Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 301   274  O loadwatch  1047904  Run a program using only idle cycles  22  nobody
 302   955  O lua-copas  995501  Copas is a dispatcher of concurrent TCP/IP requests  23  nobody
 303   2,632  O cricket  737290  Program for collection and display of time-series data  23  nobody
 304   785  O sesman  1007870  session manager for Emacs IDEs  23  nobody
 305   10  O gnunet-fuse  1070306  peer-to-peer framework (fuse filesystem client)  23  nobody
 306   2,869  O libapache2-mod-lisp  829682  An Apache2 module that interfaces with Lisp environments  23  nobody
 307   955  O lua-xmlrpc  995525  xmlrpc library for the Lua language  23  nobody
 308   2,506  O lasi  867050  creation of PostScript documents containing Unicode symbols  24  nobody
 309   224  O mha4mysql-node  1053390  Master High Availability Manager and Tools for MySQL, Node …  24  nobody
 310   2,856  O cgvg  831700  command-line source browsing tool  24  nobody
 311   75  O sphinxtesters  1065043  utilities for testing Sphinx extensions - Python 3  24  nobody
 312   102  O libcoap3  1062655  C-Implementation of CoAP - libraries API version 3  24  nobody
 313   3,129  O docbook-ebnf  802366  EBNF module for the XML version of the DocBook DTD  24  nobody
 314   1,499  O iptotal  955986  monitor for IP traffic, not requiring SNMP  24  nobody
 315   2,767  O midge  840288  Text to MIDI compiler  24  nobody
 316   1,120  O dkopp  987089  Full and incremental backup to DVD  24  nobody
 317   4,699  O upse  632414  unix playstation sound emulator  24  nobody
 318   2,910  O ample  629687  A simple MP3 server easy to use  24  nobody
 319   1,499  O kiki  955984  tool for python regular expression testing  24  nobody
 320   1,205  O proxycheck  980955  checks existence of open proxy  24  nobody
 321   820  O jreen  1005648  powerful Jabber/XMPP library  24  nobody
 322   5,185  O acorn-fdisk  572371  Partition editor for Acorn/RISC OS machines  24  nobody
 323   705  O node-node-sass  1012550  Wrapper around libsass  25  nobody
 324   1,939  O emelfm2-svg-icons  920129  icon SVG files from emelfm2 project  25  nobody
 325   1,993  O netmate  914919  netdude clone that shows pcap dump lines in network header …  25  nobody
 326   833  O opt  1004664  Options Parsing Tool library  25  nobody
 327   1,046  O cd-circleprint  990611  prints round cd-labels  26  nobody
 328   1,205  O wbox  980949  HTTP testing tool and configuration-less HTTP server  26  nobody
 329   1,448  O herculesstudio  961608  Hercules GUI front-end  26  nobody
 330   1,924  O splitpatch  921434  split the patch up into files or hunks  26  nobody
 331   456  O aspic  1031216  Line art generator  26  nobody
 332   4,724  O nitpic  629605  simulator for the Microchip PIC16C84 microcontroller  27  nobody
 333   2,026  O libxsettings  784111  Xsettings protocol library for GPE  27  nobody
 334   245  O icmpush  1050468  ICMP packet builder  27  nobody
 335   1,939  O dbar  920108  general purpose ASCII graphic percentage meter/progressbar  27  nobody
 336   2,842  O btyacc  833160  Backtracking parser generator based on byacc  27  nobody
 337   2,270  O python-pyrss2gen  891309  interface for generating RSS 2.0 feeds  27  nobody
 338   2,202  O jclassinfo  897296  extracts information from Java class files  27  nobody
 339   2,503  O bwbar  867318  generates text and graphical readout of current bandwidth u…  27  nobody
 340   19  O httest  1069761  HTTP test tool  27  nobody
 341   1,169  O tup  983797  fast build system  27  nobody
 342   1,890  O x4d-icons  924372  X4D Icon set for various online document types  27  nobody
 343   4,549  O ferret  618938  CASE tool for data model editing  27  nobody
 344   2,266  O sup  891763  Software Upgrade Protocol implementation  28  nobody
 345   4,100  O dds2tar  701029  Tools for using DDS features of DAT drives with GNU tar  28  nobody
 346   981  O fwsnort  831274  Snort-to-iptables rule translator  28  nobody
 347   755  O dropwatch  1009898  tool for detecting and diagnosing dropped network packets  28  nobody
 348   916  O bitlbee-facebook  992288  None  28  nobody
 349   886  O olpc-powerd  1001127  OLPC XO power management support daemon  28  nobody
 350   2,183  O grail  899329  Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library  28  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!