Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 251   222  O emacs-window-layout  1053455  window layout manager for emacs  59  nobody
 252   968  O xtermcontrol  994646  dynamic configuration of xterm properties  214  nobody
 253   1,939  O emelfm2-svg-icons  920129  icon SVG files from emelfm2 project  25  nobody
 254   2,984  O cuneiform  723111  multi-language OCR system  1,170  nobody
 255   222  O yatex  1053456  Yet Another TeX mode for Emacs  76  nobody
 256   255  O libapreq2  1051034  generic Apache request library  981  nobody
 257   1,295  O geotranz  972990  GEOgraphic coordinates TRANslator  394  nobody
 258   2,090  O pidgin-extprefs  907113  extended preferences plugin for the instant messenger pidgin  260  nobody
 259   1,582  O zope.configuration  948806  Zope Configuration Markup Language (ZCML)  177  nobody
 260   227  O lebiniou  1053231  user-friendly, powerful music visualization / VJing tool  134  nobody
 261   2,790  O bbtime  837114  Time tool for the blackbox/fluxbox window managers  31  nobody
 262   1,604  O sgml-spell-checker  947175  spell checker for SGML documents  19  nobody
 263   1,582  O zope.exceptions  948808  Zope exceptions for Python 3  14  nobody
 264   1,927  O golang-github-denisenkom-go-mssqldb  889258  Microsoft SQL server driver written in go language  11  nobody
 265   1,189  O palabos  944878  CFD solver based on the lattice Boltzmann method  138  nobody
 266   1,636  O python-djvulibre  945190  Python support for the DjVu image format  148  nobody
 267   1,169  O dvtm  983796  Tiling window management for the console  126  nobody
 268   301  O librem-ec-acpi  1041308  dkms driver sources for EC ACPI in Purism Librem devices  15  nobody
 269   1,927  O golang-github-ngaut-log  889216  Provides a simple log wrapper for ngaut libraries  3  nobody
 270   260  O mazeofgalious  661454  The Maze of Galious  175  nobody
 271   3,975  O webdruid  714059  Web server log file analysis tool  21  nobody
 272   1,927  O jquery-areyousure  889498  jQuery plugin to alert users of unsaved changes  6  nobody
 273   745  O osdsh  1010351  overlays your screen with various system information  68  nobody
 274   1,499  O tenshi  955983  16  nobody
 275   1,597  O tinydyndns  947703  pop-before-dyndns service using djbdns  3  nobody
 276   1,169  O ceni  983800  Curses interface to /etc/network/interfaces  57  nobody
 277   1,927  O gitgraph.js  889499  convert git log --graph to image with HTML5 canvas  7  nobody
 278   2,801  O tvtime  728576  television display application  172  nobody
 279   265  O zpspell  1050233  Command line interface for zemberek-server  2  nobody
 280   27  O dfc  1069116  display file system usage using graph and colors  504  nobody
 281   4,003  O ddtc  710154  Deal with ddts mails  8  nobody
 282   505  O apparix  741089  console-based bookmark tool for fast  16  nobody
 283   1,514  O xstarfish  954465  X wallpaper generator  42  nobody
 284   2,632  O lua-augeas  737298  Lua binding to the Augeas C API  16  nobody
 285   682  O surfraw  1014170  fast unix command line interface to WWW  423  nobody
 286   1  O mysql-connector-python  1065224  pure Python implementation of MySQL Client/Server protocol …  317  nobody
 287   3,559  O devilspie  644202  find windows and perform actions on them  184  nobody
 288   1,927  O golang-github-petar-gollrb  889214  LLRB implementation of balanced binary search trees for Go  3  nobody
 289   1,499  O kdocker  955985  lets you dock any application into the system tray  228  nobody
 290   1  O py7zr  1065221  pure Python 7-zip library  6,275  nobody
 291   73  O pysimplesoap  1065223  simple and lightweight SOAP Library (Python 3)  200,938  nobody
 292   1,927  O golang-github-go-xorm-builder  889237  SQL builder for XORM written in Go  4  nobody
 293   3,653  O trueprint  747965  pretty printing of source code  42  nobody
 294   1,709  O golang-github-issue9-assert  889236  Simple extension to test a series of assert functions  3  nobody
 295   1,405  O pwrkap  964585  Energy use monitor and Power Cap enforcement tools - Core  5  nobody
 296   619  O xwrited  1019015  display write and wall messages as desktop notifications  22  nobody
 297   618  O buzztrax  1019046  Modular music composer  137  nobody
 298   1,744  O smb2www  933869  SMB/CIFS network client with a web interface  129  nobody
 299   962  O tcmu  994997  None  19  nobody
 300   4,108  O ale  700405  synthetic capture engine and renderer  52  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!