Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4351   139  O autobahn-cpp  1004235  WAMP in C++ for Boost/Asio  7  nobody
 4352   1,187  O microdc2  980954  command-line based Direct Connect client  10  nobody
 4353   823  O esnacc  1004270  ASN.1 to C or C++ or IDL compiler  33  nobody
 4354   1,151  O tup  983797  fast build system  27  nobody
 4355   688  O emacs-neotree  1012472  directory tree sidebar for Emacs that is like NERDTree for …  29  nobody
 4356   1,397  O coriander  963911  control IEEE1394 digital camera  21  nobody
 4357   1,186  O libloki  981053  C++ library of generic design patterns  50  nobody
 4358   1,600  O libtap-formatter-junit-perl  946410  Perl module for converting TAP output to JUnit XML output  17  nobody
 4359   1,186  O extra-xdg-menus  981051  Extra menu categories for applications under GNOME and KDE  5,464  nobody
 4360   1,586  O sgml-spell-checker  947175  spell checker for SGML documents  18  nobody
 4361   1,178  O abicheck  981674  binary compatibility checking tool  44  nobody
 4362   1,618  O python-djvulibre  945190  Python support for the DjVu image format  148  nobody
 4363   708  O distorm3  951161  powerful disassembler library for x86/AMD64 binary streams  125  nobody
 4364   937  O lua-doc  995509  Documentation generation library for the Lua language  108  nobody
 4365   770  O emacs-openwith  1007863  seamlessly open files in external programs with Emacs  30  nobody
 4366   1,438  O emacs-jedi  960922  Python auto-completion for Emacs  97  nobody
 4367   937  O lua-svn  995523  Subversion library for the Lua language  39  nobody
 4368   937  O lua-lpty  995511  PTY library for the Lua language  41  nobody
 4369   696  O libpgf  1012131  Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library  32  nobody
 4370   688  O emacs-pod-mode  1012473  Emacs major mode for editing .pod files  1,787  nobody
 4371   696  O biabam  1012132  bash attachment mailer  108  nobody
 4372   696  O xcalib  1012134  Tiny monitor calibration loader for Xorg  487  nobody
 4373   600  O buzztrax  1019046  Modular music composer  137  nobody
 4374   260  O emacs-pg-el  1017880  Emacs Lisp interface for PostgreSQL  34  nobody
 4375   677  O highwayhash  1013208  Fast strong hash functions: SipHash/HighwayHash  31  nobody
 4376   643  O xsol  1015849  Solitaire game for the X Window system  254  nobody
 4377   601  O xwrited  1019015  display write and wall messages as desktop notifications  22  nobody
 4378   42  O nsync  1013210  C library that exports various synchronization primitives  32  nobody
 4379   669  O sigscheme  1013900  Scheme Interpreter to be embedded  1,670  nobody
 4380   484  O coco-cpp  1027187  Coco/R Compiler Generator (C++ Version)  11  nobody
 4381   683  O rasqal  1012728  Rasqal RDF query library development libraries and headers  106,844  nobody
 4382   683  O redland  1012729  Redland RDF library development libraries and headers  107,257  nobody
 4383   3,111  O docbook-xsl-saxon  802373  Java extensions for use with DocBook XML stylesheets (Saxon)  106  nobody
 4384   256  O loadwatch  1047904  Run a program using only idle cycles  22  nobody
 4385   260  O libranlip  1043379  generates random variates with multivariate Lipschitz densi…  164  nobody
 4386   341  O coco-java  1036427  Coco/R Compiler Generator (Java Version)  9  nobody
 4387   648  O gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf  1015208  GCC compiler for embedded RISC-V chips  259  nobody
 4388   643  O unhtml  1015847  Remove the markup tags from an HTML file  140  nobody
 4389   514  O fsmark  1025050  benchmark for simulating synchronous write workloads  30  nobody
 4390   670  O emscripten  1013374  LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler  175  nobody
 4391   1,171  O kopano-webapp-plugins-files  976709  Kopano WebApp plugin for managing attachments  0  nobody
 4392   311  O zlmdb  1038667  Object-relational in-memory database layer based on LMDB  6  nobody
 4393   204  O yatex  1053456  Yet Another TeX mode for Emacs  76  nobody
 4394   50  O flameshot  1065588  Powerful yet simple-to-use screenshot software  3,802  nobody
 4395   204  O emacs-calfw  1053453  calendar framework for Emacs  126  nobody
 4396   206  O plsense  1053388  Omni Completion Tool for Perl  18  nobody
 4397   206  O libclass-std-storable-perl  1053385  Support for creating serializable "inside-out" classes  36  nobody
 4398   3,202  O xdemorse  554899  GTK+ Morse Code Decoding Software  133  nobody
 4399   3,724  O icon  738875  Interpreter for Icon, a high-level programming language  303  nobody
 4400   3,585  O altermime  753566  utility used to alter mime-encoded mailpacks  1,837  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!