Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 501   2,087  ITP node-file-cache-simple  896936  simple file key/value cache for Node.js  0  Xavier
 502   172  ITP cryptpad  932885  The Encrypted Collaboration Suite  0  Joseph Nuthalapati
 503   2,375  ITP pyspeckit  881699  toolkit for fitting and manipulating spectroscopic data in …  0  Vincent Prat
 504   1,506  ITP minetest-mod-technic  721197  Minetest module for  0
 505   714  ITP sctplib  934049  User-space implementation of the SCTP protocol  0  Thomas Dreibholz
 506   679  ITP python-tuf  934151  plug-and-play library for securing a software updater  0  Philippe Coval
 507   475  ITP rtpaudio  669908  RTP Audio sound streaming system  0  Thomas Dreibholz
 508   1,827  ITP trex-pam  927567  Use gpg keys to login with an OTP.  0  Sharon Dvir
 509   566  ITP annocheck  926470  analyse an application's compilation  0  Pietro Monteiro
 510   1,764  ITP ruby-jekyll-admin  932420  traditional CMS-style graphical interface to Jekyll sites  0  Daniel Leidert
 511   2,217  ITP ruby-goldiloader  896469  Automatically eager loads Rails associations as association…  0  Manas kashyap
 512   1,871  ITP pd-else  926219  EL Locus Solus' Pure Data library  0  IOhannes m zmoelnig
 513   1,745  ITP soscleaner  928604  Python application to clean sensitive and un-wanted data fr…  0  Eric Desrochers
 514   2,087  ITP node-inireader  896938  small ini files reader for Node.js  0  Xavier
 515   2,197  ITP node-is-odd  882617  Helper function to test whether a given number is odd  0  Julien Puydt
 516   1,874  ITP golang-github-jsimonetti-pwscheme  926023  Golang packages defining different password schemes  0  Balasankar C
 517   1,801  ITP node-apollo-link  930262  Flexible, lightweight transport layer for GraphQL  0  Pirate Praveen
 518   1,964  ITP cubeviz  898346  Data analysis package for data cubes  0  Josue Ortega
 519   1,842  ITP golang-gopkg-src-d-go-git-fixtures.v3  927694  several git fixtures to run go-git tests  0  Jongmin Kim
 520   2,172  ITP rake-ant  900842  Ant tasks and integration for Rake under JRuby  0  Miguel Landaeta
 521   2,346  ITP node-vue-template-es2015-compiler  879625  Post compiler for Vue template render functions to support …  0  Pirate Praveen
 522   1,865  ITP fluentd  926692  Fluentd event collector  0  Hideki Yamane
 523   1,868  ITP python-fhirclient  926403  Python 3 SMART on FHIR client  0  Andreas Tille
 524   1,513  ITP libjavolution-java  900124  Java core library for real-time and embedded systems  0  Andreas Tille
 525   1,871  ITP streamglob  926243  Console media browser designed to facilitate live and time-…  0  Sebastien Delafond
 526   1,871  ITP cointop  926240  Coin tracking for hackers  0  Josue Ortega
 527   683  ITP aiohue  898408  Python3 asyncio package to talk to Philips Hue  0  Srujan Kumar Bojjam
 528   1,712  ITP libweasel-driver-selenium2-perl  877752  Weasel driver wrapping Selenium::Remote::Driver  0  Robert James Clay
 529   1,819  ITP odysseus-web-browser  929504  A web browser focusing on decentralized discovery  0  Adrian Lyall Cochrane
 530   1,462  ITP heliopy  928699  Python for heliospheric and planetary physics  0  Shreyas Bapat
 531   2,177  ITP ruby-fileutils  900515  Ruby gem providing a namespace for several file utility met…  0  Miguel Landaeta
 532   1,883  ITP logbot  925193  IRC logger and publisher  0  Daniel Baumann
 533   2,173  ITP node-svgpath  900770  Low level transforms on svg path element  0
 534   2,195  ITP node-gather-stream  881244  Gather a stream, callback with buffer (or error) when done  0  Pirate Praveen
 535   729  ITP drvtools  835288  set up a virtual drive with confined access rights  0  Elmar Stellnberger
 536   2,143  ITP libdatetime-timezone-olson-perl  719149  module for accessing timezones from the Olson database  0  gregor herrmann
 537   968  ITP zabbix-api  923870  implementation of the Zabbix API in Python  0  Bas Zoetekouw
 538   1,888  ITP samskivert  924723  Utility library for java  0  Wookey
 539   2,153  ITP pyfttt  896721  implementation in Python  0  Naga Durga
 540   1,909  ITP podcast  923052  command-line podcast player  0  pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-l…
 541   1,901  ITP ffcast  922491  Screenshot & screencast command line tool  0  aeliton
 542   2,068  ITP deeponiond  899363  DeepOniond is a daemon package DeepOnion Blockchain.  0
 543   2,371  ITP elpa-mu4e-alert  882084  Desktop notifications and modeline display for mu4e.  0  James Richardson
 544   1,917  ITP blur-network-gui  922366  A graphical frontend to the Blur Network wallet. BLUR is an…  0  who-biz
 545   1,907  ITP libpam-rfid  923227  Pluggable Authentication Module for hardware authentication…  0  Philipp Meisberger
 546   1,524  ITP devpi-web  896097  PyPI server and packaging/testing/release tool - Web and se…  0  Nicolas Dandrimont
 547   1,134  ITP golang-github-arduino-go-timeutils  922528  Functions to handle timezones in golang  0  Rock Storm
 548   1,504  ITP arduino-package  923220  Utility for creating Arduino Debian packages  0  Philipp Meisberger
 549   2,201  ITP hackersh  898124  a shell with built in security commands  0  Manas kashyap
 550   2,196  ITP node-log-symbols  881238  Colored symbols for various log levels. Example: ✔︎ Success  0  Pirate Praveen

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!