Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 101   606  ITP iolang  394315  Dynamic prototype-based programming language  0  Yangfl
 102   906  ITP sqlitestudio  827236  SQLite database manager  2  Yangfl
 103   1,383  ITP swiftshader  909156  high-performance CPU-based  0  Yangfl
 104   359  ITP node-types-chrome  1035958  Typescript definitions for Chrome extension development  0  Yadd
 105   562  ITP node-cmark-gfm  1022125  Node.js bindings to GitHub's GFM-enhanced fork of the cmark…  0  Yadd
 106   230  ITP node-html-webpack-plugin  1052140  node-webpack plugin to create HTML files  3  Yadd
 107   864  ITP node-d3-flame-graph  1002492  D3.js plugin that produces flame graphs from hierarchical d…  0  Yadd
 108   825  ITP node-ink  1004551  command-line utility to test react.js component  0  Yadd
 109   0  ITP python3-tabnet  1070408  Attentive Interpretable Tabular Learning  0  Yadd
 110   23  ITP node-microsoft-fast  1068862  FAST monorepo, containing web component packages, tools, ex…  0  Yadd
 111   799  ITP node-grunt-contrib-qunit  959411  Run QUnit unit tests in a headless Chrome instance  0
 112   483  ITP cvmfs  1016722  The CernVM File System  156  Yachen Wang
 113   4  ITP emacs-cfrs  1070096  Child-frame based read-string for Emacs  0  Xiyue Deng
 114   26  ITP activities-el  1068677  Save/restore sets of windows, tabs/frames, and their buffer…  0  Xiyue Deng
 115   29  ITP emacs-popon  1068441  Pop floating text on an Emacs window  0  Xiyue Deng
 116   30  ITP emacs-corfu-terminal  1068440  Corfu popup on terminal  0  Xiyue Deng
 117   75  ITP ukui-search  1062977  User-wide desktop search of ukui  0  xibowen
 118   264  ITP ukui-system-appwidget  1043001  The ukui time app widget  0  xibowen
 119   2,076  ITP node-lemonldap-ng-handler  900097  Node.js handler for LemonLDAP::NG WebSSO system  0  Xavier
 120   2,076  ITP node-fs-jetpack  896859  high-level file API for Node.js  0  Xavier
 121   2,076  ITP node-inireader  896938  small ini files reader for Node.js  0  Xavier
 122   2,076  ITP node-file-cache-simple  896936  simple file key/value cache for Node.js  0  Xavier
 123   1,257  ITP node-rxjs  940836  reactive extensions for JavaScript  0  Xavier Guimard
 124   1,126  ITP wowlet  986323  a free Wownero desktop wallet  0  wowlet
 125   1,048  ITP mycroft-core  893788  Intelligent Voice Assistant  0  Wouter Verhelst
 126   252  ITP cavewhere  836249  Cave survey processing and visualisation  1  Wookey
 127   1,874  ITP energy2d  924949  Interactive 2D heat transfer simulator  0  Wookey
 128   1,877  ITP samskivert  924723  Utility library for java  0  Wookey
 129   83  ITP libbacktrace  1008135  Backtrace library (for C/C++ apps)  0  Wookey
 130   826  ITP ebusd  1004535  daemon for handling communication with eBUS ('Energy Bus') …  31  Wookey
 131   1,568  ITP tvm  949155  Deep Learning compiler  0  Wookey
 132   1,889  ITP espr  820256  Building performance modelling software  1  Wookey
 133   1,249  ITP motor  358614  ncurses based IDE  2  Witherking25
 134   1,263  ITP webpackage  975111  WebPackage is a revolutionary way of distributing web apps.  0  Witherking25
 135   1,123  ITP joycond-cemuhook  986589  Support for cemuhook's UDP protocol for joycond devices  0  Witherking25
 136   1,127  ITP hid-nintendo-dkms  986350  Nintendo HID kernel module  0  Witherking25
 137   1,124  ITP joycond  986486  Pairs joy-cons together into a virtual controller  6  Witherking25
 138   2,348  ITP archi  710262  a tool and editor to create ArchiMate models  0  Willem van den Akker
 139   940  ITP plata-gtk-theme  934283  A Gtk theme based on Material Design Refresh  0  Willem Mulder
 140   1,905  ITP blur-network-gui  922366  A graphical frontend to the Blur Network wallet. BLUR is an…  0  who-biz
 141   908  ITP pybonjour  981121  Pure-Python interface to Apple Bonjour  0  Waqar Ahmed
 142   2,184  ITP node-global-dirs  880061  Uses the same resolution logic as npm and yarn  0  Vysakh Dileep
 143   2,268  ITP node-figures  890687  Returns the input with replaced fallback unicode symbols on…  1  Vysakh Dileep
 144   955  ITP node-strtok3  994938  Promise based streaming tokenizer for Node.js and browsers  0  Vivek K J
 145   460  ITP ruby-google-apis-discovery-v1  1030134  Simple REST client for Google API Discovery Service V1  0  Vivek K J
 146   425  ITP adguardhome  1031862  Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server  3  Vit Kabele
 147   1,937  ITP bitfield-something  864358  bit array manipulation library  0  Vitalie Ciubotaru
 148   2,099  ITP node-agentkeepalive  890692  http.Agent for having keepalive mode in http requests  0  VISAKH S
 149   2,156  ITP node-function-name-support  901206  feature detection for function names  0  Vineet
 150   2,364  ITP pyspeckit  881699  toolkit for fitting and manipulating spectroscopic data in …  0  Vincent Prat

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!