Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 5051   406  RFP rtlsdr-scanner  1034074  radio frequency scanning GUI using the OsmoSDR rtl-sdr libr…  15  nobody
 5052   347  RFP bashdb  1036974  bash debugger  15  nobody
 5053   3,455  RFP jnetmap  721050  Network planner and scanner with nice  15  nobody
 5054   115  ITP helix  1024683  efficient console-based modal text editor  15  Jonas Smedegaard
 5055   1,463  RFP elan  847644  A professional tool for the creation of complex annotations…  16  nobody
 5056   1,961  RFP matomo  448532  web analytics platform  16  nobody
 5057   2,757  RFP runit-init  766090  a UNIX init scheme with service supervision  16  nobody
 5058   786  RFP hoppscotch  1008183  Web API development environment  16  nobody
 5059   63  ITP hyprland  1040971  dynamic tiling Wayland compositor based on wlroots  16  Alan M Varghese
 5060   639  RFP jless  1017575  command-line JSON viewer  16  nobody
 5061   626  RFP bubblemail  955188  An extensible mail notification service  16  nobody
 5062   62  ITP vaultwarden  1067023  Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust  17  Bernhard Dick
 5063   119  ITP zig  995670  General-purpose programming language and toolchain for main…  17  Nick Hastings
 5064   2,070  RFP cid  847632  Scripts to automate and optimize the configuration of a Lin…  17  nobody
 5065   1,859  RFP jadx  927170  Android Dex decompiler  17  nobody
 5066   1,373  ITP freeipa-healthcheck  954160  Health check tool for FreeIPA  17  Timo Aaltonen
 5067   1,931  RFP amdvlk  916552  AMD Open Source Driver For Vulkan  17  nobody
 5068   596  RFP czkawka  1006181  remove unnecessary files from your computer  17  nobody
 5069   2,669  RFP thunar-shares-plugin  672539  samba usershare support for thunar filemanager (XFCE)  17  nobody
 5070   154  ITP rdiffweb  969974  Rdiffweb is an open source web interface for rdiff-backup.  17  Patrik Dufresne
 5071   1,294  ITP qucs  714836  an integrated circuit simulator with a GUI  17  Ruben Undheim
 5072   803  ITP scantailor-advanced  940329  interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages  17
 5073   43  ITP kompose  874049  conversion tool for all things compose (namely Docker Compo…  18  'Rahulkrishnan R A'
 5074   620  ITP thelounge  1019237  Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC cli…  18  Bo YU
 5075   400  RFP fonts-iosevka  973995  Slender typeface for code, from code  18  nobody
 5076   2,481  RFP ajenti  792019  multilingual web-based server administration panel  18  nobody
 5077   2,031  RFP libvirt-snmp  911894  control and monitor the libvirt virtualization management t…  18  nobody
 5078   2,200  RFP yakyak  831765  Desktop client for Google Hangouts  19  nobody
 5079   252  ITP wxformbuilder  390135  Open Source GUI Builder Tool For wxWidgets  19  Steve M
 5080   125  ITP quickemu  1018072  quickly create and run virtual machines  19  Maytham Alsudany
 5081   100  RFP ghidra  923851  software reverse engineering framework  19  nobody
 5082   1,000  ITP ruby-parser  992664  Ruby parser written in pure Ruby  19  Hideki Yamane
 5083   1,879  RFP m64py  678947  Mupen64Plus 2.0 GUI frontend written in python  19  nobody
 5084   2,211  RFP zaproxy  897142  Testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications  19  nobody
 5085   125  RFP opentoonz  848268  2D animation software  19  nobody
 5086   1,695  RFP unit  941243  NGINX Unit  19  nobody
 5087   1,317  ITP zsh-completions  849878  Additional completion  19  Georgy Komarov
 5088   1,394  RFP lunarg-via  890476  LunarG Vulkan Installation Analyzer  19  nobody
 5089   242  RFP innernet  1052189  Wireguard-based private network  19  nobody
 5090   2,839  RFP kodi-visualization-projectm  833763  ProjectM visualizer for Kodi  20  nobody
 5091   1,730  ITP johnny  935483  GUI front-end for John the Ripper  20  Michael Cordingley
 5092   246  RFP itd  1051959  daemon to control watches running InfiniTime (such as PineT…  20  nobody
 5093   188  RFP qt-heif-image-plugin  1055790  Qt Plugin for HEIF Images  20  nobody
 5094   658  RFP dog  1016361  command-line DNS client with colorful output and support fo…  20  nobody
 5095   1,472  ITP eudev  765971  udev fork, independent of systemd trunk.  20
 5096   2,124  RFP gsignond  831747  gSSO daemon and default plugins  21  nobody
 5097   114  ITP cosign  1061446  Code signing and transparency for containers and binaries  21  Simon Josefsson
 5098   918  RFP dvc  932377  Version Control System for Machine Learning  21  nobody
 5099   335  RFP lunarg-vulkan-layers  890009  Extra vulkan development layers  21  nobody
 5100   585  ITP libjiconfont-google-material-design-i…  970797  jIconFont - Google Material Design Icons  21  Masahiro Kitagawa

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!