Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs 
 1   324  ITP golang-cloudfoundry-clock  1040152  time provider & rich fake for Go  0 
 2   1,142  ITP golang-code.rocketnine-tslocum-cbind  985180  Key event handling Golang library for tcell  2 
 3   2,093  ITP golang-docker-go-docker  907501  official go SDK for docker  0 
 4   777  ITP golang-github-99designs-httpsignature…  1009001  Go library for creating and handling http-signatures  0 
 5   37  ITP golang-github-adrg-strutil  1068992  Golang string utility functions  0 
 6   722  ITP golang-github-amalfra-etag  1005204  A go package to create HTTP ETags  0 
 7   1,441  ITP golang-github-anacrolix-stm  962628  Software Transactional Memory in Go  0 
 8   827  ITP golang-github-apptainer-sif  1005771  development files for Singularity Image Format (SIF)  0 
 9   123  ITP golang-github-arduino-go-paths-helper  921150  Library to simplify handling of paths  0 
 10   1,139  ITP golang-github-arduino-go-timeutils  922528  Functions to handle timezones in golang  0 
 11   4  ITP golang-github-aymanbagabas-go-osc52-v2  1071287  Golang terminal ANSI OSC52 wrapper  0 
 12   136  ITP golang-github-azuread-microsoft-authe…  1060126  Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) Extensions for Go (…  0 
 13   136  ITP golang-github-azure-go-amqp  1060124  aMQP 1.0 client library for Go (library)  0 
 14   239  ITP golang-github-bazelbuild-bazelisk  1052673  A user-friendly launcher for Bazel.  0 
 15   387  ITP golang-github-bemasher-rtltcp  1035318  Go library interface to an rtltcp daemon  0 
 16   8  ITP golang-github-bettercap-gatt  1071068  building Bluetooth Low Energy peripherals  0 
 17   1,487  ITP golang-github-bmmcginty-go-openal  958847  OpenAL bindings for Go.  0 
 18   1,239  ITP golang-github-bradfitz-latlong  978495  maps from a latitude and longitude to a timezone.  0 
 19   962  ITP golang-github-bytedance-gopkg  995564  Universal Utilities for Go  0 
 20   884  ITP golang-github-c2h5oh-datasize  1001985  Golang helpers for data sizes (kilobytes, petabytes), human…  0 
 21   1,639  ITP golang-github-census-ecosystem-opence…  945216  OpenCensus Go exporters for OpenCensus Agent  0 
 22   31  ITP golang-github-cloudflare-apt-transpor…  1069090  Golang package to protect APT repositories using Cloudflare…  0 
 23   960  ITP golang-github-cloudwego-netpoll  995704  A high-performance non-blocking I/O networking framework, w…  0 
 24   1,267  ITP golang-github-cobaugh-osrelease  976184  Golang package to read and parse /etc/os-release  0 
 25   177  ITP golang-github-containers-libhvee  1053875  Special purposed library for Windows HyperV control  0 
 26   214  ITP golang-github-coreos-stream-metadata-…  1054271  Go library for parsing Fedora CoreOS streams  4 
 27   37  ITP golang-github-d5-tengo  1068993  fast script language for Go  0 
 28   21  ITP golang-github-dsnet-compress  1043408  Collection of compression related Go packages.  0 
 29   956  ITP golang-github-dtylman-scp  995956  A simple go scp client  8 
 30   37  ITP golang-github-errata-ai-regexp2  1068994  full featured regular expressions for Go  0 
 31   979  ITP golang-github-erroneousboat-termui  994282  Golang terminal dashboard  0 
 32   210  ITP golang-github-esiqveland-notify  1054491  notify is a go dbus implementation for delivering desktop n…  0 
 33   1,636  ITP golang-github-flynn-noise  945756  Go implementation of the Noise Protocol Framework  3 
 34   1,353  ITP golang-github-galdor-cmdline  969632  A command line parser written in Go  0 
 35   461  ITP golang-github-getlantern-systray  919943  cross-platform Go library to place an icon and menu in the …  0 
 36   86  ITP golang-github-go-quicktest-qt  1063929  Quick helpers for testing Go applications using generics.  0 
 37   1,975  ITP golang-github-h2non-go-is-svg  917218  Check if a given buffer is a valid SVG image in Go (golang)  0 
 38   1,267  ITP golang-github-harrymichal-go-version  976181  Version normalizer and comparison library for go  0 
 39   1,163  ITP golang-github-huandu-go-sqlbuilder  985266  A flexible and powerful SQL string builder library plus a z…  0 
 40   124  ITP golang-github-hugelgupf-p9  1061074  p9 implementation written in golang  0 
 41   37  ITP golang-github-jdkato-twine  1068995  NLP-related string utilities  0 
 42   255  ITP golang-github-jesseduffield-generics  1051540  Extensions on Go generics packages  0 
 43   1,476  ITP golang-github-jfrog-gofrog  950588  The gofrog collection of go utilities  0 
 44   855  ITP golang-github-jhump-protoreflect  980432  Reflection (Rich Descriptors) for Go Protocol Buffers  0 
 45   884  ITP golang-github-joncrlsn-dque  1001984  a fast, embedded, durable queue for Go  0 
 46   1,879  ITP golang-github-jsimonetti-pwscheme  926023  Golang packages defining different password schemes  0 
 47   1,248  ITP golang-github-kubuxu-go-os-helper  977761   0 
 48   1,332  ITP golang-github-liamhaworth-go-tproxy  963171  Linux Transparent Proxy library for Golang  0 
 49   1,405  ITP golang-github-lightstep-lightstep-tra…  965043  Distributed Tracing Library for Golang  0 
 50   2,235  ITP golang-github-linuxdeepin-go-gir-gene…  895231  Go bindings of GObject/Gtk libraries  0 

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!