Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 101   40  RFP valkey  1068342  Persistent key-value database with network interface (Redis…  0  nobody
 102   40  O clamassassin  1068489  email virus filter wrapper for ClamAV  154  nobody
 103   40  RFP iterable-io  1068488  Adapt generators and other iterables to a file-like interfa…  0  nobody
 104   40  O gtksheet  1068469  Gtk spreadsheet widget  54  nobody
 105   40  RFP aerospike-database  1068456  Distributed, scalable NoSQL database that supports both str…  0  nobody
 106   41  RFP libjs-ace  771534  standalone code editor for the web  0  nobody
 107   41  RFP deepin-wm  872062  Default window manager for DDE (deepin desktop environment)  0  nobody
 108   41  RFP deepin-metacity  872064  Default 2D window manager for DDE (deepin desktop environme…  0  nobody
 109   41  RFP ai-sdc  1068386  A collection of tools and resources for managing the statis…  0  nobody
 110   41  RFP python-chainstream  1068376  a subclass of io.RawIOBase, to chain I/O streams together i…  0  nobody
 111   42  RFP keydb  1067413  persistent key-value database with network interface  38  nobody
 112   43  RFH liboqs  1068294  library for quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms  8  nobody
 113   45  O cciss-vol-status  1068132  HP SmartArray RAID Volume Status Checker  253  nobody
 114   46  RFH sbcl  1068094  Common Lisp compiler and development system  1,779  nobody
 115   48  O qt-avif-image-plugin  1067899  Qt plug-in to read/write AVIF images  13  nobody
 116   50  RFP anew  1063591  Tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates (pr…  0  nobody
 117   50  O helpdev  1067786  Helper tool to get environment information  2,270  nobody
 118   50  O gcpegg  1064156  GCP (EGG) Software  6  nobody
 119   50  RFP libgourou  1067719  free implementation of Adobe's ADEPT protocol used to add D…  0  nobody
 120   50  RFP floorp  1067680  powerful Firefox fork with more customization and features  72  nobody
 121   50  RFP librust-parse-display-dev  1067743  Rust library that provides derive macro Display and FromStr  0  nobody
 122   51  O python-isoweek  1067706  Python module to provide the class Week (Python 3)  22  nobody
 123   52  RFP logisim-evolution  1067652  Logisim-evolution is educational software for designing and…  47  nobody
 124   53  O ffmpegthumbnailer  1067555  fast and lightweight video thumbnailer  35,056  nobody
 125   54  O tkrzw-python  1067519  set of implementations of DBM - python binding  6  nobody
 126   54  O tkrzw  1067518  set of implementations of DBM  18  nobody
 127   56  RFP incus-ui-canonical  1067132  Incus-UI-Canonical is a browser frontend for Incus (patched…  53  nobody
 128   56  RFH courier  978755  Courier mail server  1,899  nobody
 129   57  RFP cfn-lint  1013897  Validate AWS CloudFormation yaml/json templates against the…  0  nobody
 130   57  RFP contour-terminal  1067135  modern virtual terminal emulator  0  nobody
 131   58  RFP cotp  1066826  command line totp/hotp authenticator  0  nobody
 132   59  O mintstick  1065746  USB stick formatter and ISO image writer  983  nobody
 133   61  RFP aiotdlib  1066940  Python asyncio Telegram client  0  nobody
 134   61  RFP tdlib  1066960  cross-platform library for building Telegram clients  0  nobody
 135   61  RFP python-aiosignald  1019492  Python bindings for signald  0  nobody
 136   61  RFP slidge-slidgram  1066937  feature-rich Telegram to XMPP puppeteering gateway  0  nobody
 137   61  RFP slidge-slidgnal  1066961  feature-rich Signal to XMPP puppeteering gateway  0  nobody
 138   61  O nsync  1013210  C library that exports various synchronization primitives  32  nobody
 139   62  RFA python-ionoscloud  1066858  None  1  nobody
 140   62  RFP php-sqlsrv  900572  Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server  13  nobody
 141   62  RFP php-pdo-sqlsrv  900568  PHP PECL extension for Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Se…  5  nobody
 142   63  O python-hpilo  888079  HP iLO XML interface access from Python  41  nobody
 143   64  RFP cracktunes  1062777  hassle-free, highly performant Discord music bot  0  nobody
 144   64  RFA rust-kmon  1066127  Interactive kernel monitor that combines dmesg and kmod  44  nobody
 145   64  RFA rust-enum-unitary  1066126  Trait and macro for unitary enums - Rust source code  2  nobody
 146   64  RFA rust-enum-iterator-derive  1066125  Procedural macro to iterate over the variants of a field-le…  4  nobody
 147   64  RFA rust-enum-iterator  1066124  Tools to iterate over the variants of a field-less enum - R…  4  nobody
 148   64  RFA rust-colorsys  1066123  Module for color conversion and mutation - Rust source code  2  nobody
 149   64  RFP gtk-theme-qogir  1065090  Qogir GTK  0  nobody
 150   65  RFP java-digital  1066050  A digital logic designer and circuit simulator  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!