Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 1701   41  ITP ruptime  1013361  poor man's ruptime  12  Gürkan Myczko
 1702   24  ITP rust-adblock  1063626  adblock-rust is the engine powering Brave's native adblocke…  0  Loren M. Lang
 1703   239  ITP rust-analyzer  1052319  LSP server for Rust  0  Jelmer Vernooij
 1704   750  ITP rust-bls-dkg  1010275  BLS DKG mechanism  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1705   685  ITP rust-common-failures  1014096  ergonomic helpers for failure  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1706   136  ITP rust-ed25519-dalek  1052045  fast and efficient ed25519 EdDSA key handling  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1707   38  ITP rust-gitoxide  1043208  Pure Rust implementation of Git  0  Blair Noctis
 1708   7  ITP rust-gstreamer-allocators  1070817  rust bindings for libgstalloc  0  Matthias Geiger
 1709   0  ITP rust-hurl  1001779  CLI that runs HTTP requests defined in simple plain text fo…  0  Maytham Alsudany
 1710   105  ITP rust-jpegxl  1062431  crate to work with jpegxl files  0  Matthias Geiger
 1711   134  ITP rust-libp2p  1059908  peer-to-peer networking library  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1712   98  ITP rust-librsvg  1063486  library to render SVG images to Cairo surfaces  0  Matthias Geiger
 1713   33  ITP rust-names  1068945  generator for random names suitable for containers, project…  0  Ananthu C V
 1714   1  ITP rust-noise-rust-crypto  1071166  wrappers of dalek and RustCrypto crates for noise-protocol  0  Matthias Geiger
 1715   694  ITP rust-nom-bibtex  1013357  BibTeX parser using nom  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1716   153  ITP rust-numbat  1057957  statically typed programming language for scientific comput…  0  Maytham Alsudany
 1717   1,583  ITP rust-pgp  948997  OpenPGP implemented in pure Rust, permissively licensed  0  Daniel Kahn Gillmor
 1718   84  ITP rust-self-encryption  1064483  self-encrypting files  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1719   105  ITP rust-sourceview5  1062432  rust binding for gtksourceview  0  Matthias Geiger
 1720   288  ITP rust-tabular  1040327  Plain text tables, aligned automatically  0  Charalampos Mitrodimas
 1721   302  ITP rust-wasmtime  1041463  cross-platform engine for running WebAssembly programs  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1722   567  ITP rust-ws  1022897  lightweight, event-driven WebSockets for Rust  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1723   253  ITP rust-xtr  1051318  Gettext helper for Rust crates  0  Fabian Grünbichler
 1724   181  ITP ru-tts  1055879  Compact and portable Russian speech synthesizer  1  Igor B. Poretsky
 1725   560  ITP s2n-tls  1023369  C99 implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols  0  Noah Meyerhans
 1726   26  ITP safe-network  1008016  network routing and service daemon for the Safe Network  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1727   31  ITP sail-ocaml  1065419  Sail architecture definition language  0  Bo YU
 1728   2,082  ITP salome-smesh  907843  Numerical simulation pre- and post-processor - standalone S…  0  Kurt Kremitzki
 1729   1,458  ITP salt-mode  961058  Emacs major mode for Salt States  0  'Sławomir Wójcik'
 1730   84  ITP samplebrain  1040745  a custom sample mashing app designed by Aphex Twin  2  tous
 1731   1,730  ITP sampler  935360  Tool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerti…  1  Josue Ortega
 1732   587  ITP samply  1021386  A command line profiler for Linux  0  Sylvestre Ledru
 1733   1,888  ITP samskivert  924723  Utility library for java  0  Wookey
 1734   1,913  ITP sandboxfs  922661  A virtual file system for sandboxing  0  Julio Merino
 1735   950  ITP sbw  995988  Simple text editor with braille input  0  Samuel Thibault
 1736   241  ITP sby  1052194  SymbiYosys -- formal hardware verification frontend for yos…  0  Daniel Gröber
 1737   29  ITP sc3-foxdot  1069187  FoxDot Quark extension for SuperCollider  1  Joenio Marques da Costa
 1738   1,330  ITP scanpy  970887  Single-Cell Analysis in Python  0  Steffen Moeller
 1739   802  ITP scantailor-advanced  940329  interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages  17
 1740   1,213  ITP scil  980463  Scientific Compression Library (SCIL)  0  Alastair McKinstry
 1741   1,275  ITP scnapbar  975071  single-cell sequencing with the Nanopore  0  Steffen Moeller
 1742   509  ITP scorpio  1026941  serious constellations of reoccurring phylogenetically-inde…  1  Andreas Tille
 1743   38  ITP scryer-prolog  1009086  open-source industrial strength production prolog implement…  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 1744   714  ITP sctplib  934049  User-space implementation of the SCTP protocol  0  Thomas Dreibholz
 1745   86  ITP sddm-conf  1058712  Graphical editor for SDDM  0  Aaron Rainbolt
 1746   26  ITP sdml  1064145  CLI tool for Simple Domain Modeling Language  3  Jonas Smedegaard
 1747   261  ITP sdrangel  939122  Graphical Tool for Software-Defined Radio, with send and re…  1  Christoph Berg
 1748   213  ITP sdview  1054001  terminal document viewer for POD and other syntaxes  0  Ole Peder Brandtzæg
 1749   1,224  ITP seadrive-fuse  974213  Seafile drive client FUSE daemon  2  Moritz Schlarb
 1750   1,282  ITP seadrive-gui  974214  Seafile drive client GUI part  38  Moritz Schlarb

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!