Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1801   19  ITA sphinx-gallery  1065028  extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Pyth…  73  Nilson Silva
 1802   408  ITP sphinx-lint  1033940  sphinx-lint is a reStructuredText linter for sphinx-doc  0  Julien Palard
 1803   316  ITP spike  1040380  Spike RISC-V ISA Simulator  32  Jax Young
 1804   109  ITA splash  764684  Visualisation tool for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics  132
 1805   1,094  ITP splinter  988754  tool for testing web applications using Python  0  Joseph Nuthalapati
 1806   627  ITP spnavcfg  1018681  GUI to configure 3Dconnexion devices  2  Steffen Moeller
 1807   1,172  ITP spotcot  983822  Spot Cursor-on-Target gateway  0  Daniel Leidert
 1808   889  ITP spyder-notebook  871261  Jupyter notebook integration with Spyder  0  Julian Gilbey
 1809   889  ITP spyder-terminal  859880  plugin to display a virtual terminal within the Spyder IDE  0  Julian Gilbey
 1810   918  ITP sqlitestudio  827236  SQLite database manager  2  Yangfl
 1811   1,171  ITP srcode  983842  Tool that help developers to manage their codebase in an ef…  0  Aloïs Micard
 1812   829  ITP sre-yield  1005076  Expands a regular expression to its possible matches  0  Paulo Roberto Alves de Olivei…
 1813   172  ITP srs-server  1043448  simple, high-efficiency, real-time video server  0
 1814   137  ITP ssh3  1059618  faster and rich secure shell using HTTP/3  0  Simon Josefsson
 1815   263  ITP stactools  1050617  Command line tool and Python library for working with STAC  0  Antonio Valentino
 1816   76  ITP starship  946187  Minimal, blazing fast, and extremely customizable prompt fo…  6  Daniele Tricoli
 1817   1,344  ITP startdde  968793  start deepin desktop environment  9  clay stan
 1818   1,979  ITP stern  916518  tail multiple pods on Kubernetes and multiple containers wi…  4  ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)
 1819   1,433  ITA stl-manual  846841  C++ Standard Template Library Documentation  735  Gleisson Jesuino Joaquim Card…
 1820   1,532  ITP stratis-cli  934303  cli interface to stratisd storage management service  0  Josua Mayer
 1821   1,871  ITP streamglob  926243  Console media browser designed to facilitate live and time-…  0  Sebastien Delafond
 1822   114  ITP streamlink-twitch-gui  1061399  A multi-platform browser for Streamlink  1  matt
 1823   17  ITP streamlit  956194  fast way to build custom ML tools  0  Andreas Tille
 1824   683  ITP stringcase  916091  Converts string cases between camel case, pascal case, snak…  0  Jade McCormick
 1825   54  ITP subtile-ocr  1014093  subtitle converter from DVD VOB to SRT  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1826   862  ITP su-exec  1003059  switch user and group id, setgroups and exec  0
 1827   1,703  ITP supersmoother  940566  Python implementation of Friedman's Supersmoother  0  Christian Dersch
 1828   568  ITP super-speedy-syslog-searcher  1022845  Speedily search and merge log file entries by datetime  0  James Thomas Moon
 1829   1,964  ITP supertmxmerge  917800  graphical diff and merge tool for TMX files  0  Andrej Shadura
 1830   1,158  ITP swagger-marshmallow-codegen  985275  Generate Marshmallow's schema from Swagger/OpenAPI 3.0 defi…  0  Adam Cecile
 1831   754  ITP swagger-ui  895422  Collection of assets to dynamically generate documentation  0  Joel Cross
 1832   1,016  ITP swagger-ui-bundle  958026  This package contains the static files for swagger-ui as a …  0  Joachim Langenbach
 1833   162  ITP swayosd  1057301  osd window for volume and brightness  1  Maytham Alsudany
 1834   535  ITP swc  991761  A super-fast typescript / javascript compiler written in ru…  0  Jérémy Lal
 1835   1,394  ITP swiftshader  909156  high-performance CPU-based  0  Yangfl
 1836   2,165  ITP sxx  901414  sxx is a tool that allows you to easily run shell commands …  0  Eric Curtin
 1837   661  ITP sysd-openrc  1016038  Translator to convert systemd units to openrc scripts.  0  Mark Hindley
 1838   952  ITP systemd-zram-generator  991471  Auto generator for zram devices to systemd service.  351  heysion
 1839   273  ITP tacacs+  1024129  TACACS+ authentication daemon  49  Pawel Krawczyk
 1840   172  ITP tagainijisho  1004507  Japanese dictionary and learning assistant  26  Bryan Gardiner
 1841   1,526  ITP tales-of-maj-eyal  953200  Roguelike RPG with turn-based tactical combat and advanced …  0  Carlos Donizete Froes
 1842   1,372  ITP talkatu  949979  GTK+ widgets for instant messaging clients  0  Richard Laager
 1843   1,042  ITP tandem-genotypes  990856  compare lengths of duplications in DNA sequences  0  Steffen Moeller
 1844   1,210  ITP targetd  968297  remote configuration of a LIO-based storage appliance  0  Johan Fleury
 1845   1,646  ITP tarmux  944674  A tool to multiplex and demultiplex streams from pipes to t…  0  Graham Leggett
 1846   1,732  ITP tartube  934681  A GUI front-end for youtube-dl  1  Félix Sipma
 1847   105  ITP tasmota-device-manager  1062335  GUI application to manage, configure and monitor devices fl…  1
 1848   19  ITP tcl-ooxml  1069951  Read and Write Office Open XML "XLSX" since Excel 2007  0  Massimo Manghi
 1849   42  ITP tcnopen  1053497  TCNOpen Library for IEC61375 standardised communication  0  Marc Leeman
 1850   595  ITP tdengine  992514  open-sourced time-series database  3  Shuduo Sang

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!