Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 151   2,088  ITP pslibrary  907412  library of ultrasoft and PAW pseudopotentials  0  Andrius Merkys
 152   1,431  ITP aiida  901392  Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Compu…  0  Andrius Merkys
 153   638  ITP lightdock  1017505  protein-protein, protein-peptide and protein-DNA docking fr…  0  Andrius Merkys
 154   1  ITP python-htmltools  1071176  Tools for creating, manipulating, and writing HTML  0  Andrius Merkys
 155   1  ITP r-cran-calculus  1071207  High Dimensional Numerical and Symbolic Calculus  0  Andrius Merkys
 156   935  ITP protege  997693  ontology editor  6  Andrius Merkys
 157   290  ITP qmean  976981  Qualitative Model Energy ANalysis  0  Andrius Merkys
 158   619  ITP coma  1019241  detect distant protein evolutionary relationships  0  Andrius Merkys
 159   679  ITP haddock3  1014457  High Ambiguity Driven biomolecular DOCKing  0  Andrius Merkys
 160   645  ITP gmx-mmpbsa  1016952  end-state free energy calculations with GROMACS files  0  Andrius Merkys
 161   777  ITP python-pydna  1008742  Data structures to work with double stranded DNA  0  Andrius Merkys
 162   674  ITP python-plumpy  962932  Python workflows library  0  Andrius Merkys
 163   192  ITP golang-golang-x-telemetry  1055441  Go Telemetry services and libraries  0  Anthony Fok
 164   476  ITP golang-github-nrdcg-namesilo  1029721  Go library for accessing the Namesilo API  0  Anthony Fok
 165   71  ITP python-ulid  1065576  Universally unique lexicographically sortable identifier (P…  0  Antoine Beaupre
 166   71  ITP llm  1065572  Access large language models from the command-line  0  Antoine Beaupre
 167   2,249  ITP wallabako  893648  wallabag commandline client  0  Antoine Beaupre
 168   71  ITP python-sqlite-migrate  1065578  A simple database migration system for SQLite, based on sql…  0  Antoine Beaupre
 169   357  ITP batterylog  1021396  laptop battery logging tool  0  Antoine Beaupre
 170   2,089  ITP drupal-init-tools  884765  helper commands to create and install new Drupal projects  0  Antonio Ospite
 171   299  ITP keepassxc-proxy-client  1041718  Library to access a running KeepassXC instance  0  Antonio Russo
 172   263  ITP stactools  1050617  Command line tool and Python library for working with STAC  0  Antonio Valentino
 173   88  ITP cdsetool  1064202  Tools & CLI for interacting with CDSE product APIs  0  Antonio Valentino
 174   88  ITP asfsmd  1064211  ASF Sentinel-1 Metadata Download tool  0  Antonio Valentino
 175   362  ITP bpack  1036420  Binary data structures (un-)packing library  0  Antonio Valentino
 176   88  ITP eodag  1064200  Earth Observation Data Access Gateway  0  Antonio Valentino
 177   1,426  ITP gindex  963204  Gapped-spaced index with minimizer support  0  Antoni Villalonga
 178   2,280  ITP node-callsites  890695  Get callsites from the V8 stack trace API  0  Anupam Asok
 179   1,735  ITP beanstalkc  934884  simple beanstalkd client library for Python  0  Apollon Oikonomopoulos
 180   2,168  ITP node-name-all-modules-plugin  901199  Names all remaining modules that do not get named via Named…  0  Apurva Pavaskar
 181   197  ITP arpwitch  1055133  A modern arpwatch replacement with JSON formatted outputs a…  0  Aquila Macedo Costa
 182   69  ITP httprobe  1065673  Take a list of domains and probe for working HTTP and HTTPS…  7  Aquila Macedo Costa
 183   1,936  ITP brightness-controller  920033  GUI  7  Archisman Panigrahi
 184   933  ITP hed  996405  A command-line tool to easily manage you hosts file.  8  Arjen Wiersma
 185   1,282  ITP meta-mobian  974419  Mobian -- metapackages for using Debian on mobile devices  0  Arnaud Ferraris
 186   1,279  ITP mobian-tweaks  974422  Generic configuration settings for Mobian  0  Arnaud Ferraris
 187   1,635  ITP golang-github-census-ecosystem-opence…  945216  OpenCensus Go exporters for OpenCensus Agent  0  Arnaud Rebillout
 188   1,638  ITP mutest  931595  testing framework for C  0  Arnaud Rebillout
 189   850  ITP golang-github-jhump-protoreflect  980432  Reflection (Rich Descriptors) for Go Protocol Buffers  0  Arnaud Rebillout
 190   1,192  ITP buf  980433  Better way to work with Protocol Buffers  12  Arnaud Rebillout
 191   1,330  ITP opengauss-server  970845  high multi-core performance relational DBMS  0  Aron Xu
 192   1,169  ITP golang-k8s-gengo  984558  gengo library for code generation.  0  Arthur Diniz
 193   1,661  ITP rke  924414  Rancher Kubernetes Engine, an extremely  0  Arthur Diniz
 194   234  ITP golang-github-bazelbuild-bazelisk  1052673  A user-friendly launcher for Bazel.  0  Arthur Diniz
 195   38  ITP golang-github-mitchellh-hashstructure…  1068669  generate hash values for arbitrary values in Golang  0  Arthur Diniz
 196   90  ITP zellij  1064050  a terminal workspace with batteries included  4  Arturo Borrero Gonzalez
 197   795  ITP fishui  1007196  Cutefish Desktop Environment UIKit  3  Arun Kumar Pariyar
 198   242  ITP frappe-bench  1052117  CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps  0  Arun Mathai
 199   920  ITP owlrl  919440  A simple implementation of the OWL2 RL Profile on top of RD…  0  Ashley Sommer
 200   170  ITP pyshacl  919441  A pure Python packages which allows for the validation of R…  0  Ashley Sommer

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!