Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 451   542  ITP ranges  1024660  Command line program to extract ranges from various types o…  0  Sandro-Alessio Gierens
 452   40  ITP node-dom-serialize  1029191  serializes any DOM node into a String  0  Sandra Uwah
 453   494  ITP node-email-addresses  1028119  Email address parser based on RFC 5322  0  Sandra Uwah
 454   436  ITP node-openpgp  1032491  OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript  0  Sandra Uwah
 455   485  ITP node-isbinaryfile  1029169  Detects if a file is binary in Node.js. Similar to Perl’s …  0  Sandra Uwah
 456   40  ITP node-openpgp-web-stream-tools  1025966  Convenience functions for reading, transforming and working…  0  Sandra Uwah
 457   952  ITP sbw  995988  Simple text editor with braille input  0  Samuel Thibault
 458   952  ITP libbraille-input  995989  Braille input engine for IBus-Braille and Sharada-Braille-W…  0  Samuel Thibault
 459   203  ITP legba  1054871  A fast multi protocol credential bruteforcer/sprayer/enumer…  0  Samuel Henrique
 460   514  ITP check-jsonschema  1026778  A CLI for jsonschema validation  0  Samuel Henrique
 461   39  ITP git-subrepo  911397  Git Submodule Alternative  0  Samo Pogačnik
 462   42  ITP celestia  988111  3D astronomy program  116  Salvo Tomaselli
 463   62  ITP ultimateultimateguitar  1067050  CLI for the ultimateguitar website  3  Salvo Tomaselli
 464   619  ITP parolottero-languages  1019290  Project that holds the language packs for parolottero  0  Salvo 'LtWorf' Tomaselli
 465   2  ITP brightnesspicker  1071211  Graphical tool to set the screen brightness on Xorg  2  Salvo \"LtWorf\" Tomaselli
 466   2,091  ITP libcrypt-perl-perl  907353  Perl module implementing cryptography functions in pure Perl  14  Salvatore Bonaccorso
 467   1,714  ITP libnet-acme2-perl  939759  Client logic for the ACME (Let's Encrypt) protocol  14  Salvatore Bonaccorso
 468   1,698  ITP ciao-prolog  941039  Ciao logic programming language and development system  0  Salvador Abreu
 469   684  ITP pastaignore  1014273  makes gitignores easier  0  saltq
 470   660  ITP molecule  986204  aiding the development and testing of Ansible roles  0  Sakirnth Nagarasa
 471   1,912  ITP node-smart-buffer  887841  It is a Buffer wrapper that adds automatic read & write off…  10  Sahil Joseph
 472   1,453  ITP openbangla  961541  OpenBangla Keyboard is an OpenSource Bengali input method f…  0  safwan
 473   178  ITP gpu-screen-recorder  1056403  This is a screen recorder that has minimal impact on system…  1  Safir Secerovic
 474   178  ITP gpu-screen-recorder-gtk  1056404  GTK frontend for gpu-screen-recorder  1  Safir Secerovic
 475   194  ITP python-pyrate-limiter  1055428  The request rate limiter using Leaky-bucket algorithm  0  Safir Secerovic
 476   860  ITP mllex-polyml  1003358  lexical analyzer generator for Standard ML  1  Ryan Kavanagh
 477   249  ITP chezmoi  1012721  cross-platform dotfile manager  72  Ryan Kavanagh
 478   860  ITP mlyacc-polyml  1003361  LALR parser generator for Standard ML  1  Ryan Kavanagh
 479   1,464  ITP grub-loopback-iso  693774  Boot a compatible loopback ISO from GRUB 2  0  Ryan Finnie
 480   187  ITP openswitcher  1055861  Utility for switching layout of currently selected text.  9  Ruslan Frolov Victorovich
 481   1,932  ITP node-p-try  901531  Starts a promise chain  0  Rushikesh Bhadane
 482   171  ITP koreader  969266  a document viewer (PDF, DjVu, CBT, CBZ, EPUB, FB2, Mobi, DO…  53
 483   1,047  ITP facecam2d  990755  2D avatar facecam software  0  Rubi Wilkins
 484   1,998  ITP getthermal  909823  USB thermal camera viewer  1  Ruben Undheim
 485   1,279  ITP python-enocean  916956  Python library for controlling and reading from EnOcean dev…  0  Ruben Undheim
 486   1,975  ITP netatmo-api-python  916949  Simple API to access Netatmo weather station data from any …  0  Ruben Undheim
 487   1,295  ITP qucs  714836  an integrated circuit simulator with a GUI  17  Ruben Undheim
 488   2,171  ITP node-microbuffer  901055  Light implementation of binary buffer  0
 489   2,175  ITP node-svgpath  900770  Low level transforms on svg path element  0
 490   2,082  ITP node-has-template-literals  908048  Javascript unit test for template literals  0
 491   2,105  ITP node-has-object-spread  906002  Runtime detection of ES6 spread syntax  0
 492   2,080  ITP node-topo  908208  Topological sorting with grouping support  0
 493   2,146  ITP node-cubic2quad  902885  Approximate cubic Bezier curve with a number of quadratic o…  0
 494   2,172  ITP node-merge-source-map  900969  Merge javascript source map  0
 495   561  ITP aws-c-auth  1023430  C99 library implementation of AWS client-side authentication  0  Ross Vandegrift
 496   515  ITP mediaelch  1026434  media tagger/manager for Kodi  5  Ross Vandegrift
 497   561  ITP aws-c-event-stream  1023433  C99 implementation of the content-t…  0  Ross Vandegrift
 498   561  ITP aws-c-cal  1023431  Cross-Platform, C99 wrapper for cryptography primitives  0  Ross Vandegrift
 499   561  ITP aws-c-compression  1023432  C99 implementation of huffman encoding/decoding  0  Ross Vandegrift
 500   561  ITP aws-c-http  1023434  C99 implementation of the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 specifications  0  Ross Vandegrift

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!