Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 351   1,016  ITP python-billard  991786  fork of the Python 2.7 multiprocessing package  0  Steffen Moeller
 352   988  ITP virify  993273  finds viruses in metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data  0  Steffen Moeller
 353   959  ITP r-bioc-mofa2  995247  Multi-Omics Factor Analysis v2  0  Steffen Moeller
 354   781  ITP r-bioc-tmixclust  1008221  mixed-effects gene-expression time-series analysis  0  Steffen Moeller
 355   1,649  ITP libfast-perl  944312  FAST Analysis of Sequences Toolbox  1  Steffen Moeller
 356   504  ITP python-hiyapyco  1027055  A simple python lib allowing hierarchical overlay of config…  0  Steffen Moeller
 357   987  ITP r-cran-gggenes  993305  Draw Gene Arrow Maps in 'ggplot2'  0  Steffen Moeller
 358   988  ITP mashmap  993268  mapping whole genomes or long reads (PacBio/ONT) to referen…  0  Steffen Moeller
 359   1,016  ITP ragtag  991814  library for scaffolding and improving modern genome assembl…  0  Steffen Moeller
 360   956  ITP long-read-assembler  995422  assembly from long reads against reference genome  0  Steffen Moeller
 361   910  ITP q2-longitudinal  992007  QIIME2 plugin for longitudinal studies and paired compariso…  0  Steffen Moeller
 362   886  ITP r-bioc-txdb.hsapiens.ucsc.hg19.knowng…  1001436  Annotation package for TxDb object(s)  0  Steffen Moeller
 363   2,203  ITP amos  897441  modular whole genome assembler  0  Steffen Moeller
 364   624  ITP spnavcfg  1018681  GUI to configure 3Dconnexion devices  2  Steffen Moeller
 365   2,191  ITP bmx6  898695  Mesh Network Routing  0  Steffen Moeller
 366   602  ITP libwlc  841301  wlc a compositor library for Wayland  1  Stefanos Boglou
 367   696  ITP debian-junior-live-system  1012465  Debian Junior Live System  0  Stefan Kropp
 368   706  ITP debian-junior-desktop  1012463  Debian Junior Desktop environment  0  Stefan Kropp
 369   525  ITP cheat  1020744  Create and view interactive cheatsheets  1  Stanislas Marquis
 370   680  ITP pyswisseph  958755  Python extension to the Swiss Ephemeris  4  Stanislas Marquis
 371   985  ITP go-control-plane  993479  Go implementation of data-plane-api  0  Sruthi Chandran
 372   2,328  ITP node-sleep-promise  885718  Resolves a promise after a specified delay  0  Sruthi Chandran
 373   2,328  ITP node-meant  885604  Similar to 'Did you mean', returns probable correction  0  Sruthi Chandran
 374   681  ITP aiohue  898408  Python3 asyncio package to talk to Philips Hue  0  Srujan Kumar Bojjam
 375   2,277  ITP node-binaryextensions  890705  Array of binary file extensions  0  SREERAJ R MENON
 376   90  ITP fonts-adobe-sourcesans3  683774  set of OpenType fonts that have been designed to work well …  1  Soren Stoutner
 377   1,406  ITP i3-gaps  909646  i3-gaps is a fork of i3wm featuring gaps, smart borders, sm…  5  Socrates Tzagiousis
 378   102  ITP aida-x  1061260  Amp Model Player leveraging AI  13
 379   1,454  ITP all-the-icons-el  893983  library for inserting developer icons in Emacs  0  Sławomir Wójcik
 380   1,454  ITP elpa-ansible  941246  ansible syntax highlighting, completion, and yasnippet temp…  0  Sławomir Wójcik
 381   1,455  ITP salt-mode  961058  Emacs major mode for Salt States  0  'Sławomir Wójcik'
 382   1,455  ITP docker-compose-mode  961046  Emacs major mode for editing docker-compose yaml files  0  'Sławomir Wójcik'
 383   1,455  ITP company-ansible  961047  Emacs company mode back-end for ansible  0  'Sławomir Wójcik'
 384   1,455  ITP groovy-emacs-modes  961048  Emacs major mode for Groovy source files  0  'Sławomir Wójcik'
 385   1,421  ITP erfs-client  963527  Client to use a free encrypted cloud based network file sys…  0
 386   1,425  ITP thc-rfs-client  963074  Client for an encrypted cloud based remote file system  0
 387   1,096  ITP glscopeclient  988409  Oscilloscope remote control and signal processing tool  1
 388   2,065  ITP aareguru  907864  access temperature of the river Aare in Bern  1  Simon Spöhel
 389   1,569  ITP opendronemap  891583  A toolkit for processing aerial drone imagery  0  Simon Spoehel
 390   1,569  ITP python-loky  891910  Robust and reusable executor for joblib  0  Simon Spoehel
 391   1,569  ITP python-appsettings  891708  Argparse wrapper that supports fallback settings in env var…  0  Simon Spoehel
 392   1,569  ITP webodm  890611  Application for drone image processing  0  Simon Spoehel
 393   1,096  ITP ffts  988513  FFT library with JIT code generation  0  Simon Richter
 394   2,224  ITP cutelyst  895484  Qt Web Framework  0  Simon Quigley
 395   2,150  ITP kgraphviewer  675033  KGraphViewer is a GraphViz dot graph viewer for KDE 5  0  Simon Quigley
 396   2,284  ITP vectis  843486  build software in a disposable virtual machine  0  Simon McVittie
 397   134  ITP ssh3  1059618  faster and rich secure shell using HTTP/3  0  Simon Josefsson
 398   120  ITP golang-github-qur-ar  1060813  Golang ar archive file library  0  Simon Josefsson
 399   110  ITP cosign  1061446  Code signing and transparency for containers and binaries  21  Simon Josefsson
 400   166  ITP xnvme  1038161  Cross-platform libraries and tools for efficient I/O and lo…  0  Simon A. F. Lund

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!