Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 351   106  ITP aida-x  1061260  Amp Model Player leveraging AI  13
 352   1,864  RFP hadoop  793644  Apache Hadoop distributed processing framework  13  nobody
 353   121  RFP falco  842306  Sysdig Falco is a behavioral activity monitor designed to d…  13  nobody
 354   638  RFP snappymail  1017641  Simple, modern, lightweight & fast web-based email client  13  nobody
 355   255  ITP xh  1051320  Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests  13  Blair Noctis
 356   663  RFP tut  1015960  A TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys  13  nobody
 357   394  RFP rmilter  813711  None  13  nobody
 358   3,064  RFP pantheon-files  750823  The file manager of the Pantheon desktop  13  nobody
 359   108  ITP chatterino  1061336  Chatterino is a chat client for Twitch chat. It aims to be …  13  matt
 360   893  ITP xephem  995227  An interactive astronomical ephemeris for X  13  Łukasz Sanocki
 361   2,386  RFP firebird-emu  880826  Third-party emulator of the ARM-based TI-Nspire calculators  13  nobody
 362   1,099  RFP vimpager  988510  pager using vim and less.vim  12  nobody
 363   1,463  RFP atomsk  878152  A tool for manipulating and converting atomic data files  12  nobody
 364   2,509  RFP telldus-core  544982  Utilities and driver to control NEXA and other RF remote re…  12  nobody
 365   1,193  ITP buf  980433  Better way to work with Protocol Buffers  12  Arnaud Rebillout
 366   110  ITP grype  1061720  A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems  12  Daniel Echeverri
 367   1,932  RFP ossec-hids  361954  Host-based intrusion detection system  12  nobody
 368   596  RFP element-web  866502  web-based matrix client  12  nobody
 369   2,314  RFP inspec  887397  compliance checking tool  12  nobody
 370   2,676  RFP coova-chilli  517847  (Wireless) LAN Access Point Controller  12  nobody
 371   42  ITP ruptime  1013361  poor man's ruptime  12  Gürkan Myczko
 372   75  RFP matrix-conduit  1007940  lightweight homeserver for the Matrix protocol  12  nobody
 373   220  RFP foobnix  1053771  a free music player written on Python 3  12  nobody
 374   453  RFP ventoy  1031595  Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive …  12  nobody
 375   2,280  RFP eibd-server  549901  KNX/EIB server  11  nobody
 376   2,525  RFP elkarbackup  865046  backup solution with an easy-to-use web interface based on …  11  nobody
 377   2,731  RFP amdgpu-pro  845589  proprietary AMD graphics drivers  11  nobody
 378   643  RFP pdf4qt  1017089  An all in one PDF reader and editor tool.  11  nobody
 379   2,832  RFP capnet-assist  784177  captive login detector  11  nobody
 380   663  RFP miraclecast  1015961  The MiracleCast project provides software to connect extern…  11  nobody
 381   171  ITP spectrum2  672699  XMPP transport/gateway  11  Tobias Frost
 382   418  RFP jitsi-videobridge  757769  a WebRTC compatible Selective  11  nobody
 383   810  RFP tlpui  1006598  GTK user interface for laptop power management  11  nobody
 384   1,003  RFP whitesur-gtk-theme  992440  None  10  nobody
 385   1,925  RFP csdr  821115  DSP library and command-line tool for Software Defined Radio  10  nobody
 386   1,054  ITP deepin-compressor  977582  lightweight archive manager of DDE  10  Tu Qinggang
 387   503  ITP mesact  1027457  Mesa Configuration Tools for LinuxCNC  10  Steffen Moeller
 388   2,661  RFP qesteidutil  658303  Estonian ID card management utility  10  nobody
 389   2,757  RFP quickhash  842413  hashing GUI tool  10  nobody
 390   1,788  RFP libressl  754513  SSL library, forked from OpenSSL  10  nobody
 391   2,622  RFP mozjpeg  741487  Mozilla JPEG Encoder Project  10  nobody
 392   401  ITP libxisf  1031694  Library to load and save XISF images  10  Dušan Poizl
 393   1,515  RFP joplin  931306  open source note-taking app with sync  10  nobody
 394   996  ITP python-baron  992952  Full Syntax Tree for python for refactoring code  10  Jonas Smedegaard
 395   1,912  ITP node-smart-buffer  887841  It is a Buffer wrapper that adds automatic read & write off…  10  Sahil Joseph
 396   115  ITP meli  1001084  terminal mail client  10  Jonas Smedegaard
 397   986  RFP libnet-sftp-perl  993606  pure-Perl implementation of the Secure File Transfer Protoc…  10  nobody
 398   223  ITP libdatetime-format-excel-perl  510515  Perl library to convert between DateTime and Excel dates.  10  Francesco P. Lovergine
 399   1,248  RFP ags  844078  Please add 'ags' (adventure game studio) to Debian games  10  nobody
 400   2,193  RFP mellowplayer  898837  Cloud music integration for your desktop  9  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!