Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 251   105  ITP dds-ktx  1060208  header-only library for reading KTX format textures  0  David James
 252   105  ITP grype  1061720  A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems  12  Daniel Echeverri
 253   106  ITP notes-tree/1.2-1  1061226  a note taking app, which organizes notes in a hierarchical …  0  ds
 254   108  ITP ansi-color  592135  create ANSI escape codes to color  0  nobody
 255   109  ITP firecracker  1036079  micro KVM-based virtual machine monitor  0
 256   110  ITP cosign  1061446  Code signing and transparency for containers and binaries  21  Simon Josefsson
 257   110  ITP iamb  1061425  Matrix chat client that uses Vim keybindings  2  Jonas Smedegaard
 258   111  ITP streamlink-twitch-gui  1061399  A multi-platform browser for Streamlink  1  matt
 259   111  ITP meli  1001084  terminal mail client  10  Jonas Smedegaard
 260   111  ITP helix  1024683  efficient console-based modal text editor  14  Jonas Smedegaard
 261   111  ITP biome  1051238  formatter and linter for web languages  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 262   112  ITP kvazaar  1060341  Kvazaar is an open-source HEVC encoder  3  Joachim Bauch
 263   112  ITP sigal  879239  Simple Static Gallery Generator  2
 264   112  ITP rgbds  984927  Game Boy assembler  2  Julius Clasen
 265   114  ITP zig  995670  General-purpose programming language and toolchain for main…  17  Nick Hastings
 266   115  ITP golang-github-arduino-go-paths-helper  921150  Library to simplify handling of paths  0  Rock Storm
 267   116  ITP golang-github-hugelgupf-p9  1061074  p9 implementation written in golang  0  Reinhard Tartler
 268   116  ITP ocaml-posix  956479  OCaml bindings to the various POSIX APIs  0  Kyle Robbertze
 269   117  ITP bash-unit  839210  bash unit testing enterprise edition framework for professi…  1  Martin Dosch
 270   117  ITP cdemu  237925  emulating optical drives  0  Matteo Bini
 271   119  ITP spack  1036754  flexible package manager for supercomputer  1  Gürkan Myczko
 272   120  ITP golang-github-qur-ar  1060813  Golang ar archive file library  0  Simon Josefsson
 273   120  ITP pulsar-edit  1060778  A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor (formerly Atom)  0  Otto Kekäläinen
 274   121  ITP quickemu  1018072  quickly create and run virtual machines  17  Maytham Alsudany
 275   121  ITP gtklock-userinfo-module  1059866  user info module for gtklock  2  Maytham Alsudany
 276   121  ITP gtklock-playerctl-module  1059865  player control module for gtklock  1  Maytham Alsudany
 277   121  ITP wolfram-engine  1032150  A local Wolfram Engine to put computational intelligence in…  48  Connor Gray
 278   122  ITP network-event-broker  1060439  run scripts on systemd network events  0  Tobias Schaffner
 279   123  ITP natron  775490  video compositing software  5
 280   125  ITP node-yarn-plugin-apt  1060312  Yarn plugin to resolve dependencies from packages installed…  0  Robinson Uchechukwu
 281   126  ITP qhotkey  1060241  global hotkey library for desktop qt-applications  0  Carlos Henrique Lima Melara
 282   126  ITP python-nh3  1060291  Python bindings to the ammonia HTML sanitization library.  0  Alexandre Detiste
 283   126  ITP laniakea  1060284  Repository management suite for Debian-based OSes  0  Matthias Klumpp
 284   126  ITP python-django-ansible-base  1060265  Reusable base for Ansible applications using Django  0  Jérémy Lal
 285   127  ITP netbird  1016730  VPN management platform built on top of WireGuard  118  Dominik George
 286   127  ITP sirit  1060170  library for runtime SPIR-V assembly  0  David James
 287   127  ITP gfxstream  1059295  wrapper for graphics streams across VirtIO  0  Bo YU
 288   128  ITP golang-github-azuread-microsoft-authe…  1060126  Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) Extensions for Go (…  0  Maytham Alsudany
 289   128  ITP golang-github-azure-go-amqp  1060124  aMQP 1.0 client library for Go (library)  0  Maytham Alsudany
 290   130  ITP brpc  1060006  Apache's brpc - Industrial-grade RPC framework  1  Didier 'OdyX' Raboud
 291   131  ITP rust-pandoc-ast  1059914  markdown ast (de)serializer for writing Pandoc filters  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 292   131  ITP rust-libp2p  1059908  peer-to-peer networking library  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 293   132  ITP cemu  1018037  Wii U Emulator  72  nobody
 294   132  ITP golang-github-protonmail-go-mbox  1059832  parse mbox files into messages  0  Maytham Alsudany
 295   133  ITP rust-ed25519-dalek  1052045  fast and efficient ed25519 EdDSA key handling  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 296   133  ITP organicmaps  986232  offline maps application  0  Matthias Geiger
 297   133  ITP libsuccinct  1025499  succinct C++ data structures  0  Matthias Geiger
 298   134  ITP ssh3  1059618  faster and rich secure shell using HTTP/3  0  Simon Josefsson
 299   134  ITP cryptsetup-2fa  1059745  2FA plugin for cryptsetup  0  YunQiang Su
 300   135  ITP ffsend  960538  A fully featured Firefox Send command line client  0  matthias.geiger1024@tutanota.…

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!