Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 551   1,799  O mailcheck  929539  Check multiple mailboxes/maildirs for mail  36  nobody
 552   704  O ssmtp  925056  extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail h…  1,937  nobody
 553   437  O libapache2-mod-authz-unixgroup  673654  access control based on unix group membership for Apache  144  nobody
 554   1,722  O mailto  934424  WWW Forms to Mail Gateway  18  nobody
 555   1,386  O kytos-utils  964896  command line utilities to use with Kytos  0  nobody
 556   84  O lcm  965945  Lightweight Communications and Marshalling  5  nobody
 557   1,602  O libtap-formatter-junit-perl  946410  Perl module for converting TAP output to JUnit XML output  17  nobody
 558   1,588  O sgml-spell-checker  947175  spell checker for SGML documents  18  nobody
 559   1,440  O emacs-jedi  960922  Python auto-completion for Emacs  97  nobody
 560   1,173  O kopano-webapp-plugins-files  976709  Kopano WebApp plugin for managing attachments  0  nobody
 561   1,153  O mmh  983802  set of electronic mail handling programs  18  nobody
 562   1,153  O ceni  983800  Curses interface to /etc/network/interfaces  57  nobody
 563   755  O pidgin-blinklight  1008879  Blinks your ThinkPad's ThinkLight upon new messages  85  nobody
 564   604  O tss2  998437  IBM's TCG Software Stack (TSS) for TPM 2.0  141  nobody
 565   828  O snacc  1004110  ASN.1 to C or C++ or IDL compiler  590  nobody
 566   770  O pytest-instafail  1007956  plugin for py.test that shows failures and errors instantly  14  nobody
 567   557  O magit-annex  1022012  git-annex subcommands for magit  46  nobody
 568   479  O keras  1027938  deep learning framework running on Theano or TensorFlow  166  nobody
 569   674  O matrix-hydrogen  1013411  webapp IM client for the Matrix protocol  3  nobody
 570   479  O keras-applications  1027940  popular models and pre-trained weights for the Keras deep l…  289  nobody
 571   235  O wavesurfer  1049894  Sound Manipulation Program  77  nobody
 572   3,725  O randomplay  739017  command-line based shuffle music player that remembers song…  15  nobody
 573   229  O icmpush  1050468  ICMP packet builder  27  nobody
 574   81  O django-anymail  1063317  None  12  nobody
 575   206  O emacs-window-layout  1053455  window layout manager for emacs  59  nobody
 576   1,473  O sendmail  740070  powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent  19,753  nobody
 577   3,135  O xflip  800325  programs to mirror-image or melt your display  76  nobody
 578   1,114  O ruby-filesystem  835186  Ruby extension for file-system information  286  nobody
 579   182  O php-fpdf  1054895  PHP class to generate PDF files  809  nobody
 580   2,930  O efte  632998  Advanced lightweight configurable editor  32  nobody
 581   1,726  O coinor-symphony  934087  COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs  461  nobody
 582   551  O nautilus-image-converter  852386  nautilus extension to mass resize or rotate images  805  nobody
 583   5,161  O dvbackup  573466  backup tool using MiniDV camcorders  19  nobody
 584   4,713  O buddy  628923  Binary Decision Diagram library  51  nobody
 585   3,447  O mgdiff  770236  xdiff clone  514  nobody
 586   3,296  O xmlrpc-c  773435  lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP [C++ developm…  4,208  nobody
 587   1,722  O newmail  934437  Notificator for incoming mail  574  nobody
 588   1,120  O ladvd  986334  LLDP/CDP sender  123  nobody
 589   581  O netkit-rwall  1020627  Send a message to users logged on a host  499  nobody
 590   2,827  O liece  654941  IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client for Emacs  9  nobody
 591   4,346  O sysprofile  675784  Modularized system wide shell configuration mechanism  194  nobody
 592   4,325  O esekeyd  678864  multimedia keyboard daemon for Linux  12  nobody
 593   2,894  O ample  629687  A simple MP3 server easy to use  24  nobody
 594   2,689  O tcpspy  654322  Incoming and Outgoing TCP/IP connections logger  64  nobody
 595   4,682  O upse  632414  unix playstation sound emulator  24  nobody
 596   1,688  O python-minimock  677174  simple library for Python mock objects  7  nobody
 597   4,217  O lockout  690140  A self-imposed discipline and productivity enforcer  5  nobody
 598   4,533  O ferret  618938  CASE tool for data model editing  27  nobody
 599   2,375  O hunspell-kk  879871  Kazakh dictionary for hunspell  575  nobody
 600   1,581  O ipsvd  947699  Internet protocol service daemons  75  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!