Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 151   2,053  O liblaxjson  909903  relaxed streaming JSON parser library (development files)  10  nobody
 152   1,205  O microdc2  980954  command-line based Direct Connect client  10  nobody
 153   2,819  O crafty-books-small  835320  Small-size opening books for crafty chess engine  10  nobody
 154   1,934  O fl-cow  920503  copy-on-write utility  10  nobody
 155   287  O pam-krb5-migrate  1042772  PAM module for migrating to Heimdal Kerberos  10  nobody
 156   2,529  O tercpp  864587  Translation Error Rate scoring tool - development files  10  nobody
 157   663  O gitbrute  1015773  brute-force a git commit hash  10  nobody
 158   1,461  O libdevice-usb-pcsensor-hidtemper-perl  960552  Perl module to interface to the HidTEMPer thermometers  10  nobody
 159   1,205  O libdbix-class-htmlwidget-perl  980953  DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget perl module  10  nobody
 160   1,939  O ifile  920133  spam filter capable of learning  10  nobody
 161   575  O python-diaspy  1021902  unofficial interface to the Diaspora social network (Python…  10  nobody
 162   1,927  O golang-github-denisenkom-go-mssqldb  889258  Microsoft SQL server driver written in go language  11  nobody
 163   1,211  O transaction  980407  Transaction management for Python  11  nobody
 164   502  O coco-cpp  1027187  Coco/R Compiler Generator (C++ Version)  11  nobody
 165   3,579  O libhbalinux  753105  Library for retrieving FCOE adapter information  11  nobody
 166   1,894  O unibetacode  923913  convert polytonic Greek and Coptic between Beta Code and Un…  11  nobody
 167   100  O lcm  965945  Lightweight Communications and Marshalling  11  nobody
 168   2,921  O sortmail  790732  simple mail sorter  11  nobody
 169   1,672  O nmzmail  929541  indexes and searches email in maildir folders  11  nobody
 170   2,698  O fsvs  656100  Full system versioning with metadata support  11  nobody
 171   74  O singleapplication  1065093  Replacement of QtSingleApplication for Qt5  11  nobody
 172   1,498  O django-notification  737293  user notification management for Django  11  nobody
 173   3,974  O qwo  714196  An efficient input method for touch screens  11  nobody
 174   2,718  O minlog  846851  Proof assistant based on first order natural deduction calc…  11  nobody
 175   250  O npgsql  1051042  PostgreSQL connection library for Mono  11  nobody
 176   1,211  O mercurial-crecord  980409  Mercurial crecord extension (transitional package)  11  nobody
 177   687  O t-code  1013899  Japanese direct input method environment for emacsen  11  nobody
 178   1,124  O git-phab  987001  Git subcommand to integrate with Phabricator.  11  nobody
 179   631  O emacs-noflet  1017883  Emacs Lisp noflet macro for dynamic, local advice  11  nobody
 180   1,582  O zope.location  948812  Tools for working with object locations  11  nobody
 181   2,703  O esix  848572  PDP-8 Engineering and Scientific Interpreter eXtended  11  nobody
 182   567  O pantalaimon  1022717  E2EE aware proxy daemon for matrix clients  11  nobody
 183   661  O slick  1015846  responsive carousel jQuery plugin  11  nobody
 184   1,582  O  948815  Zope Security Framework  11  nobody
 185   242  O libibtk  1050475  Insomnia's Basic ToolKit  12  nobody
 186   2,856  O parsewiki  831720  Documentation System Based on ASCII Text  12  nobody
 187   3,715  O osspsa  741474  Abstraction library for the Unix socket API  12  nobody
 188   64  O python-jieba  1065809  Jieba Chinese text segmenter  12  nobody
 189   620  O ygl  859279  A library that emulates SGI's GL routines under X11  12  nobody
 190   1,582  O zope.proxy  948813  Generic transparent proxies for Python  12  nobody
 191   46  O qt-avif-image-plugin  1067899  Qt plug-in to read/write AVIF images  12  nobody
 192   123  O django-impersonate  1060463  Django module for superusers to impersonate accounts  12  nobody
 193   788  O cycle-quotes  904238  None  12  nobody
 194   4,341  O esekeyd  678864  multimedia keyboard daemon for Linux  12  nobody
 195   548  O elm-mode  1021459  major Emacs mode for editing Elm source code  13  nobody
 196   1,746  O canna-shion  838059  supporting dictionaries for Canna  13  nobody
 197   3,452  O renattach  771489  Rename attachments on the fly  13  nobody
 198   525  O multimail  693230  Offline reader for BW, QWK,OMEN and SOUP  13  nobody
 199   1,636  O gox  945180  simple cross compilation tool for Go  13  nobody
 200   252  O sqlitecpp  1051207  C++ SQLite3 wrapper  13  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!