Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 151   46  ITP jolt  1068206  A multi core friendly rigid body physics and collision dete…  0  Bret Curtis
 152   48  ITP libsmb2  1068113  SMB2/3 client library  0  Joe Mondloch
 153   49  ITP python-naked  1067948  a command line application framework  0  Josenilson Ferreira da Silva
 154   50  ITP python-keep  1067928  Personal shell command keeper and snippets manager  0  Shriram Ravindranathan
 155   51  ITP python-memray  1067871  Memory profiler for Python applications  0  Yogeswaran Umasankar
 156   51  ITP vst3sdk  943315  professional audio plugin development kit  0  IOhannes m zmoelnig
 157   52  ITP sentry-native  1059632  Sentry SDK for C, C++ and native applications  0  Roman Ondráček
 158   54  ITP batsignal  1067606  Lightweight battery daemon written in C  1  nobody
 159   55  ITP subtile-ocr  1014093  subtitle converter from DVD VOB to SRT  0  Jonas Smedegaard
 160   55  ITP kicad-gruvbox-theme  1067557  Gruvbox colorscheme for KiCad  1  Matthias Geiger
 161   55  ITP wshowkeys  947858  Displays keypresses on screen on supported Wayland composit…  0  Birger Schacht
 162   56  ITP precis  1067524  Java implementation of the PRECIS Framework  0  Matthew Fennell
 163   56  ITP vulkanscenegraph  1016991  VulkanSceneGraph (VSG), is a modern, cross platform, high p…  0  Bret Curtis
 164   56  ITP docker-squash  1010746  Squashing helps with organizing docker images in logical la…  0  Jonathan Dowland
 165   57  ITP gcdemu  983453  GTK3-based GUI for controlling CDEmu daemon  54  Matteo Bini
 166   57  ITP python-fake-headers  1067402  package for generate headers to http requests  0  Josenilson Ferreira da Silva
 167   57  ITP teraboxutility  1067395  A python package for save file in TeraBox  0  Josenilson Ferreira da Silva
 168   58  ITA trickle  994644  user-space bandwidth shaper  558
 169   59  ITP ansible-creator  1067194  fastest way to generate all your ansible content  0  Guilherme de Paula Xavier Seg…
 170   60  ITA unar  1065113  Unarchiver for a variety of file formats  34,472
 171   60  ITP magpie  1040005  window manager for the budgie desktop  0  David Mohammed
 172   61  ITP ptyxis  1061368  terminal for GNOME # (was gnome-prompt)  0  Gürkan Myczko
 173   61  ITP ultimateultimateguitar  1067050  CLI for the ultimateguitar website  3  Salvo Tomaselli
 174   62  ITP vaultwarden  1067023  Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust  17  Bernhard Dick
 175   62  ITA dbf  888076  Python module for reading and writing dbf files  22  nobody
 176   62  ITP gtk-gnutella  1065479  Gnutella client  65  nobody
 177   62  ITP libudis86  1061940  Disassembler for the x86 and x86-64 class of instructions s…  0  Alan M Varghese
 178   62  ITP tracy  1063442  Real time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry, hybrid …  0  Alan M Varghese
 179   62  ITP hyprpaper  1065699  Wallpaper utility for Hyprland  1  Alan M Varghese
 180   62  ITP hyprland  1040971  dynamic tiling Wayland compositor based on wlroots  16  Alan M Varghese
 181   62  ITP hyprland-protocols  1051806  Wayland protocol extensions for Hyprland.  1  Alan M Varghese
 182   64  ITP gtklock-powerbar-module  1065403  gtklock module adding  0  Maytham Alsudany
 183   65  ITP texlab  1040070  LSP (Language Server Protocol) implementation for TeX  0  Sebastian Crane
 184   65  ITP python-msgspec  1066818  Fast serialization and validation library  0  Stein Magnus Jodal
 185   65  ITA persp-projectile  904233  integrate perspective.el with projectile  5  Xiyue Deng
 186   66  ITP coot  897673  model building program for macromolecular crystallography  1
 187   66  ITA pyparted  1049429  Python 3 interface for libparted  1,249  Mitchell Dzurick
 188   67  ITP k3conf  1037141  A Powerful Diagnostic Tool for Texas Instruments' K3 based …  0  Texas Instruments
 189   68  ITP keyd  1060023  Keyboard key remapping daemon for Linux  7  Richard Hansen
 190   68  ITP ly  1061402  a TUI display manager  1  matt
 191   68  ITP llama.cpp  1063673  Inference of Meta's LLaMA model (and others) in pure C/C++  0  Christian Kastner
 192   70  ITP httprobe  1065673  Take a list of domains and probe for working HTTP and HTTPS…  7  Aquila Macedo Costa
 193   70  ITP bluetooth-data-tools  1065657  Python tools for converting bluetooth data and packets  5  Edward Betts
 194   72  ITP llm  1065572  Access large language models from the command-line  0  Antoine Beaupre
 195   72  ITP python-sqlite-migrate  1065578  A simple database migration system for SQLite, based on sql…  0  Antoine Beaupre
 196   72  ITP python-ulid  1065576  Universally unique lexicographically sortable identifier (P…  0  Antoine Beaupre
 197   72  ITP golex  1065558  a lex/flex like utility  0  tous
 198   72  ITP golang-modernc-lex  1065560  provides support for a *nix (f)lex like tool on .l sources  0  tous
 199   72  ITP golang-modernc-db  1065557  implements some data structures found in database implement…  0  tous
 200   72  ITP golang-github-upper-db  1065555  Data access layer for PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MySQL, SQLit…  0  tous

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!