Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 301   1,576  O coriander  963911  control IEEE1394 digital camera  21  nobody
 302   1,563  O kytos-utils  964896  command line utilities to use with Kytos  1  nobody
 303   781  O tss2  998437  IBM's TCG Software Stack (TSS) for TPM 2.0  201  nobody
 304   128  O ceni  947643  Curses interface to /etc/network/interfaces  57  nobody
 305   1,207  O otp  990615  Generator for One Time Pads or Passwords  93  nobody
 306   128  O mmh  947625  set of electronic mail handling programs  21  nobody
 307   932  O pidgin-blinklight  1008879  Blinks your ThinkPad's ThinkLight upon new messages  85  nobody
 308   947  O pytest-instafail  1007956  plugin for py.test that shows failures and errors instantly  15  nobody
 309   932  O unicode-screensaver  1008880  screensaver displaying unicode characters  192  nobody
 310   734  O magit-annex  1022012  git-annex subcommands for magit  49  nobody
 311   656  O keras-applications  1027940  popular models and pre-trained weights for the Keras deep l…  308  nobody
 312   412  O wavesurfer  1049894  Sound Manipulation Program  77  nobody
 313   683  O amavisd-milter  1025776  amavisd-new interface for milter-capable MTAs  67  nobody
 314   3,902  O randomplay  739017  command-line based shuffle music player that remembers song…  15  nobody
 315   478  O markdown-toc-el  1040073  Emacs TOC (table of contents) generator for markdown files  104  nobody
 316   406  O icmpush  1050468  ICMP packet builder  27  nobody
 317   64  O librepfunc  1072194  set of C++ classes and utilities for building multimedia to…  107  nobody
 318   1,650  O sendmail  740070  powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent  19,753  nobody
 319   3,584  O intltool-debian  774187  Help i18n of RFC822 compliant config files  52,902  nobody
 320   426  O zemberek-server  1050234  Turkish spellcheck server  2  nobody
 321   1,291  O ruby-filesystem  835186  Ruby extension for file-system information  286  nobody
 322   2,970  O dvi2dvi  836481  Tweak DVI files  78  nobody
 323   359  O php-fpdf  1054895  PHP class to generate PDF files  809  nobody
 324   4,129  O wnn6-sdk  714685  network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system  988  nobody
 325   1,903  O coinor-symphony  934087  COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs  461  nobody
 326   98  O wcm  1076392  Wayfire Config Manager  8  nobody
 327   5,346  O acorn-fdisk  572371  Partition editor for Acorn/RISC OS machines  24  nobody
 328   4,523  O sysprofile  675784  Modularized system wide shell configuration mechanism  200  nobody
 329   4,394  O lockout  690140  A self-imposed discipline and productivity enforcer  6  nobody
 330   3,107  O efte  632998  Advanced lightweight configurable editor  32  nobody
 331   3,004  O liece  654941  IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client for Emacs  9  nobody
 332   3,719  O devilspie  644202  find windows and perform actions on them  184  nobody
 333   3,071  O ample  629687  A simple MP3 server easy to use  26  nobody
 334   4,710  O ferret  618938  CASE tool for data model editing  28  nobody
 335   1,297  O ladvd  986334  LLDP/CDP sender  123  nobody
 336   4,502  O esekeyd  678864  multimedia keyboard daemon for Linux  12  nobody
 337   4,860  O upse  632414  unix playstation sound emulator  24  nobody
 338   3,122  O vdesk  694608  manages virtual desktops for minimal window managers  24  nobody
 339   728  O p8-platform  1022716  Pulse-Eight's platform support library  3,615  nobody
 340   5,338  O dvbackup  573466  backup tool using MiniDV camcorders  19  nobody
 341   4,535  O stymulator  673964  Curses based player and converter for the YM chiptune format  46  nobody
 342   2,866  O tcpspy  654322  Incoming and Outgoing TCP/IP connections logger  64  nobody
 343   4,669  O gnomint  655257  x509 Certification Authority management tool for GNOME  114  nobody
 344   4,486  O prover9-manual  681044  documentation for Prover9 and associated programs  17  nobody
 345   2,992  O freewnn  714683  network-extensible  57  nobody
 346   4,164  O acheck-rules  710152  Basic rules for acheck  33  nobody
 347   4,149  O wraplinux  704331  Utility to wrap a Linux kernel and initrd into an ELF or NB…  6  nobody
 348   3,901  O w3c-markup-validator  739088  W3C Markup Validator  135  nobody
 349   2,527  O w3c-sgml-lib  739087 DTD and catalog files  498  nobody
 350   1,759  O lgrind  947623  A LaTeX pretty printer for various programming languages  31  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!