Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4601   3,103  RFP libjs-scrollin  802240  do something great when an element enters the viewport  0  nobody
 4602   2,238  RFP restund  804846  modular and flexible STUN and TURN Server  0  nobody
 4603   2,645  RFP libjs-backbone.routefilter  805364  wraps the backbone route callback  0  nobody
 4604   2,661  RFP hsakmt  803636  thunk library for AMD's HSA Linux kernel driver (amdkfd)  0  nobody
 4605   2,679  RFP node-datalib  801225  JavaScript data utility library  0  nobody
 4606   3,132  RFP julia-gadfly  802207  plotting and data visualization system written in Julia  0  nobody
 4607   2,646  RFP libjs-requirejs-plugins  805290  small set of plugins for RequireJS  0  nobody
 4608   2,283  RFP hazelcast  745640  distributed cache  3  nobody
 4609   2,658  RFP kolla  804128  containers and deployment tools for operating OpenStack clo…  0  nobody
 4610   1,280  RFP osm-tile-server  803988  OpenStreetMap tile server  0  nobody
 4611   2,606  RFP python-clam  805720  CLAM: Quickly turn command-line tools into RESTful webservi…  0  nobody
 4612   2,689  RFP bhyve  800844  hypervisor/virtual machine manager for FreeBSD  0  nobody
 4613   2,631  RFP python-oset  801306  An ordered set data structure for Python  0  nobody
 4614   2,717  RFP coq-areamethod  801484  coq library for the area method decision procedure  0  nobody
 4615   2,649  RFP pidgin-gpg  805035  OpenPGP plugin for Pidgin  0  nobody
 4616   1,808  RFP vizzini  804350  Kernel driver for Exar XR21V1414 USB UART  0  nobody
 4617   1,464  RFP janeclone  748279  JaneClone is a simple browser for the Internet bulletin boa…  1  nobody
 4618   2,681  RFP puppet-module-edgester-kerberos  801616  A puppet module for managing MIT Kerberos clients and serve…  0  nobody
 4619   3,103  RFP  802257  FixedColumns for DataTables  0  nobody
 4620   3,105  RFP tyrutils  803880  quake 1 or 2 mod utils for building quake levels and quake …  0  nobody
 4621   3,103  RFP libjs-angular-ui-bootstrap  802238  Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS  0  nobody
 4622   2,686  RFP libjs-zeroclipboard  801195  easy copy text in browser to clipboard  0  nobody
 4623   1,464  RFP cvars  802913  C++ run-time variable tweaking  0  nobody
 4624   2,679  RFP python-sphinx-openstackdocs-theme  801771  OpenStack docs sphinx theme  0  nobody
 4625   3,103  RFP  802254  DataTables for jQuery  0  nobody
 4626   2,632  RFP mchange-commons-java  806774  General-purpose Java utilities by Machinery For Change, Inc.  0  nobody
 4627   2,644  RFP igb  804258  dkms source for the igb network driver  0  nobody
 4628   458  RFP flac123  759198  command-line program for playing FLAC audio files  2  nobody
 4629   2,800  RFP gccintro-es  802494  Spanish Introduction to GCC by Brian J. Gough  0  nobody
 4630   2,651  RFP qchartjs  804748  QML bindings for Chart.js  0  nobody
 4631   3,103  RFP libjs-ngstorage  802247  localStorage and sessionStorage done right for AngularJS  0  nobody
 4632   2,653  RFP partitionfinder  804646  programs for simultaneously choosing partitioning schemes a…  0  nobody
 4633   2,670  RFP rapicorn  802783  UI toolkit for declarative user interface construction and …  0  nobody
 4634   3,103  RFP libcxf2-java  801996  open source services framework  0  nobody
 4635   2,168  RFP libjs-react  805376  JavaScript library for building user interfaces  0  nobody
 4636   2,670  RFP dwv-orthanc-plugin  802756  DICOM Web Viewer (DWV) plugin for Orthanc  0  nobody
 4637   1,453  RFP glui  801858  GLUT-based C++ user interface library which provides contro…  0  nobody
 4638   3,103  RFP libjs-blueimp-canvas-to-blob  802243  polyfill for canvas.toBlob method  0  nobody
 4639   479  RFP fonts-pompiere  803690  a playful script font  0  nobody
 4640   1,373  RFP wildfly  752018  a JEE application server  6  nobody
 4641   3,103  RFP  802258  ColReorder for DataTables  0  nobody
 4642   2,340  RFP node-tosource  804145  converts JavaScript objects back to source  0  nobody
 4643   1,372  RFP shatteredpixeldungeon  805925  A mod of Pixel Dungeon with many improvements  0  nobody
 4644   1,475  RFP simutrans-pak128  804450  None  0  nobody
 4645   499  RFP fonts-source-serif-pro  750450  set of serif OpenType fonts designed to complement Source S…  2  nobody
 4646   2,284  RFP node-kosmtik  805308  Make maps with OpenStreetMap and Mapnik  0  nobody
 4647   3,066  RFP gnustep-corebase  752553  Implementation of the CoreFoundation framework  7  nobody
 4648   2,635  RFP robofab  806512  library with objects deal with data associated with fonts a…  0  nobody
 4649   2,340  RFP elisp-es  803074  Spanish version of An Introduction to Programming in Emacs …  0  nobody
 4650   2,669  RFP awslogs  802927  AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!