Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1051   257  O sqlitecpp  1051207  C++ SQLite3 wrapper  13  nobody
 1052   2,399  O srecord  879437  collection of powerful tools for manipulating EPROM load fi…  548  nobody
 1053   456  O ssh-askpass  993155  under X, asks user for a passphrase for ssh-add  5,703  nobody
 1054   725  O ssmtp  925056  extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail h…  1,937  nobody
 1055   2,860  O starvoyager  831806  2D space arcade game, themed around 'Star Trek' - binary  241  nobody
 1056   2,207  O statcvs  897311  CVS Repository statistic analysis tool, written in Java  42  nobody
 1057   2,207  O statsvn  897312  SVN repository statistics  31  nobody
 1058   2,757  O stfl  800753  structured terminal forms language/library  757  nobody
 1059   2,637  O stopwatch  737302  Virtual stopwatch and timer  392  nobody
 1060   2,014  O storebackup  856299  fancy compressing managing checksumming deduplicating hard-…  85  nobody
 1061   636  O stylish-haskell  1017878  Haskell code prettifier  62  nobody
 1062   4,380  O stymulator  673964  Curses based player and converter for the YM chiptune format  46  nobody
 1063   2,728  O suede  846120  Suede icon theme for GTK+ 2.x  455  nobody
 1064   2,271  O sup  891763  Software Upgrade Protocol implementation  28  nobody
 1065   687  O surfraw  1014170  fast unix command line interface to WWW  423  nobody
 1066   3,860  O svn-buildpackage  726770  helper programs to maintain Debian packages with Subversion  581  nobody
 1067   3,980  O svtools  714081  Utilities for daemontools and multilog  31  nobody
 1068   1,039  O swedish  843755  Swedish dictionary for ispell  1,561  nobody
 1069   3,751  O swish++  738474  Simple Document Indexing System for Humans: C++ version  662  nobody
 1070   960  O syncmaildir  995531  mailbox synchronization tools  38  nobody
 1071   99  O sysconftool  1063574  development tool to install and update configuration files  30  nobody
 1072   2,637  O sysnews  856301  program to display system news  72  nobody
 1073   4,367  O sysprofile  675784  Modularized system wide shell configuration mechanism  194  nobody
 1074   1,839  O sysrqd  928529  small daemon intended to manage Linux SysRq over network  83  nobody
 1075   4,829  O sysv-rc-conf  615551  SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal  2,015  nobody
 1076   1,140  O tardy  920110  post-processor for tar command  38  nobody
 1077   1,051  O tart  990614  versatile and feature-rich email signature generator  10  nobody
 1078   917  O tclcl  999655  tcl2c++ and otcldoc program from tclcl  636  nobody
 1079   1,005  O tclcurl  992338  Tcl bindings to libcurl  46  nobody
 1080   2,720  O tcm  847248  Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling (TCM)  83  nobody
 1081   967  O tcmu  994997  None  19  nobody
 1082   692  O t-code  1013899  Japanese direct input method environment for emacsen  11  nobody
 1083   2,710  O tcpspy  654322  Incoming and Outgoing TCP/IP connections logger  64  nobody
 1084   4,354  O tdfsb  677783  3D filesystem browser  99  nobody
 1085   2,764  O tegaki-zinnia-japanese  841819  Japanese handwriting model for Zinnia  799  nobody
 1086   2,764  O tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese  841818  Simplified Chinese handwriting model for Zinnia  20  nobody
 1087   1,504  O tenshi  955983  16  nobody
 1088   2,534  O tercpp  864587  Translation Error Rate scoring tool - development files  10  nobody
 1089   659  O tetrinetx  928533  game server for Tetrinet  152  nobody
 1090   3,480  O ticker  768528  configurable text scroller  115  nobody
 1091   1,602  O tinydyndns  947703  pop-before-dyndns service using djbdns  3  nobody
 1092   1,944  O tinyirc  920130  tiny IRC client  43  nobody
 1093   2,708  O tircd  848585  ircd proxy to the twitter API  8  nobody
 1094   2,064  O tk-brief  909433  GUI for easily writing letters with LaTeX  59  nobody
 1095   4,256  O tkdesk  688443  Tk/tcl based X11 Desktop/File manager  116  nobody
 1096   57  O tkrzw  1067518  set of implementations of DBM  18  nobody
 1097   57  O tkrzw-python  1067519  set of implementations of DBM - python binding  6  nobody
 1098   260  O tla  1051033  GNU Arch revision control system  625  nobody
 1099   3,656  O tmexpand  748276  text-macro processing script to create HTML and SGML docume…  7  nobody
 1100   1,278  O tnef  975033  Tool to unpack MIME application/ms-tnef attachments  1,805  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!