Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 451   2,826  RFP nightingale  712631  audio player and web browser based on the Songbird  0  nobody
 452   1,451  RFP buck  718394  Facebook's build system for large Java projects  0  nobody
 453   3,651  RFP digitd  712647  A simple, flexible and safe finger daemon  0  nobody
 454   3,347  RFP spark-hilite  713928  SPARK programming language toolset (Ada 2012-style)  0  nobody
 455   2,291  RFP taskwarrior-web  719315  A web interface for the Taskwarrior todo application  0  nobody
 456   3,135  RFP mwlib.ext  719346  External dependencies needed by the mwlib library  0  nobody
 457   2,729  RFP wavegain  690738  replaygain for WAV files  1  nobody
 458   3,651  RFP node-helenus  709825  Apache Cassandra client implementation for Node.js  0  nobody
 459   3,660  RFP kfilebox  715527  Unofficial KDE Dropbox client developed in QT. KFilebox (pr…  0  nobody
 460   2,314  RFP libjs-jsxml  712220  XML/XSLT to DOM parser in JavaScript  0  nobody
 461   613  RFP brickutils  714956  Utility for organizing your collection of LEGO(R) bricks  0  nobody
 462   2,666  RFP plasma-widget-bitcoin-chart  718885  bitcoin exchange rate plasmoid  0  nobody
 463   3,135  RFP braingl  711956  exploring and visualizing anatomical and functional connect…  0  nobody
 464   3,134  RFP simplenat  714017  script for autoconfigure simple NAT server  0  nobody
 465   2,630  RFP mayan-edms  718580  Django-based Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)  0  nobody
 466   2,307  RFP  707166  Makes WebSockets and realtime possible in all browsers  0  nobody
 467   3,651  RFP trac-testmanager  708271  full test management life-cycle for Trac  0  nobody
 468   3,047  RFP ldglite  715053  Display, edit and render 3D LEGO(R) LDraw models  0  nobody
 469   527  RFP fidocadj  708312  a multi-platform editor for electronics  0  nobody
 470   3,653  RFP mp3cat  696690  reads, writes, splits and combines MP3 files  1  nobody
 471   3,525  RFP eatmonkey  719214  Stupid download manager for monkeys and Capuchins!  0  nobody
 472   3,651  RFP rbdl  717589  Rigid Body Dynamics Library  0  nobody
 473   2,714  RFP meta-suckless-tools  709237  meta-package installs simple commands for minimalistic wind…  0  nobody
 474   1,514  RFP octoprint  718591  Responsive web interface for 3D printers  0  nobody
 475   3,135  RFP sqlite3dbm  719345  A sqlite-backed dict conforming to the dbm interface  0  nobody
 476   3,134  RFP libtiger  712821  Kate rendering library  0  nobody
 477   2,737  RFP libsamsung-ipc  713937  library to communicate with modems present in Samsung smart…  0  nobody
 478   3,651  RFP telemeta  717961  open web audio CMS  0  nobody
 479   3,641  RFP async-unix  718239  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (unix)  0  nobody
 480   3,641  RFP async-extra  718240  Async library for OCaml asynchronous programming (extra)  0  nobody
 481   2,740  RFP libjs-extjs4  619642  cross-browser JavaScript library, version 4  6  nobody
 482   3,651  RFP moocng  707135  open source MOOC platform  0  nobody
 483   3,641  RFP async  718237  a library for OCaml asynchronous programming  0  nobody
 484   3,111  RFP nesicide  658261  An Integrated Development Environment for the 8-bit Nintend…  0  nobody
 485   1,245  RFP gnome-theme-clearlooks-flat-compact  710526  Compact GTK+ 2, GTK+ 3 and Metacity theme  0  nobody
 486   1,106  RFP libapache2-mod-socket-policy-server  642282  serving Adobe socket policies  0  nobody
 487   3,135  RFP timelib  719343  A short wrapper around PHP's internal DateTime ext  0  nobody
 488   2,819  RFP ruby-spinach  713890  BDD framework on top of Gherkin  0  nobody
 489   3,651  RFP python-pingdom  717591  3rd-party Python library for Pingdom's new REST API.  0  nobody
 490   2,852  RFP scratch-text-editor  679559  text editor written in Vala  4  nobody
 491   3,173  RFP selector  660470  selector is a real-time pattern matcher for console  0  nobody
 492   3,135  RFP qserve  719341  A job queue server  0  nobody
 493   3,651  RFP mediawiki-mwxml2sql  710584  Tools to help import MediaWiki XML dumps into database  0  nobody
 494   1,571  RFP mpir  708391  Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals library  0  nobody
 495   3,641  RFP ruby-dbi-dbrc  718648  A database resource control interface for Ruby that lets yo…  0  nobody
 496   3,525  RFP minetruco  719169  Bluffing trick-taking card game played in Brazil  0  nobody
 497   2,889  RFP tt-rss-attic-plugins  713065  Extra plugins for tt-rss  0  nobody
 498   754  RFP python-lirc  718980  LIRC support for Python 3  0  nobody
 499   3,651  RFP derelict3  710506  A collection of dynamic D bindings to C libraries, useful f…  0  nobody
 500   867  RFP dbeaver  680987  universal database tool  14  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!