Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4451   527  RFP sauvegarde  791878  saves files live while being created or modified in a dedup…  0  nobody
 4452   2,255  RFP sirius  782763  Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Personal Assistant  0  nobody
 4453   2,901  RFP diaspora-gems-compat  784422  provide gems for diaspora when corresponding deb package is…  0  nobody
 4454   2,841  RFP python-gearbox  792278  command line toolkit as a PasteScript replacement TurboGear…  0  nobody
 4455   2,991  RFP easea  783015  EAsy specification of evolutionary algorithms  0  nobody
 4456   2,748  RFP ruby-eco-source  792266  Experimental gem for setting up and managing a Diaspora pod.  0  nobody
 4457   2,118  RFP gnusocial  782812  social networking platform  0  nobody
 4458   2,615  RFP stp  789055  simple theorem prover SMT solver  0  nobody
 4459   2,689  RFP homer  787333  Video Conferencing System  0  nobody
 4460   3,326  RFP krokus  782911  program for printing photos  0  nobody
 4461   3,095  RFP openbugs  751570  BUGS for Bayesian MCMC analysis.  8  nobody
 4462   2,357  RFP hedgehog  785027  visualisation tool for DNS  0  nobody
 4463   2,882  RFP gns3-converter  787541  GNS3 topology converter  0  nobody
 4464   2,880  RFP networking-cisco  787733  OpenStack virtual network service - Cisco plugin  0  nobody
 4465   2,853  RFP python-conditional  790685  conditionally enter a context manager  0  nobody
 4466   3,623  RFP wallch  751914  A powerful cross-desktop wallpaper changer  1  nobody
 4467   2,841  RFP ruby-rb-fsevent  792276  FSEvents API with Signals catching (without RubyCocoa)  0  nobody
 4468   2,366  RFP photo-booth  783432  Motion-detecting photo booth toy  0  nobody
 4469   1,858  RFP libressl  754513  SSL library, forked from OpenSSL  10  nobody
 4470   2,902  RFP sugar-finance-activity  783203  Finance is a simple financial planning activity for the Sug…  0  nobody
 4471   751  RFP pycharm  742394  IDE for python development  5  nobody
 4472   3,134  RFP pantheon-files  750823  The file manager of the Pantheon desktop  13  nobody
 4473   2,314  RFP libjs-jit  784992  interactive data visualizations for the Web  0  nobody
 4474   2,528  RFP freerouter  783482  routing suite in java  0  nobody
 4475   710  RFP scorep  789050  Scalable Performance Measurement Infrastructure for Paralle…  0  nobody
 4476   2,901  RFP vmdktool  783189  Converts raw filesystems to VMDK files and vice versa.  0  nobody
 4477   2,170  RFP infer  789059  static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C  0  nobody
 4478   2,892  RFP twamp-gui  786603  TWAMP protocol client and responder  0  nobody
 4479   2,855  RFP puppet-module-rgevaert-saslauthd  790430  Manage saslauthd on Debian like systems  0  nobody
 4480   2,841  RFP nilearn  792279  fast and easy statistical learning on neuroimaging data  0  nobody
 4481   2,839  RFP gitlab-linguist  792526  GitLab Language detection  0  nobody
 4482   2,648  RFP freefall  785590  daemon to protect disk for laptops with supported sensors  0  nobody
 4483   2,841  RFP ruby-eco  792265  Ruby Eco is a bridge to the official JavaScript Eco compile…  0  nobody
 4484   1,880  RFP lfdk  788104  Linux Firmware Debug Kit - a tool to help debug PCI, IO and…  0  nobody
 4485   754  RFP qmplay2  739417  a video player  8  nobody
 4486   3,202  RFP google-caja  783673  Compiler for making third-party HTML, CSS and JavaScript sa…  0  nobody
 4487   2,128  RFP node-openpgp  787774  OpenPGP JavaScript Implementation (OpenPGP.js)  0  nobody
 4488   3,306  RFP libiconv-dev  791716  library to convert character encoding  0  nobody
 4489   2,843  RFP ruby-pry-debundle  792107  Hooks into Pry and removes the restrictions on loading gems…  0  nobody
 4490   2,855  RFP puppet-module-saz-locales  790427  Manage locales on Linux  0  nobody
 4491   2,852  RFP rla-es  790897  hunspell-es-pe  0  nobody
 4492   2,896  RFP python-oath  785703  implementation of the three main OATH specifications  0  nobody
 4493   2,902  RFP orocos-typelib  783016  C/C++ type introspection library  0  nobody
 4494   2,901  RFP autosubmit  784438  Manage weather and climate experiments on supercomputers  0  nobody
 4495   3,189  RFP ocropy  788914  Python OCR engine using recurrent neural networks  0  nobody
 4496   2,613  RFP syncterm  739035  SyncTerm is the Synchronet Terminal  3  nobody
 4497   2,893  RFP orientdb  786581  A Multi-Model NoSQL Database  0  nobody
 4498   3,348  RFP vim-go  786932  Golang support for Vim  0  nobody
 4499   2,901  RFP php-horde-managesieve  784412  Client library for ManageSieve  0  nobody
 4500   1,533  RFP jtsdk  786330  Build System for WSJT Applications  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!