Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 301   252  ITP rust-xtr  1051318  Gettext helper for Rust crates  0  Fabian Grünbichler
 302   566  ITP rust-ws  1022897  lightweight, event-driven WebSockets for Rust  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 303   300  ITP rust-wasmtime  1041463  cross-platform engine for running WebAssembly programs  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 304   286  ITP rust-tabular  1040327  Plain text tables, aligned automatically  0  Charalampos Mitrodimas
 305   104  ITP rust-sourceview5  1062432  rust binding for gtksourceview  0  Matthias Geiger
 306   82  ITP rust-self-encryption  1064483  self-encrypting files  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 307   1,581  ITP rust-pgp  948997  OpenPGP implemented in pure Rust, permissively licensed  0  Daniel Kahn Gillmor
 308   152  ITP rust-numbat  1057957  statically typed programming language for scientific comput…  0  Maytham Alsudany
 309   692  ITP rust-nom-bibtex  1013357  BibTeX parser using nom  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 310   0  ITP rust-noise-rust-crypto  1071166  wrappers of dalek and RustCrypto crates for noise-protocol  0  Matthias Geiger
 311   31  ITP rust-names  1068945  generator for random names suitable for containers, project…  0  Ananthu C V
 312   96  ITP rust-librsvg  1063486  library to render SVG images to Cairo surfaces  0  Matthias Geiger
 313   133  ITP rust-libp2p  1059908  peer-to-peer networking library  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 314   104  ITP rust-jpegxl  1062431  crate to work with jpegxl files  0  Matthias Geiger
 315   5  ITP rust-gstreamer-allocators  1070817  rust bindings for libgstalloc  0  Matthias Geiger
 316   37  ITP rust-gitoxide  1043208  Pure Rust implementation of Git  0  Blair Noctis
 317   134  ITP rust-ed25519-dalek  1052045  fast and efficient ed25519 EdDSA key handling  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 318   683  ITP rust-common-failures  1014096  ergonomic helpers for failure  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 319   748  ITP rust-bls-dkg  1010275  BLS DKG mechanism  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 320   238  ITP rust-analyzer  1052319  LSP server for Rust  0  Jelmer Vernooij
 321   23  ITP rust-adblock  1063626  adblock-rust is the engine powering Brave's native adblocke…  0  Loren M. Lang
 322   39  ITP ruptime  1013361  poor man's ruptime  12  Gürkan Myczko
 323   180  ITP rulex  1055898  Pronunciation dictionary for Russian TTS engine  1  Igor B. Poretsky
 324   1,380  ITP ruby-webdrivers  967042  Easy download and use of browser drivers  0  Pirate Praveen
 325   147  ITP ruby-vite-ruby  1059047  Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to people's JavaScript experi…  0  Ananthu C V
 326   147  ITP ruby-vite-rails  1058943  Vite.js in Rails, bringing joy to people's JavaScript exper…  0  Ananthu C V
 327   1,009  ITP ruby-travis  704097  Ruby interface to Travis CI service  0  Daniel Leidert
 328   893  ITP ruby-thread-local  1001085  provide a class-level mixin to make thread local state easy  0  Daniel Leidert
 329   1,362  ITP ruby-selenium-statistics  968809  Generate information about Selenium commands  0  'Cocoa'<>
 330   1,501  ITP ruby-ruby-dep  955782  Creates a version constraint of supported Rubies  0  hacksk
 331   1,313  ITP ruby-rspec-json-expectations  971938  Set of matchers and helpers to allow you test your APIs res…  0  Abraham Raji
 332   997  ITP ruby-parser  992664  Ruby parser written in pure Ruby  19  Hideki Yamane
 333   242  ITP ruby-net-protocol  1052016  abstract interface for net-* client  0  Ravish B C
 334   1,872  ITP ruby-machinist  926083  generates data for the attributes  0  BhavithaS bhavi06.1999@gmail.…
 335   1,970  ITP ruby-kostya-sigar  917151  System Information Gatherer And Reporter  0  Aman Verma
 336   1,609  ITP ruby-jekyll-import  946982  import from various blogs to Jekyll format  0  Daniel Leidert
 337   1,762  ITP ruby-jekyll-admin  932420  traditional CMS-style graphical interface to Jekyll sites  0  Daniel Leidert
 338   1,505  ITP ruby-idn  916908  LibIDN Ruby Bindings  0  Youhei SASAKI
 339   1,525  ITP ruby-guard-rspec  953685  Guard gem for RSpec  0  hacksk
 340   1,486  ITP ruby-growl  958237  Pure-Ruby Growl Notifier  2  'Cocoa'
 341   398  ITP ruby-google-cloud-storage  1034321  official library for Google Cloud Storage.  0  'Ravi Dwivedi'
 342   469  ITP ruby-google-apis-discovery-v1  1030134  Simple REST client for Google API Discovery Service V1  0  Vivek K J
 343   2,216  ITP ruby-goldiloader  896469  Automatically eager loads Rails associations as association…  0  Manas kashyap
 344   1,896  ITP ruby-github-pages  923922  set up a local Jekyll environment in sync with GitHub Pages  0  Daniel Leidert
 345   1,501  ITP ruby-gem-isolator  955797  Use an isolated set of gems in your tests  0  hacksk
 346   469  ITP ruby-formtastic-i18n  940022  I18n translation for the formtastic gem  0  Suman Rajan
 347   1,870  ITP ruby-fluent-logger  926236  A structured logger for Fluentd (Ruby)  0  Hideki Yamane
 348   1,315  ITP ruby-fixture-builder  971825  build Rails fixtures using object mother factories  1  Abraham Raji
 349   2,175  ITP ruby-fileutils  900515  Ruby gem providing a namespace for several file utility met…  0  Miguel Landaeta
 350   2,118  ITP ruby-em-websocket-client  904758  EventMachine client library for WebSockets  0  Manas Kashyap

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!