Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4401   3,109  RFP c  779904  Compile and execute C "scripts" in one go!  0  nobody
 4402   645  RFP corefx  779970  .NET Core Libraries  0  nobody
 4403   3,110  RFP puppet-module-duritong-trocla  777906  Use trocla password generator and storage from puppet.  0  nobody
 4404   3,110  RFP puppet-module-datacentered-ldap  778536  Module for managing OpenLDAP  0  nobody
 4405   2,557  RFP bfg-repo-cleaner  781546  simpler, faster alternative to git-filter-branch for cleans…  0  nobody
 4406   733  RFP wiringx  781491  Modular GPIO interface  0  nobody
 4407   3,682  RFP mitk  773857  The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  0  nobody
 4408   2,666  RFP lighthouse  775925  a peer to peer crowdfunding app that uses Bitcoin  0  nobody
 4409   3,108  RFP dnscrypt-wrapper  782164  A server-side dnscrypt proxy  0  nobody
 4410   3,111  RFP hebrew-cal  773822  Hebrew Calendar  0  nobody
 4411   1,987  RFP namecoin  779686  decentralized information registration and transfer system  0  nobody
 4412   1,844  RFP o2scl  779181  library for object-oriented numerical programming  0  nobody
 4413   1,739  RFP quexml  782389  An Open Source, XML, multi-mode questionnaire description t…  0  nobody
 4414   3,108  RFP orocos-log4cpp  782745  C++ library for flexible logging  0  nobody
 4415   3,109  RFP libsqon0  780561  Structured Query Object Notation - C API  0  nobody
 4416   3,105  RFP crosswalk  775876  Crosswalk is an app runtime based on Chromium/Blink  0  nobody
 4417   3,110  RFP statsite  778731  C implementation of statsd  0  nobody
 4418   3,106  RFP mraa  780540  userspace I/O library  0  nobody
 4419   1,739  RFP quexf  782392  An Open Source, web based paper form verification and data …  0  nobody
 4420   959  RFP qmplay2  739417  a video player  12  nobody
 4421   754  RFP fonts-tuladhajejeg  780482  Javanese smart Unicode fonts  0  nobody
 4422   3,340  RFP zetacoin  773295  P2P network based digital currency with fast confirmations  0  nobody
 4423   3,108  RFP openpilot  782347  platform for aerial robotics or other mobile vehicular plat…  0  nobody
 4424   3,109  RFP slapos.libnetworkcache  780188  Client for ShaCache and ShaDir  0  nobody
 4425   3,111  RFP swe-extrapolated-data  775249  Swiss Ephemeris data file for far past, far future  0  nobody
 4426   2,728  RFP libphpcpp  781154  a C++ library for developing PHP extensions  0  nobody
 4427   733  RFP raet  781993  secure reliable scalable asynchronous message/event transpo…  0  nobody
 4428   2,972  RFP flwkey  774922  Interface to the Winkeyer series of CW code generators  0  nobody
 4429   3,110  RFP libmodule-install-repository-perl  779000  Automatically sets repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout  0  nobody
 4430   2,869  RFP wallpaperd  777743  X wallpaper changing daemon  0  nobody
 4431   1,827  RFP fonts-parmaite  780681  Tengwar TrueType font  0  nobody
 4432   3,110  RFP netcdf-libcf  775584  Library to process data files in the Climate and Forecast (…  0  nobody
 4433   3,107  RFP python-primes  774901  library for working with prime numbers  0  nobody
 4434   3,110  RFP shadowd  775998  Shadow Daemon web application firewall server  0  nobody
 4435   3,025  RFP weblaf  779101  Java Swing Look and Feel and extended components library fo…  0  nobody
 4436   3,436  RFP entityx  772414  A fast, type-safe C++ Entity Component System  0  nobody
 4437   2,967  RFP uberftp  779275  Interactive gridftp client  0  nobody
 4438   1,722  RFP ijulia  781937  Julia kernel for Jupyter  0  nobody
 4439   3,109  RFP ruby-jasmine-jquery-rails  776679  custom matchers for jQuery and an API for fixtures in specs…  0  nobody
 4440   3,680  RFP pageres  775859  Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions on t…  0  nobody
 4441   1,800  RFP devpi  779006  PyPI-compatible package server  0  nobody
 4442   3,108  RFP bruce  782408  Producer daemon for Apache Kafka  0  nobody
 4443   3,049  RFP ruby-jasmine-core  792098  Test your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in…  0  nobody
 4444   1,989  RFP node-unicode-7.0.0  789787  JavaScript module for Unicode  0  nobody
 4445   3,053  RFP pdftables  791679  parse PDFs and extracts what it believes to be tables  0  nobody
 4446   2,777  RFP gambatte  787146  Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator  0  nobody
 4447   3,197  RFP geneva  783843  high performance parallel optimization library  0  nobody
 4448   3,090  RFP django-mailbox  785673  Import mail from several sources into your Django project  0  nobody
 4449   3,104  RFP msamr  785499  Mediastreamer plugin for AMR audio codec  0  nobody
 4450   3,089  RFP python-oursql  786796  MySQL bindings for Python  0  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!