Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 201   1,360  RFP qcad  871733  computer-aided design (CAD) application for 2D design and d…  39  nobody
 202   44  RFP keydb  1067413  persistent key-value database with network interface  38  nobody
 203   1,283  ITP seadrive-gui  974214  Seafile drive client GUI part  38  Moritz Schlarb
 204   307  ITP woof  1029575  share files through HTTP protocol  38  Hector Cao
 205   248  RFP mintupdate  1038403  Linux Mint update manager  38  nobody
 206   2,323  RFP purple-facebook  803473  Plugin for pidgin to support new facebook chat  36  nobody
 207   711  RFP glpi  1012423  GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software  36  nobody
 208   1,692  ITP openbve  927278  Realistic 3D Train / Railway Simulator  36  Hideki Yamane
 209   2,605  RFP zcash  842388  an implementation of the "Zerocash" protocol  36  nobody
 210   256  RFP conan  845463  dependency manager for C/C++/golang  36  nobody
 211   723  RFP subsurface  824520  scuba diving logbook  36  nobody
 212   617  ITP xreader  958981  A generic document reader  35  Hugo Ziviani
 213   2,790  RFP cutmp3  619703  small and fast command line MP3 editor  35  nobody
 214   265  ITP audio-recorder  830207  record what is played in the loudspeakers  35  Rolf Leggewie
 215   1,274  ITP nextcloud-server  941708  Nextcloud folder synchronization tool (server)  34
 216   1,656  RFP emacs-snapshot  429577  The GNU Emacs editor (development snapshot)  34  nobody
 217   1,597  RFP kali-undercover  947938  Windows 10 like theme for Gnome  34  nobody
 218   2,275  RFP xidel  826763  Command line tool to download and query HTML/XML/JSON with …  34  nobody
 219   1,207  RFP cudatext  981099  Cross-platform GUI code editor  34  nobody
 220   147  RFP signald  980286  A daemon that facilitates communication via Signal Private …  33  nobody
 221   720  RFP pwnat  930966  allows clients behind NATs to communicate  33  nobody
 222   896  ITP manticore  912160  Feature-rich full-text oriented search engine  33  Andrej Shadura
 223   130  RFP publii  1037456  Static CMS for privacy-focused, SEO-optimized websites  33  nobody
 224   317  ITP spike  1040380  Spike RISC-V ISA Simulator  32  Jax Young
 225   3,064  RFP gns3-server  766166  GNS3 server to asynchronously manage emulators  32  nobody
 226   607  RFP qrcp  1015802  transfer files by qrcode  32  nobody
 227   199  ITP netspeed  1055104  Monitor network interface stats like upload/download speeds…  32  Divyanshu Agrawal
 228   1,921  RFP rethinkdb  810210  scalable document database with push support  31  nobody
 229   2,831  RFP python-pysal  791560  library of spatial analysis functions  31  nobody
 230   839  ITP ebusd  1004535  daemon for handling communication with eBUS ('Energy Bus') …  31  Wookey
 231   449  ITP gum  1031634  A tool for glamourous shell scripts  31  Scarlett Moore
 232   2,104  ITP freecad-doc  906105  Extensible Open Source CAx program - online documentation  31  Kurt Kremitzki
 233   3,571  RFP ruby-rkerberos  718034  A Ruby interface for Kerberos  31  nobody
 234   1,050  ITP bulk-extractor  990302  A stream-based forensics tool for triage and cross-evidence…  31  Jan Gru
 235   1,463  RFP lantern  828932  A popular Internet censorship circumvention tool  31  nobody
 236   405  ITP ms-sys  808414  Program used to write Microsoft-compatible boot records  30  Ben Westover
 237   2,170  RFP gns3-gui  766167  GNS3 graphical interface for the GNS3 server  30  nobody
 238   1,294  ITP nemo-preview  973504  quick previewer for nemo  30  Joshua Peisach
 239   1,094  ITP jupyterhub  988775  A multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks  30  Roland Mas
 240   14  ITP websocat  999888  command line client for WebSockets  30  Maytham Alsudany
 241   427  RFP obs-backgroundremoval  1022161  OBS Studio Plugin: Background Removal  30  nobody
 242   2,595  RFP divxenc  544051  shell script to encode DVDs to FMP4/DivX  30  nobody
 243   432  ITP libnginx-mod-http-auth-spnego  1032835  SPNEGO authentication module for Nginx  30  David Härdeman
 244   196  RFP icecat  637348  GNU version of the Firefox browser  30  nobody
 245   950  RFP system-monitoring-center  994891  Provides information  30  nobody
 246   1,253  ITP nemo-emblems  826454  folder and file emblem support for Nemo  29  Joshua Peisach
 247   2,314  RFP php-oci8  774765  Extension for Oracle Database  29  nobody
 248   2,276  RFP xviewer  830615  GTK Image viewer program for the XApps project  29  nobody
 249   3,411  RFP sslyze  765787  SSL analyser and weakness scanner  29  nobody
 250   2,117  RFP fsleyes  861327  feature-rich viewer for volumetric images  29  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!