Debian Packages that Need Lovin'

Owner: With  Without
ITA/ITP = Intent to package/adopt ..... O = Orphaned ..... RFA/RFH/RFP = Request for adoption/help/packaging

 #   Dust  Type Project  ##  Description  Installs  Owner
 4801   3,882  O altermime  753566  utility used to alter mime-encoded mailpacks  1,837  nobody
 4802   2,903  RFP alienfeed  728940  Reddit command-line client  0  nobody
 4803   2,151  O alien  791522  convert and install rpm and other packages  4,848  nobody
 4804   2,388  RFP alfanous  861621  Quranic search engine  0  nobody
 4805   315  RFP alexvsbus  1063934  a platform runner game  0  nobody
 4806   217  RFP alephone  119911  marathon engine for related data games  0  nobody
 4807   4,388  O ale  700405  synthetic capture engine and renderer  58  nobody
 4808   1,826  RFP aldor  951552  The Aldor Programming Language  0  nobody
 4809   1,907  RFP alaveteli  742931  free software to help citizens write Freedom of Information…  0  nobody
 4810   1,259  RFP akvcam-dkms  993844  Virtual camera driver for Linux  0  nobody
 4811   3,201  O aj-snapshot  814501  make snapshots of JACK connections  162  nobody
 4812   2,756  RFP ajenti  792019  multilingual web-based server administration panel  19  nobody
 4813   733  RFP ajaxometer  737352  web-based download and upload speed test utility  0  nobody
 4814   319  RFP ai-sdc  1068386  A collection of tools and resources for managing the statis…  0  nobody
 4815   2,954  RFP airspeed-velocity  851602  Python benchmarking tool with web-based reporting  0  nobody
 4816   595  RFP airsonic-advance  458829  a web based media stream server  0  nobody
 4817   2,686  O airport-utils  688537  configuration and management utilities for Apple AirPort ba…  38  nobody
 4818   2,974  RFP airoscript-ng  626489  User interface for aircrack-ng  0  nobody
 4819   2,659  RFP airflow  819700  Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines  0  nobody
 4820   3,134  RFP airdcpp-webclient  831904  Direct Connect file-sharing client with web front-end  0  nobody
 4821   338  RFP aiotdlib  1066940  Python asyncio Telegram client  0  nobody
 4822   3,024  RFP aiohttp-debugtoolbar  832981  debugtoolbar for aiohttp.web  0  nobody
 4823   1,796  RFP aiohttp-csrf  954277  The library provides csrf (xsrf) protection for aiohttp.web  0  nobody
 4824   230  O aiodns  1074759  Asynchronous DNS resolver library for Python 3  2,484  nobody
 4825   2,945  RFP aguilas  652464  A web-based LDAP user management system  0  nobody
 4826   188  RFP ags  844078  Please add 'ags' (adventure game studio) to Debian games  11  nobody
 4827   165  O aggressive-indent-mode  1080520  Emacs minor mode that reindents code after every change  37  nobody
 4828   913  RFA agda-stdlib  914691  standard library for Agda  1,216  nobody
 4829   1,265  RFP afterwriting  960269  Afterwriting provides post-processing tools for Fountain sc…  0  nobody
 4830   3,340  RFP aften  681730  ATSC A/52 (AC3 audio) encoder  156  nobody
 4831   1,247  O aft  994637  "free form" document preparation system  22  nobody
 4832   2,549  RFP afl-utils  845133  collection of utilities for American Fuzzy Lop  0  nobody
 4833   2,964  RFP affiliatefox-fsfe  577693  iceweasel plugin for fsfe  0  nobody
 4834   2,451  RFP afaq-dl  856256  Download/update the sources of anarchism book  0  nobody
 4835   318  RFP aerospike-database  1068456  Distributed, scalable NoSQL database that supports both str…  0  nobody
 4836   636  RFP aerofoil  1036618  Multiplatform port of 1994 Macintosh game 'Glider PRO'  0  nobody
 4837   1,474  O adv-17v35x  981467  dkms driver sources for Advantech PCI/PCIe ACOM Series adap…  12  nobody
 4838   1,559  RFP adriconf  970885  GUI tool to configure open source graphics drivers  0  nobody
 4839   4,493  O adplay  691817  console-based OPL2 audio player  39  nobody
 4840   1,572  O adlibtracker2  973357  userfriendly tracker aimed for the OPL3 FM-chip  17  nobody
 4841   3,340  RFP adk2tool  726060  Android accessory development kit tools  0  nobody
 4842   2,754  RFP addon-sdk  703949  development environment for Iceweasel add-ons  0  nobody
 4843   3,340  RFP adderall  755887  a miniKanren implementation in Hy  0  nobody
 4844   3,770  RFP adbfuse  729259  fuse layer for ADB  0  nobody
 4845   928  RFP adagios  744818  Adagios is an alternative web configuration (and status) in…  1  nobody
 4846   959  RFP adafruit-blinka  988122  CircuitPython API for devices running CPython  0  nobody
 4847   3,857  RFP ad2openldap  698825  Replication tool to populate OpenLDAP with objects from AD  0  nobody
 4848   1,336  RFP activitywatch  990173  automated and extensible privacy-focused time tracker  13  nobody
 4849   733  RFP acpilight  978937  backward-compatible replacement for xbacklight that uses th…  1  nobody
 4850   5,465  O acorn-fdisk  572371  Partition editor for Acorn/RISC OS machines  24  nobody

Written by Sebastian Pipping, licensed under AGPL 3.0 or later.    Please star the repository on GitHub if you like this tool. Thanks!