Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 5351   1,289  ITP urbackup-server  905234  easy to setup backup system (server)  234  Roberto Lumbreras
 5352   929  ITP fs-uae-launcher  996769  Launcher and configuration program for FS-UAE  237  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
 5353   887  RFP openhab  1000817  Vendor and technology agnostic home automation software  242  nobody
 5354   1,072  RFP ganttproject  436792  Gantt chart based project  253  nobody
 5355   116  RFP carla  798490  audio plugin host supporting LADSPA, DSSI,LV2, VST2/3 and A…  254  nobody
 5356   1,705  RFP megacmd  939318  a command line client for  259  nobody
 5357   1,130  RFP metasploit-framework  323420  Framework platform to find,  289  nobody
 5358   346  RFP freeswitch  389591  Modular Media Switching Software Library and Soft-Switch Ap…  290  nobody
 5359   1,174  RFP jitsi-meet  760485  WebRTC video conferencing application  299  nobody
 5360   820  RFP duplicati  969188  user-friendly remote, encrypted, incremental backups; capab…  306  nobody
 5361   822  ITP tvheadend  1004786  TV streaming server and recorder  312  Henry-Nicolas Tourneur
 5362   940  ITP systemd-zram-generator  991471  Auto generator for zram devices to systemd service.  351  heysion
 5363   2,092  ITP phoronix-test-suite  905925  Benchmarking and system testing framework  356  Zebulon McCorkle
 5364   3,201  RFP logstash  664841  tool for managing events and logs  359  nobody
 5365   264  RFP bitwarden  956836  fully open-source, cross-platform  373  nobody
 5366   1,903  ITP ocs-url  920186  A program enabling web-installation of items served via Ope…  375
 5367   352  RFP openrgb  1002856  Control RGB devices  378  nobody
 5368   1,197  RFP kibana  700337  is a user friendly way to view your log data.  425  nobody
 5369   1,449  ITP php-mail-mimedecode  865521  Provides a class to decode mime messages  435  Prachi Srivastava
 5370   2,228  RFP mattermost-desktop  831861  Mattermost Desktop application  439  nobody
 5371   2,614  RFP hunspell-gu  702223  Gujarati dictionary for hunspell  466  nobody
 5372   3,051  RFP google-cloud-sdk  759578  easily create and manage resources on Google Cloud  475  nobody
 5373   1,178  RFP mailspring  982484  None  510  nobody
 5374   879  RFP waydroid  1001278  Run a full Android system on Wayland using a container  533  nobody
 5375   2,210  RFP insomnia  895800  Intuitive REST API client  592  nobody
 5376   1,944  ITP appimagelauncher  918523  Helper application for Linux distributions serving as a kin…  599  Scarlett Moore
 5377   28  ITP librewolf  981291  community-maintained fork of librefox, privacy and security…  663  Kilian Romberg
 5378   2,822  RFP php-pam  746219  PAM integration  698  nobody
 5379   159  RFP onlyoffice-desktopeditors  963070  free alternative to MS Office for Linux  714  nobody
 5380   310  RFP veracrypt  1029456  Cross-platform on-the-fly encryption  871  nobody
 5381   162  RFP powershell  834756  scripting language interpreter built on .NET  871  nobody
 5382   1,466  RFP msbuild  959043  build platform for .NET and Visual Studio  903  nobody
 5383   583  RFP hydrogen-doc  1020936  Manual and Tutorial for the Hydrogen drum machine  923  nobody
 5384   306  ITP nordvpn  1038718  VPN client for linux  984  Ramūnas Keliuotis
 5385   197  RFP pgadmin4  834129  graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL, generation 4  1,049  nobody
 5386   1,815  RFP libnvidia-container-tools  929046  Utility for exposing nVidia hardware to linux containers  1,062  nobody
 5387   195  RFP rustdesk  1038942  remote control software, allowing maintenance of computers …  1,072  nobody
 5388   110  RFP atom  747824  hackable editor  1,278  nobody
 5389   100  RFP jellyfin-web  1061461  jellyfin media server web ui  1,337  nobody
 5390   100  RFP jellyfin-server  994189  The Free Software Media System  1,345  nobody
 5391   1,174  RFP elasticsearch  948384  "Open Source" (but non-free and not OSI-compliant), Distrib…  1,357  nobody
 5392   984  RFP zerotier-one  886569  ZeroTier network virtualization service  1,388  nobody
 5393   565  RFP telegraf  793749  plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into Influ…  1,653  nobody
 5394   624  RFP vapoursynth  833942  A video processing framework with simplicity in mind  1,656  nobody
 5395   341  RFP codium  959941  Code editing. Redefined.  1,957  nobody
 5396   506  RFP rstudio  617296  IDE for GNU R  2,180  nobody
 5397   1,885  RFP grafana  923872  feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor  2,321  nobody
 5398   424  RFP rpi-imager  1019701  Raspberry Pi Imaging Utility  2,574  nobody
 5399   1,750  ITP speedtest  932471 CLI written in Golang  2,577  Utkarsh Gupta
 5400   674  RFP slack-desktop  1001208  Slack GUI client  2,580  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!