Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1951   1,155  ITP python-prestring  985280  Source code generation library (with overuse with-syntax)  0  Adam Cecile
 1952   1,616  ITP hostess  946527  Idempotent command-line utility for managing your /etc/host…  0  Adam Cecile
 1953   473  ITP python-magicalimport  985279  Importing a Python module by its physical file path  0  Adam Cecile
 1954   1,173  ITP python-asyncache  983501  Helpers to use cachetools with asyncio  0  Adam Cecile
 1955   1,155  ITP python-dictknife  985291  Armyknife of handling dict object  0  Adam Cecile
 1956   1,155  ITP swagger-marshmallow-codegen  985275  Generate Marshmallow's schema from Swagger/OpenAPI 3.0 defi…  0  Adam Cecile
 1957   1,421  ITP geojson2vt  963479  Converts GeoJSON to vector tiles  0  Adam Cecile
 1958   1,155  ITP python-evilunit  985278  Alternative unittests framework for Python  0  Adam Cecile
 1959   1,417  ITP aiortsp  963747  Asyncio library for RTSP server with basic RTP/RTCP support  0  Adam Cecile
 1960   1,412  ITP python-rios  964088  Raster I/O Simplification for Python  0  Adam Cecile
 1961   1,013  ITP aiohttp-remotes  991882  Set of useful tools for Python aiohttp.web server  0  Adam Cecile
 1962   708  ITP python-mmh3  802948  Python wrapper for MurmurHash3  0
 1963   1,225  ITP node-toggle-selection  979239  Toggle current selected content in browser  0  Abraham Raji
 1964   1,050  ITP node-iterall  976852  utilities for using JavaScript Iterables  0  Abraham Raji
 1965   1,313  ITP ruby-fixture-builder  971825  build Rails fixtures using object mother factories  1  Abraham Raji
 1966   1,415  ITP node-decode-uri-component  963900  A Decode URI Component  0  Abraham Raji
 1967   1,203  ITP ruby-backport  981155  Ruby library for event-driven IO  0  Abraham Raji
 1968   1,312  ITP ruby-cucumber-api-steps  971934  Cucumber steps to easily test REST-based XML and JSON APIs  0  Abraham Raji
 1969   1,249  ITP node-ist  977175  Mini assertion library  0  Abraham Raji
 1970   1,415  ITP node-tiptap  963902  A renderless and extendable rich-text editor for Vue.js  0  Abraham Raji
 1971   1,359  ITP node-prosemirror-commands  968889  Commands that abstract editing actions in prosemirror  0  Abraham Raji
 1972   1,312  ITP ruby-rspec-json-expectations  971938  Set of matchers and helpers to allow you test your APIs res…  0  Abraham Raji
 1973   83  ITP sddm-conf  1058712  Graphical editor for SDDM  0  Aaron Rainbolt
 1974   1,418  ITP deadbolt  963720  deadbolt simplifies encrypting and decrypting files. All yo…  0  Aaron Lichtman
 1975   1,224  ITP htmltoxbel  979349  htmlToXBel allows you to convert bookmarks stored in the HT…  0  Aaron Dewes
 1976   1,516  ITP grok-jpeg2000  954265  Grok is an implementation of Part 1 of the JPEG 2000 standa…  0  Aaron Boxer
 1977   453  ITP emilua  982926  execution engine for Lua  0  4n1
 1978   1,790  ITP arduino-sanguino  930723  atmega644 files for use with Arduino  1  3-D printer team

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!