checker  0  nobody
 636   2,823  RFP orientdb  786581  A Multi-Model NoSQL Database  0  nobody
 637   2,823  RFP twamp-gui  786603  TWAMP protocol client and responder  0  nobody
 638   2,820  RFP tis-interpreter  824608  An interpreter for finding subtle bugs in programs written …  0  nobody
 639   2,820  RFP ralph  835861  asset management and DCIM tool for data centers  0  nobody
 640   2,820  RFP tt-rss-attic-plugins  713065  Extra plugins for tt-rss  0  nobody
 641   2,817  RFP libjs-nvd3  836194  re-usable charts for d3.js  0  nobody
 642   2,816  RFP gajim-otr  722130  Off-The-Record encryption for Gajim  0  nobody
 643   2,815  RFP django-mailbox  785673  Import mail from several sources into your Django project  0  nobody
 644   2,815  RFP python-wikitools  594130  A mediawiki interface API  0  nobody
 645   2,815  RFP python-oursql  786796  MySQL bindings for Python  0  nobody
 646   2,814  RFP rockbox  440111  open source jukebox firmware and utilities  0  nobody
 647   2,814  RFP cgrates  787476  Real-time Charging System for Telecom & ISP environments  5  nobody
 648   2,813  RFP gns3-converter  787541  GNS3 topology converter  0  nobody
 649   2,811  RFP networking-cisco  787733  OpenStack virtual network service - Cisco plugin  0  nobody
 650   2,809  RFP fdmf  490135  find duplicate music files  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!