Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 201   83  ITP roundcube-plugin-carddav  1064667  carddav plugin for Roundcube Webmail  0  John Lines
 202   84  ITP pwru  1063031  eBPF-based Linux kernel networking debugger  0  Loren M. Lang
 203   84  ITP golang-github-go-quicktest-qt  1063929  Quick helpers for testing Go applications using generics.  0  Loren M. Lang
 204   84  ITP varlink  960434  point-to-point IPC protocol and interface description format  9  Jason Francis
 205   84  ITP curldd  1064568  This is a Application for putting a iso or raw image direct…  0  User0
 206   84  ITP photodedupe  1064587  a utility for identifying duplicate images  0  Leon
 207   86  ITP samplebrain  1040745  a custom sample mashing app designed by Aphex Twin  2  tous
 208   86  ITP rust-self-encryption  1064483  self-encrypting files  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 209   86  ITP golang-github-txthinking-runnergroup  1064432  RunnerGroup library for Golang.  0  Danial Behzadi
 210   88  ITP sddm-conf  1058712  Graphical editor for SDDM  0  Aaron Rainbolt
 211   88  ITP openvpn3-client  904044  Next generation OpenVPN client for Linux  1  Marc Leeman
 212   88  ITP ukui-search  1062977  User-wide desktop search of ukui  0  xibowen
 213   89  ITP rocm-tensile  1064257  ROCm tool for generating and benchmarking assembly kernels  0  Cordell Bloor
 214   89  ITP aemu  1064255  This is an utility library for common functions used in the…  0  Bo YU
 215   90  ITP asfsmd  1064211  ASF Sentinel-1 Metadata Download tool  0  Antonio Valentino
 216   90  ITP cdsetool  1064202  Tools & CLI for interacting with CDSE product APIs  0  Antonio Valentino
 217   90  ITP python-orjson  1002996  fast, correct JSON library for Python  0  Agathe Porte
 218   90  ITP eodag  1064200  Earth Observation Data Access Gateway  0  Antonio Valentino
 219   90  ITP  1064176  Scalable Vector Search in Postgres  0  Yuandong Xie
 220   91  ITP vimb  982010  the vim like browser  1  Martin Atukunda
 221   92  ITP gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell  993557  keyboard-driven layer for GNOME with tiling window manageme…  0  David Prévot
 222   92  ITP zellij  1064050  a terminal workspace with batteries included  4  Arturo Borrero Gonzalez
 223   92  ITP ukui-kwin  1050847  UKUI window manager  0  Mouse Zhang <mousezhang@openk…
 224   93  ITP whisper  1034091  Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision  0  Petter Reinholdtsen
 225   93  ITP oaknut  1061078  Aarch64 (arm64) code emitter  0  David James
 226   94  ITP monitoring-plugins-check-smart  1063906  check S.M.A.R.T. storage system monitoring plugin for nagio…  0  John Lines
 227   94  ITP python-autodocsumm  1063633  API that automatically extends sphinx  0  Marcos Rodrigues de Carvalho …
 228   95  ITP fonts-adobe-sourcesans3  683774  set of OpenType fonts that have been designed to work well …  1  Soren Stoutner
 229   96  ITP vapid  1063815  Simple VAPID header generation library  0  Martin
 230   96  ITP encrypted-content-encoding  1063814  Encrypted Content-Encoding for HTTP  0  Martin
 231   96  ITP pywebpush  1063813  Webpush Data publication library  0  Martin
 232   96  ITP ungoogled-chromium  939406  Web browser  81  Thomas
 233   96  ITP libbacktrace  1008135  Backtrace library (for C/C++ apps)  4  Wookey
 234   96  ITP esbuild-sass-plugin  1051470  Plugin for esbuild to handle Sass & SCSS files  0  Kalyani Kenekar
 235   97  ITP netatalk2  1032236  File server for Macintosh and Apple II clients  4  Daniel Markstedt
 236   99  ITP ford  1063532  Fortran Documentation tool  0  Alastair McKinstry
 237   100  ITP rust-librsvg  1063486  library to render SVG images to Cairo surfaces  0  Matthias Geiger
 238   101  ITP tundra-nat64  1041858  A minimal, user-space, stateless NAT64, CLAT and SIIT imple…  0  nobody
 239   102  ITP dool  1032875  Dool as further maintained fork of Dstat  1  Christian Ehrhardt
 240   105  ITP fennel  919930  a lisp that compiles to Lua  1
 241   105  ITP python-pyhanko  1062808  Sign and stamp PDF files  0  Bastian Germann
 242   105  ITP pioneer  1062814  space adventure game set in the Milky Way galaxy  1  Reiner Herrmann
 243   105  ITP mailctl  1062765  IMAP/SMTP clients with the capabilities of renewal and auth…  0  ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)
 244   107  ITP fin-stat  1059593  add the new package fin-stat  0  nobody
 245   107  ITP aida-x  1061260  Amp Model Player leveraging AI  13
 246   107  ITP xsf-xmpp-xeps  1062463  XMPP Extension Protocols (XEPs)  0  Martin
 247   107  ITP rust-sourceview5  1062432  rust binding for gtksourceview  0  Matthias Geiger
 248   107  ITP rust-jpegxl  1062431  crate to work with jpegxl files  0  Matthias Geiger
 249   107  ITP purritobin  979860  ultra fast, minimalistic, encrypted command line paste-bin  0  hvisa
 250   107  ITP tasmota-device-manager  1062335  GUI application to manage, configure and monitor devices fl…  1

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!