Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs 
 1   197  ITP golang-golang-x-telemetry  1055441  Go Telemetry services and libraries  0 
 2   960  ITP golang-github-cloudwego-netpoll  995704  A high-performance non-blocking I/O networking framework, w…  0 
 3   1,431  ITP golang-yawning-utls-dev  954209  fork of utls for obfs4proxy's meek_lite transport  0 
 4   592  ITP golang-github-niemeyer-pretty  1021398  Pretty printing for Go values  0 
 5   1,597  ITP golang-github-russellhaering-gosaml2  948190  Pure Go implementation of SAML 2.0  0 
 6   1,833  ITP golang-github-naegelejd-go-acl  928657  Golang POSIX 1e ACL bindings  0 
 7   36  ITP golang-github-adrg-strutil  1068992  Golang string utility functions  0 
 8   1,879  ITP golang-github-jsimonetti-pwscheme  926023  Golang packages defining different password schemes  0 
 9   569  ITP golang-github-caarlos0-sshmarshal  1023102  easily marshal SSH private keys  0 
 10   36  ITP golang-github-jdkato-twine  1068995  NLP-related string utilities  0 
 11   36  ITP golang-github-d5-tengo  1068993  fast script language for Go  0 
 12   36  ITP golang-github-errata-ai-regexp2  1068994  full featured regular expressions for Go  0 
 13   1,332  ITP golang-github-liamhaworth-go-tproxy  963171  Linux Transparent Proxy library for Golang  0 
 14   1,486  ITP golang-layeh-gopus  958860  gopus is a Go binding for the Opus audio codec  0 
 15   127  ITP golang-github-qur-ar  1060813  Golang ar archive file library  0 
 16   1,267  ITP golang-github-cobaugh-osrelease  976184  Golang package to read and parse /etc/os-release  0 
 17   36  ITP golang-github-mholt-archiver  1069026  easily create & extract archives, and compress & decompress…  0 
 18   1,238  ITP golang-github-bradfitz-latlong  978495  maps from a latitude and longitude to a timezone.  0 
 19   1,209  ITP golang-github-phpdave11-gofpdf  981217  A PDF document generator with high level support for text, …  0 
 20   1,173  ITP golang-k8s-gengo  984558  gengo library for code generation.  0 
 21   1,267  ITP golang-github-harrymichal-go-version  976181  Version normalizer and comparison library for go  0 
 22   962  ITP golang-github-bytedance-gopkg  995564  Universal Utilities for Go  0 
 23   238  ITP golang-github-bazelbuild-bazelisk  1052673  A user-friendly launcher for Bazel.  0 
 24   31  ITP golang-github-cloudflare-apt-transpor…  1069090  Golang package to protect APT repositories using Cloudflare…  0 
 25   883  ITP golang-github-joncrlsn-dque  1001984  a fast, embedded, durable queue for Go  0 
 26   176  ITP golang-github-containers-libhvee  1053875  Special purposed library for Windows HyperV control  0 
 27   1,248  ITP golang-github-kubuxu-go-os-helper  977761   0 
 28   883  ITP golang-github-workiva-go-datastructur…  1001983  A collection of useful, performant, and threadsafe Go datas…  0 
 29   245  ITP golang-github-yuin-goldmark-highlight…  1052175  A Syntax highlighting extension for the goldmark markdown p…  0 
 30   1,353  ITP golang-github-galdor-cmdline  969632  A command line parser written in Go  0 
 31   1,353  ITP golang-github-nwaples-rardecode  969629  A go package for reading RAR archives.  0 
 32   1,475  ITP golang-github-jfrog-gofrog  950588  The gofrog collection of go utilities  0 
 33   1,064  ITP golang-github-zmap-zcertificate  990187  cli utility + library for parsing certificates  0 
 34   1,576  ITP golang-github-robdimsdale-sanitizer  947456  Keeps your (logging) sinks clean  0 
 35   240  ITP golang-github-weaveworks-common  1001982  Libraries used in multiple Weave projects  0 
 36   883  ITP golang-github-c2h5oh-datasize  1001985  Golang helpers for data sizes (kilobytes, petabytes), human…  0 
 37   1,071  ITP golang-github-smallstep-zcrypto  989858  Liberal Go TLS + X.509 Library for Research  0 
 38   136  ITP golang-github-azuread-microsoft-authe…  1060126  Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) Extensions for Go (…  0 
 39   136  ITP golang-github-azure-go-amqp  1060124  aMQP 1.0 client library for Go (library)  0 
 40   21  ITP golang-github-dsnet-compress  1043408  Collection of compression related Go packages.  0 
 41   124  ITP golang-github-hugelgupf-p9  1061074  p9 implementation written in golang  0 
 42   386  ITP golang-github-bemasher-rtltcp  1035318  Go library interface to an rtltcp daemon  0 
 43   1,024  ITP golang-github-traefik-paerser  991751  CLI commands handling system  0 
 44   569  ITP golang-github-mattn-go-localereader  1023099  CodePage decoder for Windows  0 
 45   228  ITP golang-github-ozeidan-fuzzy-patricia  1053518  A generic patricia trie (also called radix tree) implemente…  0 
 46   7  ITP golang-github-bettercap-gatt  1071068  building Bluetooth Low Energy peripherals  0 
 47   75  ITP golang-github-upper-db  1065555  Data access layer for PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MySQL, SQLit…  0 
 48   75  ITP golang-modernc-db  1065557  implements some data structures found in database implement…  0 
 49   48  ITP golang-modernc-lexer  1065559  provides generating actionless scanners at run time  0 
 50   75  ITP golang-modernc-lex  1065560  provides support for a *nix (f)lex like tool on .l sources  0 

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!