Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 5051   2,305  ITP vala-panel-extras  888068  Extra Plugins for the Vala Panel  0  Mike Gabriel
 5052   31  ITP vale  1066893  A markup-aware linter for prose built with speed and extens…  0  Maytham Alsudany
 5053   40  RFP valkey  1068342  Persistent key-value database with network interface (Redis…  0  nobody
 5054   3,454  RFP valyriatear  700402  open source J-RPG game  0  nobody
 5055   3,063  RFP vanitygen  718860  bitcoin vanity address generator  0  nobody
 5056   2,626  RFP vanityhash  606927  Utility to search for partial hash matches  0  nobody
 5057   94  ITP vapid  1063815  Simple VAPID header generation library  0  Martin
 5058   636  RFP vapoursynth  833942  A video processing framework with simplicity in mind  1,656  nobody
 5059   2,106  RFP variety-slideshow  905821  It can work as a standalone command-line utility, or as a "…  0  nobody
 5060   82  ITP varlink  960434  point-to-point IPC protocol and interface description format  9  Jason Francis
 5061   3,454  RFP varnish-agent-dashboard  721942  Simple realtime dashboard for Varnish Cache  0  nobody
 5062   3,200  RFP varnisnncsa-vhost  608395  Wrapper around 'varnishncsa' tool to save varnish logs with…  0  nobody
 5063   226  ITP vaticinator  1053415  Python 'fortune' implementation/library  0  Matt Barry
 5064   61  ITP vaultwarden  1067023  Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust  16  Bernhard Dick
 5065   2,168  RFP vbam  541157  Gameboy Advance emulator  0  nobody
 5066   868  ITP vcglib-dev  1002853  library for manipulation, processing and displaying with Op…  0  Juri Grabowski
 5067   2,642  RFP vconnectstand  804420  singing synthesizer  0  nobody
 5068   1,609  RFP vcvrack  942211  Virtual Eurorack DAW  55  nobody
 5069   581  RFP vdo  895405  set of userspace tools for managing pools of deduplicated a…  0  nobody
 5070   1,434  RFP vdsm  668538  Virtual Desktop and Server Manager  0  nobody
 5071   2,287  ITP vectis  843486  build software in a disposable virtual machine  0  Simon McVittie
 5072   617  ITP vector  1019316  high-performance data pipeline for collecting all your logs…  100  Thomas Goirand
 5073   1,271  RFP veloren  966693  multiplayer voxel RPG  0  nobody
 5074   1,346  RFP venom  968177  A Vala/Gtk+ client for Tox.  2  nobody
 5075   452  RFP ventoy  1031595  Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive …  12  nobody
 5076   322  RFP veracrypt  1029456  Cross-platform on-the-fly encryption  880  nobody
 5077   1,450  RFP verapdf  961603  first complete open source PDF/A validator  0  nobody
 5078   683  ITP versioningit  1010897  PEP 518 driven setuptools plugin for auto-versioning using …  0  Yaroslav Halchenko
 5079   761  ITP vertcoin  1009763  Since 2014, a digital currency with mining decentralisation…  0  vertion
 5080   2,366  RFP vertex-theme  796414  Vertex themes for GTK 2/3  8  nobody
 5081   834  RFP verynice  746255  nice(1)-like utility to throttle long running processes  1  nobody
 5082   368  RFP vexcl  920150  VexCL is a C++ vector expression template library for OpenC…  0  nobody
 5083   829  RFP vgrep  1005126  a user-friendly pager for grep  0  nobody
 5084   1,325  ITP vguitar  970653  Play Guitar in any term w/ MIDI synthesizer  0  Nick Strauss
 5085   2,530  RFP vhostmd  817197  Virtualisation host metrics daemon  0  nobody
 5086   239  ITP v-i  1050969  An alternative Debian installer using vmdb2 and ansible  0  Christopher Obbard
 5087   595  RFP vidbox  1001211  video processing toolbox  0  nobody
 5088   635  RFP viddy  1017805  modern watch command. Time machine and pager  0  nobody
 5089   3,248  RFP vim-automaticlatexplugin  739066  editing, building and viewing LaTeX files in vim  0  nobody
 5090   89  ITP vimb  982010  the vim like browser  1  Martin Atukunda
 5091   864  RFP vim-bracketed-paste  1003092  plugin to handle bracketed-paste-mode in vim  0  nobody
 5092   3,194  RFP vim-easymotion  769061  simple and efficient motions in vim  0  nobody
 5093   1,737  RFP vim-execline  934774  execline syntax highlighting for vim  0  nobody
 5094   3,277  RFP vim-go  786932  Golang support for Vim  0  nobody
 5095   140  RFP vim-graphical-preview  1059569  preview images inside (n)vim  0  nobody
 5096   502  RFP vim-nim  1027431  Nim language support for Vim  0  nobody
 5097   1,684  RFP vimoutliner  941842  script for building an outline editor on top of Vim  0  nobody
 5098   1,098  RFP vimpager  988510  pager using vim and less.vim  12  nobody
 5099   2,688  RFP vim-pyclewn  655235  Pyclewn allows using vim as a front end to a debugger. Curr…  0  nobody
 5100   2,297  RFP vim-vimtex  888981  modern Vim plugin for editing LaTeX files  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!